OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the opinions and attitudes about substance use among clinical physicians. METHOD: A hundred physicians of clinical areas were selected in a public hospital of São Paulo. All of them were asked to answer a questionnaire with some questions about drug use. 83% completed the research protocol properly. RESULTS: 60.2% of the interviewed clinicians think that physicians are more likely to develop substance use disorders than general population. 67.5% of them stated they knew a colleague presenting a substance use disorder and in that in 41.0% of the cases the abused substance was a psychotropic available on the surgery facilities. However, 96.4% of the participants denied they could have a substance use problem, although 16.9% declared they had already used non prescribed psychotropics. Benzodiazepines were the most frequently used substances. In addition, 88.0% of them consider it was difficult to search for medical help. They added that a service exclusive for physicians would make this search easier. Nevertheless, 56.6% are not aware of the existence of such a service. CONCLUSION: Non-prescribed psychotropic use was high. However, most part of the clinicians does not consider this a problem. Most of the professionals do not know programs on substance use disorders specific for physicians, what would be a very positive initiative according to great part of them.
Psychotropic; physicians; dependence