The aim of this work was to characterize the diel activity rhythm and time of digestion in Aegla longirostri Bond-Buckup & Buckup, 1994. The individuals were collected in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. In laboratory, the animals were kept in individuals glass aquariums (5L). To test locomotor and feeding activity of the aeglids, a group remained under constant luminosity for 12 hours, while another group was mantained in the dark, this condition being reversed at each 12 hours. The observations were taken at every 6 hours. For the determination of digestion's time the animals were fed, and one individual was sacrificed at each 30 minutes. Aegla longirostri showed lower activity in periods of light time. This condition was recorded for both groups of animals. This species takes approximately 5 hours to conclude its extracellular digestion. The results suggest that A. longirostri has nocturnal habits and probably feeds whenever resources are available.
Activity pattern; extracellular digestion; Aeglidae