Abstract in Portuguese:
Este trabalho descreve e analisa, em uma Instituição de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (C,T&I) de Defesa Nacional, as suas ferramentas de disseminação do conhecimento. A descrição busca identificar quais os possíveis ferramentas que se destacam e a análise consiste em submeter críticas ou sugestões que possibilitem beneficiar a gestão organizacional por meio da prática da disseminação do conhecimento. A metodologia contempla um estudo exploratório realizado no período de 2004 e 2005 nas quais informações qualitativas e quantitativas norteiam a pesquisa, de modo a possibilitar o entendimento dos aspectos focais sobre as ferramentas de disseminação do conhecimento, comparando-a aos referenciais teóricos de autores conceituados e outras pesquisas elaboradas. Conclui-se que as ferramentas de disseminação do conhecimento devem estar adaptadas para disseminar tanto o conhecimento tácito como os explícitos e que, numa instituição voltada para a defesa nacional, outros aspectos importantes devem ser considerados, uma vez que, sendo o conhecimento disseminado de forma inapropriada pode, além de trazer prejuízos para a organização, comprometer a soberania nacional.Abstract in English:
This paper describes and analyzes in a National Defense Institution for Innovation, Technology and Science its tools of knowledge dissemination. The methodology contemplates the period of 2004 and 2005. Qualitative and quantitative information orientate the research in order to understand focal aspects on knowledge dissemination, in comparison with theoretical references of renowned authors and other elaborated research searching for elements to perform an organizational diagnosis, focused on the knowledge dissemination as well as on the forces which promote or obstruct the organizational development. Conclusions are that the tools of knowledge dissemination must suitable to spread the tacit knowledge in such a way as the explicit ones and that, in a National Defense Institution, other important aspects must be considered, a time that, being the spread knowledge of wrong form can, besides bringing damages for the organization, to compromise the national sovereignty.Abstract in English:
This paper analyzes the new concept of flexibility in organizations - of relevance both at micro and macro level. Information Economy (IE) modern function is specifically analyzed. The purpose of this paper is not limited to the study of information economy flexibility, but extends its focus to other areas of organization and economic studies, having as reference the proposed model. Although not covering all aspects regarding objectives and hypotheses, results obtained demonstrate that subsequent studies can lead to success experiences, since the models presented are: stability in relation to the deviations presented in the resulting equations; values that are very close to what is desirable for adjustment indexes, factorial loads, t-values, extracted variances and reliability; as well as other necessary aspects for the application of the technique. The approach focuses the analysis of information economy flexibility based on structural equations modeling to serve as reference for the development of adaptation phenomenon studies in relation to structures, strategies and organizational processes, against the environmental dynamics contemporary society is faced with.Abstract in English:
This paper is an attempt to deepen the reflection on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) diffusion among firms takes place. It adds to author's previous works on the different strategies adopted by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Argentina in order to adopt ICTs. The paper is focused in the stylization of the different stages along the evolutive path while incorporating these tools and identifying the factors that influence its dynamics, with special attention to costs. The paper is also an attempt to make progress in the description of the paths or ways through which ICTs can improve firms' performance. Four alternatives are pointed out, named "Economies through Information": automation, access to information, learning and innovation processes facilitation and reduction of transaction costs. Authors try to make operable some notions frequently used by other authors interested in these issues and to formulate some hypothesis which still need further elaboration, but which will probably stimulate and inspire the debate around these matters.Abstract in Spanish:
Las empresas actuales requieren de modelos de negocios complejos con una estructura organizacional, procesos y sistemas que deben ser diseñados explícitamente. El trabajo de diseñar estos modelos de negocio es claramente interdisciplinario, ya que requiere conocimientos de desarrollo del negocio, los diferentes procesos que ocurren en la empresa y de la gerencia de los procesos y las aplicaciones tecnológicas. En el ámbito de la ingeniería de software sería conveniente poder contar con un sistema de métodos, herramientas y técnicas que permitan reutilizar las mejores prácticas durante el proceso de desarrollo de software según cada uno de los procesos que se implementen en cada dominio. En base a esto, en este trabajo se realiza una propuesta de marco teórico referencial integral y una metodología que abarca desde el análisis de los requerimientos hasta el monitoreo de los procesos, apoyando las etapas de análisis, diseño, modelaje y configuración, a través del uso de patrones. La propuesta metodológica está conformada por dos macro-procesos: uno relacionado con la creación del proceso en sí mismo y otro que corresponde a la administración, y comprende: el mantenimiento, administración del proceso en producción y el monitoreo a través de indicadores de gestión.Abstract in English:
Present companies require of complex businesses models with an organizational structure, processes and systems that must explicitly be designed. The task to design these business models is clearly interdisciplinary, since it requires knowledge of business development, different processes that happen in the company and of the processes management and technological applications. In software engineering context, it would be advisable to be able to count on a system of methods, tools and techniques that allow reusing the best practices during software development process, according to each one of the processes that are implemented in each domain. On this basis, in this work we propose an integral referential theoretician framework and a methodology that includes from requirements analysis to processes monitoring, supporting analysis, design, and modeling and configuration stages, through patterns use. The proposal methodology is conformed by two macro-processes: the first one related to the creation of the process itself. The second one corresponds to the administration, and includes: maintenance, administration of the process in production and the monitoring through management indicators.Abstract in Portuguese:
A literatura tem mostrado que habilidades mínimas em utilização dos recursos de Tecnologias de Informação (TI) são fundamentais para administradores e profissionais diversos. Com a internet, estabelecem-se novos marcos econômicos em relação à competitividade e sobrevivência. Habilidades individuais em TI passam por pressões à reformulação no sentido de se tornarem adequadas e criativamente utilizadas e de possibilitarem ativa geração e exploração de novas fontes e ferramentas de informação, não apenas sua recepção e processamento. Estudando a evolução na aquisição dessas habilidades no Brasil, realiza-se pesquisa com aplicação de questionários e entrevistas a alunos formandos do curso de administração em uma universidade mineira. Para avaliar percepções sobre habilidades em TI, são pesquisados estudantes, professores de informática e coordenadores de cursos. Resultados obtidos revelam que as habilidades dos alunos concentram-se em funções básicas de informática e que há baixos índices de aproveitamento dos aprendizados em TI, em relação à importância atribuída. Estudantes sinalizam auto-suficiência e conhecimentos, que quando testados, não se confirmam. Constatam-se também baixos conhecimentos conceituais sobre o tema, relacionados à impaciência dos alunos com atividades de aprendizado de baixa interatividade, como leitura de textos longos ou aulas expositivas. Foi observado forte receio dos alunos ao comércio eletrônico, em razão dos crescentes riscos associados à evolução da TI.Abstract in English:
Literature review shows minimum ability levels of Information Technology (IT) resources in use are currently essential to administrators and to professionals overall. As effective as Internet may be, new milestones for economic competition and company survival are being created. It is thus required that individual IT abilities are continuously reformulated to be adequately and creatively used, and new information sources and tools actively generated, rather than passively adopted. In evaluating the evolution of the IT abilities' acquisition in Brazil, students of Business & Administration from a university are investigated. By means of questionnaire and in-depth interview application, data were collected on students' perceptions of acquired abilities and importance of IT competencies. Together, computing science teachers and a course coordinator views were assessed. Empirical results obtained revealed that students' IT abilities were concentrated on basic computing science functions. The integration of IT learning in classroom practices was deemed poor as compared to importance attributed. Students signalized self-sufficiency or knowledge attitudes which, as tested, have not been actually proved. Low learning results were observed on IT conceptual knowledge, indicating students' impatience with learning without interaction, as in long-text readings or teacher-centered classes. Strong student resistance to electronic commerce was evidenced and associated to perceived risks on IT evolution.Abstract in French:
Dans cet article sont explorés de manière théorique les déterminants de la performance des systèmes de gestion de la relation client (GRC) implantés progressivement dans l'ensemble des grandes entreprises. L'approche adoptée dans cette étude focalise l'attention sur deux hypothèses centrales : l'effet des systèmes de GRC se développerait d'une part au travers d'une stimulation de l'apprentissage organisationnel, et d'autre part au travers d'un meilleur contrôle organisationnel.Abstract in English:
In this article are explored in a theoretical way the determinants of performance of Customer Relationship Management information systems that are established gradually in most of large companies. The approach adopted in this study focuses attention upon two central assumptions: the effect of the systems of CRM is mediated first by an increasing capability of organizational learning, and secondly through better organisational control devices.Abstract in English:
Continuous Auditing, broadly defined as the transformation of internal and external auditing through the application of modern information technology, is being increasingly adopted by firms throughout the world. Organizations ranging from Siemens, HCA, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, BIPOP Bank and the Internal Revenue Service are developing tools and practices that will bring assurance closer to the transaction and reduce through automation, the cost of auditing. A June 2006 PricewaterhouseCoopers survey finds that 50% of U.S. companies now use continuous auditing techniques and 31% percent of the rest have already made plans to follow suit. In this article we introduce the concepts of CA to a Brazilian audience and discuss its further application there.