Open-access Analysis of argumentative discourse in coordinating a mobile emergency care service

This paper analyzes the use of argumentative discourse in coordinating a regional mobile emergency care service, from a theoretical framework based on the theory of communicative action and on new rhetoric. Empirical data were obtained from interviews and direct observation of the administrative coordinators of the service, which was located in the Metropolitan Region II of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results showed that construction of a regional identity based on solidarity made it possible to coordinate actions in a complex organizational context. Certain argumentative schemes had a fundamental role in this, such as arguments of reciprocity, arguments appealing to mathematical relationships and definitions and pragmatic arguments. The analysis on the arguments presupposes rationality that focuses on procedures of reasoning and justification of deliberative acts. This is useful for exploring decision-making and healthcare coordination processes.

Coordination; Communication; Integration of Health Services; Conversation Analysis; Argumentation Theory

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