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Analysis of the main surgical techniques for hemorrhoids

Análise das principais técnicas cirúrgicas para doença hemorroidária



Surgical treatment of hemorrhoidal disease is used in about 5–10% of cases where conservative treatments have not been effective.


To learn the surgical techniques used in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease grades III and IV in the light of literature.


This is an exploratory study, with an integrative review of literature published from 2009 to 2015 from databases LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE, PUBMED and the Portal of CAPES, using the following descriptors: “hemorrhoidectomy” and “hemorrhoids”, in the period from March to May 2015.


Nineteen articles were selected. In the four more described techniques, the surgical time ranged from 19.58 to 52 min, with relapses from 5%, from 17.5 to 35 min and recurrences of 7.5% to 8.2%, 23–35 min was 20% and 22.5% relapse, 12.5 and 13.2 min, 3.5% of relapses.


Conventional techniques are still the most commonly performed with a good acceptance on the long-term resolution and low recurrence rate.

Hemorrhoidectomy; Hemorrhoids; PPH



O tratamento cirúrgico da doença hemorroidária é utilizado para cerca de 5 a 10% dos casos em que os tratamentos conservadores não surtiram efeito.


Conhecer as técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas no tratamento da doença hemorroidária grau III e IV à luz da literatura.


Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, com revisão integrativa da literatura publicada nos anos de 2009 a 2015, das bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, MEDLINE, PUBMED e no Portal da CAPES; a partir dos seguintes descritores: hemorroidectomia e hemorroidas, no período de março a maio de 2015.


Foram selecionados 19 artigos. Nas quatro técnicas mais descritas, o tempo cirúrgico variou de 19, 58 a 52 minutos e recidivas de 5%, de 17,5 a 35 minutos e as recidivas de 7,5% a 8, 2%, de 23 a 35 minutos e houve de 20% a 22,5% de recidivas, de 12,5 e 13,2 minutos e 3, 5% de recidivas.


As técnicas convencionais ainda são as mais realizadas, com boa aceitação quanto à resolução a longo prazo e com baixo índice de recidivas.

Hemorroidectomia; Hemorroidas; PPH


Hemorrhoidal disease (HD) is a condition that afflicts about 4.4% of world population, and is the most common anal disorder. The age distribution shows a higher incidence among patients aged 45–65 years with decreased involvement after 65 years, and the fact that men are more frequently affected than women.11 Imbelloni L.E, Vieria E.M, Carneiro A.F. Postoperative analgesia for hemorrhoidectomy with bilateral pudendal blockade on an ambulatory patient: a controlled clinical study. J Coloproctol. 2012; 32:291-6 22 Maloku H, Gashi Z, Lazovic R, Islami H, Juniku-Shkololli A. Laser hemorrhoidoplasty procedure vs open surgical hemorrhoidectomy: a trial comparing 2 treatments for hemorrhoids of third and fourth degree. Acta Inform Med. 2014; 22:365-7 The probable cause of the onset of hemorrhoids, according to the theory of Thompson, 1975, would be the prolapsed anal vascular cushions, which are constituted by muscle fibers – a tissue of fibroelastic consistence and vascular plexuses with arteriovenous anastomoses.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

The HD may be internal or external, depending on its relationship to the dentate line. HD is further classified into grades ranging from one to four, with three and four degrees the most serious ones. The possible etiologies of the disease include prolonged effort, pregnancy, constipation, heredity, increased intra-abdominal pressure with obstruction of the venous return, and probably aging. Thus, patients with hemorrhoids may report a bright red bleeding through the rectum, anal pain, protruding masses, itching, burning and discomfort.44 Chen J.S, You J.F. Current status of surgical treatment for hemorrhoids systematic review and meta-analysis. Chang Gung Med J. 2010; 33:488-500

Currently, there are several therapeutic possibilities for the treatment of hemorrhoids, with the options ranging from changes in eating habits, medications that alleviate the symptoms, the use of outpatient techniques such as cryotherapy, sclerotherapy, laser photocoagulation and rubber band ligation, to surgical excision techniques for hemorrhoidal prolapses affected by the disease.55 Motta M.M, Silva Júnior J.B, Santana L.O, Fernandes I.L, Moura A.R, Prudente A.C.L, et al. Tratamento da doença hemorroidária com ligadura elástica: estudo prospectivo com 59 pacientes. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2011; 31:139-46 66 Ferrari L.C, Jamier L, Borrionuevo M, Andrada D.G. Análisis y Resultados de la Operación de Ferguson em el Tratamiento de la Enfermedad Hemorroidal. Rev Argent Coloproct. 2013; 24:85-9

The surgical treatment is used in about 5–10% of cases in which the conservative treatment had no effect; patients with symptomatic or acute Grade III or IV hemorrhoids who have not improved with other treatments are elected for the procedure.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

Surgical techniques are often described as five basic types: open and closed techniques, proposed by Milligan–Morgan and Ferguson, respectively, and the semi-closed, amputative, and stapled hemorrhoidopexy (PPH).55 Motta M.M, Silva Júnior J.B, Santana L.O, Fernandes I.L, Moura A.R, Prudente A.C.L, et al. Tratamento da doença hemorroidária com ligadura elástica: estudo prospectivo com 59 pacientes. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2011; 31:139-46 With regard to rates of complications, hemorrhoidectomy presents rates ranging from 3% to 12%, and the most common complications are: urinary retention, local pain, bleeding, anal stenosis, perianal fistula, anal incontinence, and recurrence.77 Marianelli R, Machado S.P.G, Almeida M.G, Baraviera A.C, Falleiros V, Lolli R.J, et al. Hemorroidectomia Convencional Versus Hemorroidopexia Mecânica (PPH). Estudo Retrospectivo de 253 Casos. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2009; 29:30-7

In light of this, consideration must be given to the main surgical techniques used in the treatment of grades III and IV hemorrhoidal disease, as well as aspects inherent to each technique that would interfere in the best prognosis for the patient – postoperative pain, recurrence, surgical time and return to normal activity. However, little has been discussed in the literature about these issues, and even less in Brazilian literature. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the surgical techniques used in the treatment of grades III and IV hemorrhoidal disease, according to the pertinent literature.


This is an exploratory study that outlined, from an integrative review of scientific literature on current surgical, the techniques used in the treatment of grades III and IV hemorrhoidal disease. The choice of this method was due to the possibility of grouping, evaluate and synthesize the results of research on a particular subject in an organized and systematic manner, using it with the objective of obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of the studies on the proposed theme, besides working as a synthesis tool for published and scientifically established studies.88 Souza M.T, Silva M.D, Carvalho R. Revisão integrativa: o que é e como fazer. Einstein. 2010; 8:102-6

In this research, publications available from 2009 to 2015 in the databases LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online), PUBMED and CAPES Portal were surveyed. The search took place from March to May 2015. The descriptors used were “hemorroidectomia [hemorrhoidectomy]”, “hemorroidas [hemorrhoids]” and “PPH”. These descriptors were chosen because they allow to cover and therefore enable the achievement of a diversified result with respect to surgical techniques.

The titles and abstracts of articles were scrutinized for identification of those studies which looked at the proposed objective, considering the following inclusion criteria: studies published in national and international journals written in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and accessed with a free and full text. Review articles, theses, editorials, letters to the editor and studies where the main focus was not the analysis of surgical techniques used in grades III and IV hemorrhoidal disease were excluded.

To data collection, a spreadsheet with seven items to ensure transcription of the most significant aspects of the articles was produced, and the chosen variables were: name of the study, authorship/year, journal, study objective, study design and conclusions/recommendations. These variables were arranged in the collection instrument in the order in which they were found and selected during the search.

Results and discussion

From the defined strategy, the literature search resulted in 202 articles, of which 70 were found in MEDLINE, 63 in PUBMED, 17 in LILACS, 38 in the CAPES portal, and 14 in SciELO. After reading the titles and abstracts of these articles, 47 potentially relevant studies were found and then carefully read in their entirety. Of these articles, 19 were selected, because they strictly followed the inclusion criteria.

The analysis of the selected material was performed by means of a critical and qualitative reading which allowed the identification of convergences, enabling the following grouping by thematic axes: conventional techniques (Ferguson and Milligan–Morgan), PPH (procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoid), THD (transanal hemorrhoid dearterialization) and LigaSure™; these axes were also defined according to the main issues present in the discussions and with the study outcomes: surgical time, recurrence, postoperative pain and return to activity. After the interpretation of the results, a knowledge synthesis was carried out.

The results are listed in Table 1, in which the title of the study, authorship, journal, study objective, study design and conclusions/recommendations are identified.

Table 1
Distribution of the studies selected, according to the study name, authorship, journal, study objective, study design and conclusions/recommendations, 2009–2015.

In the analysis of the selected articles, we found four studies that compared conventional (open and closed) techniques versus PPH technique; four studies that evaluated PPH technique; two publications that analyzed PPH versus THD; four articles that addressed only conventional techniques; four studies that also analyzed conventional techniques versus LigaSure™; and one study that singly examined THD technique. The number and percentage of products related to the year of publication were also considered in this study, as described in Table 2.

Table 2
Distribution of the sample according to the year of publication, 2009–2015.

It was observed that the period with the highest number of publications was the year 2013: 6 (31.5%) articles. The years 2011, 2014 and 2015 produced one article each (5.3%). Thus, it is clear that there was a decrease in the number of publications in the last year, showing a decreased concern with respect to the issue at hand. Regarding the country of origin of the publications, it was clear (Table 3) that Brazil and Chile had the highest number of publications: 3 (15.7%) each.

Table 3
Distribution of the sample according the country of origin of the studies, 2009–2015.

It was found that the four most widely used techniques were: conventional, PPH, THD and LigaSure™.

Conventional surgical techniques

The most commonly used conventional techniques were the open (Milligan–Morgan) and the closed (Ferguson) technique. The open technique is considered the gold standard for the surgical treatment of grade IV hemorrhoidal disease. Initially, this technique was proposed by Salmon in 1830 and popularized since 1937 by Milligan and Morgan; basically it consists of the excision of the hemorrhoidal tissue with ligation and dissection of the vascular pedicle, leaving the wound open to heal by secondary intention.66 Ferrari L.C, Jamier L, Borrionuevo M, Andrada D.G. Análisis y Resultados de la Operación de Ferguson em el Tratamiento de la Enfermedad Hemorroidal. Rev Argent Coloproct. 2013; 24:85-9

On the other hand, the closed technique is considered as a classical procedure; it was described in the literature by Ferguson in 1931 and published in 1959 by James Ferguson and Richard Heaton. This technique is characterized by the excision of the haemorrhoidal tissue, followed by the ligation of the vascular pedicle, but with sutures applied to dissected and resected areas. The surgical procedure includes a reduced surgical time, besides providing the patient with less scar formation and preservation of anal sensitivity.66 Ferrari L.C, Jamier L, Borrionuevo M, Andrada D.G. Análisis y Resultados de la Operación de Ferguson em el Tratamiento de la Enfermedad Hemorroidal. Rev Argent Coloproct. 2013; 24:85-9

Surgical time and return to normal activity

According to data described in Fig. 1, the surgical time of the conventional technique ranged from 19.58 to 52 min. Thus, the comparative study between LigaSure™ versus Ferguson techniques, carried out in the surgery sector of the Regional Hospital of Rancagua, in Chile,99 Jaramillo L.I, Beltrán M.A, Bozzo I, Larrachea P, González F. Estudio comparativo entre hemorroidectomía cerrada de Ferguson y hemorroidectomía com LigaSure™. Rev Colomb Cir. 2011; 26:171-9 showed that the closed technique showed a surgical time of 24.3 ± 7 min. In contrast, the comparison between these same techniques described by the Department of Surgery, Banaras Hindu University, India, showed a surgical time for Ferguson's technique of 29 min.1010 Khanna R, Khanna S, Bhadani S, Singh S, Khanna A.K. Comparison of ligasure hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Ferguson's hemorrhoidectomy. Indian J Surg. 2010; 72:294-7

Fig. 1
Distribution of studies according to surgical time, pain, return to activity and recurrences in the conventional technique, 2009–2015.

