Open-access Combined physical training associated with multidisciplinary intervention in the treatment of alcohol use disorder: a study with n of 1

O treinamento físico combinado associado à intervenção multiprofissional no tratamento do transtorno por uso de álcool: um estudo com n de 1


Objective:  Substance misuse can lead to several consequences for physical and mental health. Physical exercise is an important ally to pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment for substance use. However, the literature is still scarce regarding long-term interventions. Thus, this study aims to describe the acceptability and effects of combined physical training intervention (aerobic and strength).

Methods:  This study comprises an n-of-1 clinical trial that was performed with a 64-year-old male individual with alcohol use disorder. The treatment lasted 12 weeks and evaluated the association of multidisciplinary interventions on quality of life, depressive symptoms, cognitive impairment, and anxiety.

Results:  The participant improved general quality of life (12.5%), no alterations were found for depressive symptoms, there was an improvement in cognition (20%), as well a reduction in the trait (16.2%) and state (14.7%) anxiety symptoms of the participant.

Conclusions:  These findings allude to the importance of non-drug therapeutic resources such as structured physical exercise, associated with other offers in the treatment of alcohol use disorder.

KEYWORDS: Alcohol-related disorders; alcoholism; exercise; quality of life; and mental health

Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Av. Venceslau Brás, 71 Fundos, 22295-140 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 3873-5510 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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