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A new APP for prevention and treatment of complications of intestinal peristomal skin

Aplicativo para prevenção e tratamento das complicações da pele periestoma intestinal



To develop an application program for prevention and treatment of complications of intestinal peristomal skin.


The framework of the application software development were: Phase 1 - “Design, identification of the needs for the application development”: In this phase, the authors identified during their clinical practice that some professionals and caregivers find it difficult to provide care for at-risk ostomized patients or those with some kind of peristomal skin complication; Phase 2 - “Application prototype development”: this phase included the integrative literature review in the main databases; Phase 3 - “Creating the application”: this phase was intended to generate a decision tree algorithms, structure the database, and develop the software; Phase 4 - “Transition”: performing the application functionality testing.


The application “Dermatite Periestoma App” has 36 screens and 21 figures describing the procedures for prevention and treatment of complications of intestinal peristomal skin. It is freely available from the Play Store and has been registered with the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial Ministério do Desenvolvimento, indústria e Comércio Exterior (Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, National Institute of Industrial Property).


This study made it possible to describe the stages of planning and development of the mobile application “Dermatite Periestoma App”. The steps taken indicate that the “Dermatite Periestoma App” has great potential for clinical practice in the evaluation of patients with stomal complications or at risk for developing peristomal skin complications, preventive measures, therapeutic approaches, and for nursing education through the use of technology.

Ostomy; Dermatitis; Algorithms; Mobile apps

Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil