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As a continuation of actions begun by the Sociedade Brasileira de Química in 2002, denominated, "Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry", on last October 27 and 28, the workshop "The Future of Research in Brazil"_ Chemistry in Brazil: Perspectives and Needs for the Coming Decade", was held in São Paulo, Brazil, at the Regional Chemistry Council headquarters, IV Region. This workshop was organized together with the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) and by the Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos (CGEE), to analyze the present structure of the process of research formation and organization for the area of chemistry as well as its possibilities for these perspectives along with the needs for economic activities and the outlining of social politics in Brazil.

The initial objective of this project was to subsidize the elaboration of proposals to meet the future needs of research in this area, taking into account its relation with other areas of knowledge as well as with the industrial sector.

The workshop was divided into panels, to allow proximity of the academic, industrial productive and government sectors, affording ample mobilization to meet the challenges presented by research now and for the next decade.

The following activities were included in the program: Opening; The Formation of Chemistry: Challenges and Needs; Industrial Policies and Innovation; Research Organization and the Challenges of Interaction with Areas of Knowledge; Research for Public Policy Services; Presentation and Debate of Proposals and Paths of Proceeding.

Each of the workshop topics had a basic discussion topic elaborated by a guest invited by the committee organizer.

Hence, the introductory text was elaborated by Prof. Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade (UFBA), and the topic, The Formation of Chemistry: Challenges and Needs, was undertaken by Prof. Angelo da Cunha Pinto (UFRJ); Industrial Policies and Innovation, by Prof. Fernando Galembeck (UNICAMP); Research Organization and Challenges of Interaction with Areas of Knowledge, Prof. Oswaldo Luiz Alves (UNICAMP); and Research at the Service of Public Policy, Prof. Francisco Radler de Aquino Neto (UFRJ).

SBQ and CGEE invited representatives of the Academy, the Government and Industrial Chemistry; hence, each respective sector enjoyed the best representation possible.

Since its idealization, this workshop has tried to gather together at the same table the discussions of the various sectors of civil society, which, in some way, might contribute to establishing an area of work effective for Chemistry.

Thus, to allow greater participation of all those wishing to speak on the various topics, the SBQ's website ( has offered the main texts up for discussion as well as the special links allowing manifestations from the community to reach the organizers and coordinators of each topic.

Among the workshop's conclusions and suggestions are:

1. An in depth discussion/modification of the Formation of Chemistry with actions focusing on:

- organizing/systematizing reliable information on the profile of courses, to allow better planning and flow of information;

- divulging "patent culture" through courses and lecture tours;

- intermediating/mediating communication between the academic and industrial sectors;

- instituting continuing evaluation of Chemistry Courses by scientific societies, entrepreneur associations and professional councils;

- carrying out prospective and benchmarking studies on the need for professionals in Chemistry for the next ten, twenty and thirty years;

- encouraging curricular flexibility, stimulating interdisciplinarity and the dynamic meeting of the work market's demand;

- defining profiles for the different Chemistry professionals (graduate and post-graduate);

2. Conduct discussions/alterations on the regulatory measures of Agencies regarding innovation;

- Create an SBQ-Entrepreneur Sector forum to establish standards of norms, practices and procedures of Regulatory Agencies and for research for services, development and technological innovation.

3. Create an AGENDA for research in Chemistry within the country which will at least consider:

- inclusion in the agenda of research in Chemistry of areas considered interdisciplinary, frontier and strategic for the country: drugs/medicines/material/energy/environment/foods/strategic raw materials;

- development of chemical metrology, strengthening INMETRO and the capacity of technological institutes;

- proposal for public policy on clinical, environmental and forensic analyses;

- expansion of the basis of research and innovation of Chemistry within the country.

To make this agenda viable, new forms of organization for research activities should be stimulated.

4. The SBQ should define, together with the entrepreneurial and professional sectors, standards for quality and merit, as well as instruments to evaluate teaching, research and extension;

- SBQ should assume the leading role for actions in the system for teaching evaluation, research and extension in Chemistry.

5. The SBQ should institute a work group with ample sectorial representation, to organize and accompany the implementation of all actions proposed.

The expectation is that the results arising from this meeting will come to contribute to the area, as well as serve as subsidy for the government through the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education.

The results of the workshop will also be published in the journal Química Nova, as has occurred on previous opportunities, in a special issue.

This workshop has once again shown the priority that the SBQ dedicates to the development of activities which can stimulate discussion of the most relevant topics in this area, and which may serve as landmark initiatives for future decisions, thus resulting in the exaltation of Chemistry in Brazil.

Paulo Cezar Vieira _ Presidente da SBQ (UFSCar)

Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade _ SBQ (UFBA)


1. Also published in: Vieira, P. C.; de Andrade, J. B.; Quim. Nova 2004, 27, 847.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 Jan 2005
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2004
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química - UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6154, 13083-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel./FAX.: +55 19 3521-3151 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil