Open-access "Learning-by-doing": social representations of healthcare students regarding reflective portfolio as a teaching, learning and assessment method

In the current context of the need for changes in the training of healthcare professionals, portfolios can be highlighted as an innovative method for teaching, learning and assessment. The aim of the present study was to identify the social representations of students in the process of constructing portfolios. This was a qualitative study that used a combination of the following techniques: participant observation, interviews and focus groups. In total, 114 students on healthcare courses participated. Through using content analysis, the following core meanings for portfolios as a teaching and learning method were found: easy-to-understand content; autonomy; liberty; and a critical-reflective stance. The following meanings were found for portfolios as an assessment method: error as an opportunity; interaction with the professor; and a differentiated assessment environment. Convergence and conflict points were also found: time taken to perform the activities; reflection process; and innovative method in the context of traditional teaching.

Social representations; Health education; Reflective portfolio

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