In this work a characterization of the Suquía river basin is presented. Fish were collected from sixteen selected sites from 1998 to 2002 in the main rivers of the basin: San Francisco brook, Cosquín river, Yuspe river, San Antonio river and Suquía river. Relative abundance, species richness, diversity and dominance were estimated. It was applied a Discriminant Analyses in order to determine differences in species composition among the studied rivers, and before and after the main urban settlement. Twenty one fish species were collected along the basin. They belong to twelve families and six orders. Fish species showed different patterns of variation. The Discriminant Analysis indicated important fish fauna differences between rivers. Although they share almost all the fish species, they showed different patterns of abundance between sites. The results also demonstrated the negative impact of Córdoba city on fish assemblages. This work provides new data about the present state of fish fauna of Suquía river Basin and constitutes a starting point that will allow the application of monitoring and evaluation programs in order to know the quality of the aquatic resources.
Abundance; distribution; fish; Suquía River