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Socio-anthropological analysis of living with diabetes: a case study

The construction of experience of diabetes was analyzed, emphasizing explanations about its concept, discovery and causes, and about ways of managing this disease. The study started from the perspective of a person with diabetes (type 2, non-insulin dependent), considering this person's course through life, experience of the disease, the course of the disease and the significance and meanings attributed to it. A case study with data collection using the oral reporting technique was presented. In experiencing diabetes, such individuals are supported through social representations, their own experience and other people's, in order to attribute meaning to the situation and to manage the disease. Thus, the prescriptions are adjusted according to non-medical daily demands; ideas and meanings within health, disease, diabetes and its treatment; signs; feelings; ways of using the body; and meaningful and prioritized aspects of life. Through this, it becomes possible to feel physically and morally well.

Anthropology and health; Experience of illness; Diabetes; Case study

UNESP Distrito de Rubião Jr, s/nº, 18618-000 Campus da UNESP- Botucatu - SP - Brasil, Caixa Postal 592, Tel.: (55 14) 3880-1927 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil