Open-access Group chronicles: a tool for collaborative analysis and improvement of reflection on action research

The functions that "group chronicles" (narrative of verbal and nonverbal events by a group of people discussing a common topic) might take on within action research projects relating to continuing healthcare education were analyzed. Professional practice was taken to encompass complex and tacit aspects within the social context, as proposed by the practice community. The starting point comprised action research results that used group chronicles as a non-dialectical tool. Thematic analysis was used on 31 excerpts of transcriptions of face-to-face meetings among the participants that contained the word "chronicle". Five functions were identified: facilitation of communication; engagement and identity construction; group memory and continuity of learning; raising of awareness of implicit aspects; and collaborative analysis. This tool addresses educational-investigative projects that seek to promote reflection in order to improve healthcare practices and construct knowledge from this perspective.

Continuing education; Qualitative research; Health knowledge; attitudes and practices; Healthcare manpower

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