On the other hand, the comparative study between hemorrhoidectomy technique by laser versus conventional open technique that was held in Aloka Hospital, Kosovo, showed a surgical time of 26.74 min.22 Maloku H, Gashi Z, Lazovic R, Islami H, Juniku-Shkololli A. Laser hemorrhoidoplasty procedure vs open surgical hemorrhoidectomy: a trial comparing 2 treatments for hemorrhoids of third and fourth degree. Acta Inform Med. 2014; 22:365-7 The investigation developed in China with the open technique (Milligan–Morgan) got the shorter surgical time, which was 19.58 ± 2.71 min.1111 Lu M, Shi G.Y, Wang G.Q, Wu Y, Liu Y, Wen H. Milligan–Morgan hemorrhoidectomy with anal cushion suspension and partial internal sphincter resection for circumferential mixed hemorrhoids. World J Gastroenterol. 2013; 19:5011-5 The longer surgical time has been reported in a Brazilian study that compared the conventional technique and PPH in a hospital in São Paulo, with the conventional technique, it took approximately 52 min and lasted PPH 31 min with statistical significance.77 Marianelli R, Machado S.P.G, Almeida M.G, Baraviera A.C, Falleiros V, Lolli R.J, et al. Hemorroidectomia Convencional Versus Hemorroidopexia Mecânica (PPH). Estudo Retrospectivo de 253 Casos. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2009; 29:30-7 A long surgical time can expose the patient to a higher risk of infection as the patient loses his/her first protective barrier (skin) against microorganisms, with perianal and perineal sepsis as a potential complication.1212 Guraya S.Y, Khairy G. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy; results of a prospective clinical trial in Saudi Arabia. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013; 7:1949-52

With respect to the return to activity, patients returned after periods from 21 days to 10 weeks. In the study of Khanna et al.,1010 Khanna R, Khanna S, Bhadani S, Singh S, Khanna A.K. Comparison of ligasure hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Ferguson's hemorrhoidectomy. Indian J Surg. 2010; 72:294-7 this period was of 21 days. In their comparative study between the closed and semi-closed techniques performed in the Outpatient Surgery Department of the Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau in Chile, Azolas et al.1313 Azolas R, Villalón R, Danilla E, Hasbún A, Gatica F, Salamanca J. Hemorroidectomía cerrada y semicerrada: Estudio prospectivo aleatorizado. Rev Chilena Cir. 2010; 62:382-6 point out that the return was in about 30 days. In his publication, Roldós1414 Roldós L.E.V. Nueva técnica quirúrgica para el tratamiento de la enfermedad hemorroidal. Rev Cubana Cir. 2010; 49: describes that the return to normal life for his patients occurred within an interval of 29 days. Marianelli et al.77 Marianelli R, Machado S.P.G, Almeida M.G, Baraviera A.C, Falleiros V, Lolli R.J, et al. Hemorroidectomia Convencional Versus Hemorroidopexia Mecânica (PPH). Estudo Retrospectivo de 253 Casos. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2009; 29:30-7 described in their study that the return to normal activity occurred in 10 weeks. A meta-analysis that examined the results of comparisons of conventional hemorrhoidectomy versus LigaSure™ in 10 articles, showed that the use of LigaSure™ was statistically superior in many ways, including less operating time and postoperative pain, faster return to activity and lower rate of complications.11 Imbelloni L.E, Vieria E.M, Carneiro A.F. Postoperative analgesia for hemorrhoidectomy with bilateral pudendal blockade on an ambulatory patient: a controlled clinical study. J Coloproctol. 2012; 32:291-6

Pain and recurrences

Postoperative pain evaluated in this study followed the VAS (Visual Analog Scale) scale that was used in most of the selected studies. VAS is a tool that helps in measuring the intensity of pain, in addition to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of treatment for the patient. As for the grade of pain, it ranges from 0 to 10 (where 0 is related to a total absence of pain and 10 being the maximum level of bearable pain).1515 Silva F.C, Deliberato P.C.P. Análise das escalas de dor: revisão de literatura. Rev Bras Ciên Saúde. 2009; 7:86-9

On average, pain on day zero received a grade = 6.5 (moderate); on day 1, 5.4 (moderate); and on day 7, 4.1 (light), with 5% of recurrences. Jaramillo et al.99 Jaramillo L.I, Beltrán M.A, Bozzo I, Larrachea P, González F. Estudio comparativo entre hemorroidectomía cerrada de Ferguson y hemorroidectomía com LigaSure™. Rev Colomb Cir. 2011; 26:171-9 observed in their study that pain on day 0 received a grade = 6.1; on day 1, 4.8; and on day 7, 6.3. There were no recurrences. In their study, Khanna et al.1010 Khanna R, Khanna S, Bhadani S, Singh S, Khanna A.K. Comparison of ligasure hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Ferguson's hemorrhoidectomy. Indian J Surg. 2010; 72:294-7 found that the pain in VAS scale at day 0 = 8.6; on day 1 = 6.4; and on day 7 = 1.6, with 5% of recurrences. The recurrence rate was confirmed by the study by Kashani et al.1616 Kashani S.M.T, Mehrvarz S, Naeini S.M.M, Reza E. Milligan–Morgan hemorrhoidectomy vs stapled hemorrhoidopexy. Trauma Mon. 2012; 16:175-7; these findings compared PPH versus Milligan–Morgan technique in a hospital in Iran; however, the pain grade was = 4.6 on day zero and = 2.3 on day 7. Lu et al.1111 Lu M, Shi G.Y, Wang G.Q, Wu Y, Liu Y, Wen H. Milligan–Morgan hemorrhoidectomy with anal cushion suspension and partial internal sphincter resection for circumferential mixed hemorrhoids. World J Gastroenterol. 2013; 19:5011-5 only rated the pain as mild, moderate or severe, and the rate of recurrence was not evaluated.

An important point in relation to conventional technique is a lower recurrence rate that, as described in the literature, ranges from 3.1 to 31%.77 Marianelli R, Machado S.P.G, Almeida M.G, Baraviera A.C, Falleiros V, Lolli R.J, et al. Hemorroidectomia Convencional Versus Hemorroidopexia Mecânica (PPH). Estudo Retrospectivo de 253 Casos. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2009; 29:30-7 In this study, the recurrence rate was also lower in comparison with THD techniques and PPH, which suggests better efficiency/effectiveness of the technique, from Cerato et al.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70 point of view, who corroborate these findings, emphasizing that the current meta-analyzes and cohort studies comparing PPH versus conventional surgery showed higher recurrence in patients who were treated with PPH.

Relapses cause the occurrence of multiple disorders, since the patient will have to undergo a new surgical procedure. Evidence of lesser pain after surgery and faster recovery times for patients submitted to PPH was also observed, when this technique was compared with the conventional technique.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

Studies suggest that in comparison with the conventional technique, the use of LigaSure™ technique may benefit patients in terms of less postoperative pain and fewer complications, since the intense and prolonged postoperative pain, caused by removal of hemorrhoids always constitutes an important concern for both surgeons and for patients.1717 Papis D, Parodi M, Herrerías F, Sánchez A, Gómez L, Sierra J.E, et al. Hemorroidectomía con Ligasure vs diatermia convencional: Análisis retrospectivo monocéntrico. Acta Gastroenterol Latino-am. 2013; 43:284-7

Procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoid (PPH)

This technique was described by Longo in 1993 as a new surgical option for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease; with PPH, an annulus of mucosa and submucosa is removed with the use of a circular stapler above the dentate line, with fixation the hemorrhoidal pad for correction of the prolapse.1818 Mederos L.A.B, Elera J.O.A.P, Pineda A.J.M. Procedimiento para hemorroides con prolapso de mucosa: Técnica de Longo. Reporte preliminar. Rev Med Hered. 2009; 20:190-4

PPH showed a surgical time variation of 17.5–35 min. Not all studies assessed pain by VAS scale; in some articles pain was described as mild or tolerable; the average in those studies that used the VAS scale was: on day zero, grade 5 (moderate); on day 1, grade 3 (mild); and on day 7, grade 2.4 (light). The return to normal activity took place in a period from 7 days to 6 weeks, with a recurrence rate ranging from 7.5% to 8.2% (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
Distribution of studies according to surgical time, pain, return to activity and recurrences in the PPH technique, 2009–2015.

Surgical time and return to normal activity

Both studies of Kashani et al.1515 Silva F.C, Deliberato P.C.P. Análise das escalas de dor: revisão de literatura. Rev Bras Ciên Saúde. 2009; 7:86-9 and Lucarelli et al.1919 Lucarelli P, Picchio M, Caporossi M, De Angelis F, Di Filippo A, Stipa F, et al. Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation with mucopexy versus stapler haemorrhoidopexy: a randomised trial with long-term follow-up. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2013; 95:246-51 (this latter in Italy) obtained surgical times of 35 min and, according to the descriptions of these studies, the time of return to activity took place in 7 and 12 days, respectively. Marianelli et al.77 Marianelli R, Machado S.P.G, Almeida M.G, Baraviera A.C, Falleiros V, Lolli R.J, et al. Hemorroidectomia Convencional Versus Hemorroidopexia Mecânica (PPH). Estudo Retrospectivo de 253 Casos. Rev Bras Coloproct. 2009; 29:30-7 found a surgical time of 31 min, with a time of return to activity of 6 weeks. Wang et al.,2020 Wang Z.G, Zhang Y, Zeng X.D, Zhang T.H, Zhu Q.D, Liu D.L, et al. Clinical observations on the treatment of prolapsing hemorrhoids with tissue selecting therapy. World J Gastroenterol. 2015; 21:2490-6 in their comparative study of Milligan–Morgan versus PPH techniques conducted in a hospital in China, noted a surgical time of 18.3 min; however, these authors did not evaluate the return to activity.

The study solely on PPH technique conducted by Mederos et al.1818 Mederos L.A.B, Elera J.O.A.P, Pineda A.J.M. Procedimiento para hemorroides con prolapso de mucosa: Técnica de Longo. Reporte preliminar. Rev Med Hered. 2009; 20:190-4 in a hospital in Peru had the shorter surgical time, 17.5 min; and in the study by Guraya and Khairy,1212 Guraya S.Y, Khairy G. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy; results of a prospective clinical trial in Saudi Arabia. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013; 7:1949-52 the duration of the surgical procedure was 21.7 min, and as in these other cited studies, the return to activity has not been evaluated.

Pain and recurrences

In studies using the VAS scale, the average pain on day zero was grade 5; on day 1, grade 3; and on day 7, grade 2.4, with recurrence of 7.5–8.2%. Thus, Kashani et al.1616 Kashani S.M.T, Mehrvarz S, Naeini S.M.M, Reza E. Milligan–Morgan hemorrhoidectomy vs stapled hemorrhoidopexy. Trauma Mon. 2012; 16:175-7 demonstrated that the most intense pain got grade 4 on day 0 and 1.7 on day 7, with recurrence of 7.5%. Wang et al.1818 Mederos L.A.B, Elera J.O.A.P, Pineda A.J.M. Procedimiento para hemorroides con prolapso de mucosa: Técnica de Longo. Reporte preliminar. Rev Med Hered. 2009; 20:190-4 obtained grade 5 on day 0; grade 3 on day 1; and on subsequent days, an average of 2.4; the recurrence was not evaluated. In the study by Lucarelli et al.,1919 Lucarelli P, Picchio M, Caporossi M, De Angelis F, Di Filippo A, Stipa F, et al. Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation with mucopexy versus stapler haemorrhoidopexy: a randomised trial with long-term follow-up. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2013; 95:246-51 the average of the three situations of pain assessment in the VAS scale was = 3, with a recurrence of 8.2%.

As was seen with the application of the VAS scale, postoperative pain was lower, particularly on day 7, compared with the conventional technique. This finding may also be associated with an earlier return to normal activity and with a better well-being of the patient, also in the immediate postoperative period. However, although PPH presents a large number of complications, generally the overall index is similar to that of the conventional technique.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

However, although PPH presents a large number of complications, generally the overall percentage is similar to that of the conventional technique. In addition, PPH “is not effective for bulky external hemorrhoids, or for the thrombosed ones”.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70


This technique was described by Joel Sayfan 2001; in it, one uses a blood vessel sealant tool known as LigaSure™.2121 Nahas S.C, Pinto R.A, Dias A.R, Chow B, Nahas C.S.R, Marques C.F.S, et al. Médicos residentes podem realizar com segurança e eficiência técnicas de Milligan–Morgan, Ferguson e grampeadores no tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas?. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2011; 24:210-4

Using LigaSure™, surgical times ranged from 12.5 to 13.2 min. On average, the EVA scale on day zero was 5.5 (moderate); on day 1, 3.9 (slight); and on day 7, 2.1 (light). Patients returned to activity after 7 days; 3.5% of them relapsed (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
Distribution of studies according to surgical time, pain, return to activity and recurrences in the LigaSure™ technique, 2009–2015.

Surgical time and return to normal activity

In the study conducted by Khanna et al.,1010 Khanna R, Khanna S, Bhadani S, Singh S, Khanna A.K. Comparison of ligasure hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Ferguson's hemorrhoidectomy. Indian J Surg. 2010; 72:294-7 the surgical time was 12.5 min and the return to activity occurred in 7 days. In the study by Jaramillo et al.,99 Jaramillo L.I, Beltrán M.A, Bozzo I, Larrachea P, González F. Estudio comparativo entre hemorroidectomía cerrada de Ferguson y hemorroidectomía com LigaSure™. Rev Colomb Cir. 2011; 26:171-9 the surgical time was 13.2 min, and the return to activity also took place in 7 days. The LigaSure™ technique showed the smallest variation in surgical time; therefore, this is an optimal surgical option with regard to the control of post-operative infections, as well as promoting an earlier return to preoperatory routine.

Pain and recurrence

Khanna et al.1010 Khanna R, Khanna S, Bhadani S, Singh S, Khanna A.K. Comparison of ligasure hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Ferguson's hemorrhoidectomy. Indian J Surg. 2010; 72:294-7 report that the pain in VAS scale on day zero = 4.9; on day 1 = 3.8; and on day 7 = 1.4; recurrences occurred in 3.5% of cases. Jaramillo et al.99 Jaramillo L.I, Beltrán M.A, Bozzo I, Larrachea P, González F. Estudio comparativo entre hemorroidectomía cerrada de Ferguson y hemorroidectomía com LigaSure™. Rev Colomb Cir. 2011; 26:171-9 reported that, in their study, the pain in VAS scale on day 0 = 6.1; on day 1 = 4.1; and on day 7 = 2.8. No recurrences were reported.

The hemorrhoidal resection with LigaSure™ is an optimal alternative, by allowing surgical time reduction, of the analgesics needed in the first 24 h, and of postoperative pain.2121 Nahas S.C, Pinto R.A, Dias A.R, Chow B, Nahas C.S.R, Marques C.F.S, et al. Médicos residentes podem realizar com segurança e eficiência técnicas de Milligan–Morgan, Ferguson e grampeadores no tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas?. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2011; 24:210-4 2222 Gomez-Rosado J.C, Sanchez-Ramirez M, Capitan-Morales L.C, Valdes-Hernandez L, Reyes-Diaz M.L, Cintas-Catena J, et al. Resultados a um año tras desarterialización hemorroidal guiada por doppler. Cir Esp. 2012; 90:513-7 The presence of severe pain within the first 24 h after surgery may promote urinary retention and constipation.1010 Khanna R, Khanna S, Bhadani S, Singh S, Khanna A.K. Comparison of ligasure hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Ferguson's hemorrhoidectomy. Indian J Surg. 2010; 72:294-7

Compared with conventional hemorrhoidectomy, the LigaSure™ method attenuates postoperative pain and the need to prescribe parenteral analgesia, since there is a minimal thermal expansion and also by the lack of sutures.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

Hemorrhoidal transanal dearterialization (THD)

Described by Morinaga et al. in 1995 in order to be a new surgical approach in the treatment of hemorrhoids, THD “uses a kit with anoscope that reaches the upper portion of the distal rectum, where with a Doppler device pinpoints the terminal branches of the hemorrhoidal arteries in positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 h in the rectal circumference”. These vessels are craniocaudally connected […] “to the upper and lower portions of the ligation and are attached; with this, prolapse reduction and fixation occur”.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

THD, the fourth technique covered in the publications surveyed, showed surgical time of 23–35 min. The pain in VAS scale on day zero was 5.5 (moderate); on day 1, 3.0 (slight); and on day 7, 1.4 (light). The return to normal activity took place in 8–14 days, with 20–22.5% of recurrences (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
Distribution of studies according to surgical time, pain, return to activity and recurrences in the THD technique, 2009–2015.

Surgical time and return to normal activity

In the study by Lucarelli et al.,1919 Lucarelli P, Picchio M, Caporossi M, De Angelis F, Di Filippo A, Stipa F, et al. Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation with mucopexy versus stapler haemorrhoidopexy: a randomised trial with long-term follow-up. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2013; 95:246-51 the surgical time was 35 min and the return to activity took place in 14 days. On the other hand, in the study by Gomez-Rosado et al.,2222 Gomez-Rosado J.C, Sanchez-Ramirez M, Capitan-Morales L.C, Valdes-Hernandez L, Reyes-Diaz M.L, Cintas-Catena J, et al. Resultados a um año tras desarterialización hemorroidal guiada por doppler. Cir Esp. 2012; 90:513-7 performed in a clinic in Spain and that evaluated only THD, the surgical time was about 23 min, and the return to activity took place in 8 days.

Compared with LigaSure™, THD showed a relatively longer surgical time; however, this surgical time is similar to that for PPH, and shorter than that for the conventional technique, suggesting that THD is a good option. The return to activity occurred in a shorter time when compared to conventional techniques and PPH. In addition, THD has the best cost-benefit ratio, as well as a less intense postoperative pain versus PPH. The disease recurrence was similar for both techniques.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70

Pain and recurrence

The variation in observed pain was similar to that found by Gomez-Rosado et al.,2222 Gomez-Rosado J.C, Sanchez-Ramirez M, Capitan-Morales L.C, Valdes-Hernandez L, Reyes-Diaz M.L, Cintas-Catena J, et al. Resultados a um año tras desarterialización hemorroidal guiada por doppler. Cir Esp. 2012; 90:513-7 and the recurrence rate was around 22.5%.; on the other hand, the study conducted by Lucarelli et al.1919 Lucarelli P, Picchio M, Caporossi M, De Angelis F, Di Filippo A, Stipa F, et al. Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation with mucopexy versus stapler haemorrhoidopexy: a randomised trial with long-term follow-up. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2013; 95:246-51 demonstrated an average pain grade of approximately 4 (light) in the evaluated days, with 20% recurrence rate. A study comparing THD versus PPH for treatment of grade III hemorrhoidal disease concluded that both techniques are comparable. THD has the best cost-effective rate, as well as a less intense pain versus PPH. Recurrence rates were similar.11 Imbelloni L.E, Vieria E.M, Carneiro A.F. Postoperative analgesia for hemorrhoidectomy with bilateral pudendal blockade on an ambulatory patient: a controlled clinical study. J Coloproctol. 2012; 32:291-6 In contrast, the study demonstrates higher recurrence rates for THD technique.

It was observed that after the publication of Thompson's studies in 1975 on the pathophysiology of this disease, several surgical options have emerged, in an attempt to correct the changes in the vascular cushions and supporting tissue of these structures. Therefore, surgical treatment should be based on symptoms, disease classification, and selection of individual patients, so one can offer the best surgical technique for each case. Thus, an aspect exceedingly important, to be examined by the surgeon, is the proper care of the pain postoperatively, since pain can be a hindrance to the use of a particular technique, even when more modern and efficient.33 Cerato M.M, Cerato N.L, Passos P, Treiguer A, Damin D.C. Tratamento cirúrgico das hemorróidas: análise crítica das atuais opções. Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2014; 27:66-70


Conventional techniques are still the most practiced, with good acceptance as to the long-term resolution and to the low recurrence rate, despite a period of slower recovery and more intense pain. The latest techniques, as THD and LigaSure™, show good results in grade III disease, with shorter surgical times and less pain, but with unsatisfactory long-term results. Thus new studies are required for a safer evaluation.

Although some studies have shown that PPH is also a good option, with shorter surgical times and earlier return to normal activity compared with conventional techniques, that technique has a more limited use, due to the complications that may arise. In this context, this study may provide subsidies to academic and public health professionals, so they have an overview of current and significant studies in the scientific environment that are crucial to a good understanding of the hemorrhoidectomy.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2016


  • Received
    24 Sept 2015
  • Accepted
    06 Dec 2015
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