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Geopolitic of water in México: the opposition between the hydropolicy and the social politic strife. The new faces of the social "fightings"

After the populations changemnet that were alived in the last decades in México City, and the changemnet in Mexican politic adiministration of the years 1990, the decadence of the life conditions and of public services hás increased. Mexico Metroplis is nowadays a geopolitc laboratory that seems to stamp the discussion about the national politic engagement book. A new modality of social prtotests appears progressively in the metroplis, and privately, prtoestes that have a relation with the problem of the water. These protests, differents in their modality, are changing the social structure, the urban form and the politic relations. In its all, they are showings of new politics actors in scene, that breaka acient hegemonies and generate neuws customers spaces. In this work, it discusses the conflictive administrtion about the water that constitutes a pragmatic conjuncture of several sllies: between the metropolitan governance, the same form of the conflict or about a true catastrophe in the next decades. The author sustians na explicative model of these principal tendencies about the conflict in the bigggest metroplis of Latin América.

Hydropolicy; the politic of water; decisive crisis; México Metropolis

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil