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The practice of hydrogymnastics as a complementary treatment for patients with anxiety disorders

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of hydrogymnastics as a therapeutic method to the reduction of anxiety in females diagnosed with anxiety disorder. METHODS: This clinical survey had as participants, patients with anxiety, being the depression the existent comorbidade, from Psychiatry Media Residence Program of the Academical Hospital of Maringá, all had medical treatment (n = 16: experimental group = 8; control group = 8). The experiment was accomplished in the warm swimming pool of the Department of Physical Education of the State University of Maringá. The design of the study was developed with two hydrogymnastics sessions per week, during 12 weeks. The instruments used in the data collection were: Beck's Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). As to statistics analysis the Friedman test, Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney test and Multiple Comparisons were used, with a significance of 5%. RESULTS: Results show that anxiety disorder scores decreased in the experimental group after 12 weeks of intervention (19.12 ± 3.12 to 8.37 ± 4.60, P = 0.0005*) and control group (17.87 ± 14.32 to 12.12 ± 9.58, P = 0.254). As for mood state profile experimental group evidenced a positive mental health profile, while control group showed a negative mood state profile. CONCLUSIONS: It may be concluded that patients from experimental group evidenced significant reduction in anxiety level in relation to control group patients whom used only the conventional medicine treatment. For mood state profile changes were found throughout the study, being that control group experimented negative mood changes during the clinical survey while experimental group patients evidenced positive mood state profile with reduction on tension, depression, anger confusion and enhancement on vigor.

Anxiety disorders; physical exercises; therapeutic complement

Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Av. Venceslau Brás, 71 Fundos, 22295-140 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 3873-5510 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil