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Rural development in the Sertão do São Francisco, Bahia: an interpretation based on the trajectories of peasant families of the territory

Desenvolvimento rural no Sertão do São Francisco, Bahia: uma interpretação a partir de trajetórias de famílias agricultoras do território

Desarrollo rural en el Sertão do São Francisco, Bahia: una interpretación de las trayectorias de familias campesinas del territorio


This article addresses the trajectories of peasant families of the rural areas in the municipalities of Juazeiro, Casa Nova, Campo Alegre de Lourdes, and Remanso, in the Sertão do São Francisco territory, semiarid Bahia, Brazil. It aims to interpret the processes of rural development in the territory based on the results of innovations incorporated by families from the interaction in learning networks mobilized by non-governmental organizations and access to a set of public policies. The Lume method was used to guide the economic and ecological analysis of agroecosystems. In its recent history, this territory was the beneficiary of several policies of tackling misery and hunger through Zero Hunger (Fome Zero) and Brazil without Extreme Poverty (Brasil sem Miséria) governmental programs, aimed at peasant farming. The incidence of extensive territorial development policies conducted by innovative institutionalities is another feature that called the attention of the research. A significant ensemble of innovations has been incorporated to the agroecosystems, to which contributed the public policies of the democratic period and, most importantly, the social capital of the territory resulted from the mobilization of the peasantry as well as from their partner organizations. The trajectories of analyzed families show how food production for self-consumption of the families, the reciprocity of give-and-take actions and the trading in a big diversity of local markets, while empowering the families’ struggle for autonomy, also contributes to summon social active strength for the construction of rural development alternatives aimed at both making peasant farming stronger and ensuring food sovereignty of the territory.

peasant farming; traditional communities of fundo de pasto; food security; innovations; regional development

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil