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JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Volume: 8, Número: 2, Publicado: 2011
  • Exploring business competitiveness in high technology sectors: an empirical analysis of the mexican software industry

    González-Bañales, Dora Luz; Andrade, Helga Patricia Bermeo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of this study is to explore business competitiveness in a high technology sector through the analysis of the relationship among technological innovation, relational capital and market orientation, and their influence on companies' business performance of the Mexican Software Industry. This study is analyzed under a positivistic and deductive approach, using multivariate statistical analysis on the data gathered via an online survey from 198 software industry companies. The outcomes suggest that technological innovation and relational capital significantly influence business performance, while market orientation indirectly influences performance through its interaction with technological innovation.
  • Networks versus ICT use: the case of sme from Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

    Conicet, Maria Verónica Alderete

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Los acuerdos cooperativos son considerados herramientas importantes para mejorar la posición competitiva de las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES). Este estudio realiza un aporte a la revisión de la literatura, con respecto a los factores que fomentan el comportamiento asociativo. Por otro lado, examina a partir de un modelo LOGIT las características de la empresa, con énfasis en el uso de las TIC, su entorno y sus socios que inciden sobre la probabilidad de configurar alianzas con otras empresas de la misma rama o sector. En especial, se encuentra que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación disminuyen la probabilidad de formar alianzas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Cooperative networks are main tools to improve the competitiveness of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME). This study contributes to extend the literature review about the factors that foster firms' cooperative conduct. Apart from that, the paper examines through a LOGIT model, the firm's characteristics, especially ICT (information and communication technologies) use, and the environment's and partners' characteristics that influence the probability of building alliances with other firms from the same economic activity. In particular, we find that ICT use reduces the probability of networking.
  • Public e-procurement and the duality of technology: a comparative study in the context of Brazil and of the state of Paraíba

    Mota, Flávio Perazzo Barbosa; Rodrigues Filho, José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study, an attempt was made to understand the e-procurement theme from the perspective of the duality of technology, understanding it both as a product and as a means for human actions, which, interacting with institutional properties, produces and reproduces the current organizational practices. From the multiple interpretative case studies conducted, it was evidenced that e-procurement is a subjective element, sometimes understood inconsistently by human agents in the different organizational contexts studied (Brazil and the State of Paraíba). Users appropriate the rules, knowledge, and assumptions incorporated into the implemented system to perform tasks, contributing to a reaffirmation of the status quo.
  • Certificação digital no governo eletrônico brasileiro

    Ferneda, Edilson; Alonso, Luiza Beth Nunes; Braga, Lamartine Vieira

    Resumo em Português:

    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o papel da certificação digital no processo de desenvolvimento das ações de governo eletrônico no Brasil, inclusive apontando perspectivas futuras. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, cujo instrumento utilizado foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Procedeu-se à seleção de 10 stakeholders desta temática no País, tanto na formulação de políticas públicas quanto na implantação e fiscalização de projetos afins. O estudo mostra que a certificação digital relaciona-se diretamente com aspectos atinentes à segurança da informação. Indiretamente, esta segurança que a certificação digital proporciona é condição necessária ao desenvolvimento do governo eletrônico, a partir do qual pode haver tanto o aperfeiçoamento de processos internos da Administração Pública quanto a maior disponibilidade de serviços públicos e a melhoria da qualidade de interface do Estado com o cidadão.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article aims to analyze the role of digital certification in the development process of the electronic government actions in Brazil, as well to provide future perspectives. Qualitative research was done and the data gathering performed through semi-structured interviews. Ten nationally recognized stakeholders were interviewed either for the conceiving of public policies regarding electronic government as well for the implementation and inspection of related projects. The study demonstrates that digital certification is straightly connected with information security. Indirectly, the security that digital certification provides is the major condition for the development of the electronic government, once it can provide the bases for the improvement of internal process in Public Administration and the increase of public services and better quality for the interface between the State and the citizen.
  • The dimensions of it portfolio management (ITPM): an analysis involving it managers in Brazilian companies

    Dolci, Pietro Cunha; Maçada, Antônio Carlos Gastaud

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study is to explore and validate the dimensions of IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) in Brazilian companies, based on three different models. Five case studies were carried out in Brazilian companies that invest more than nine million reals per year in IT. Eight top IT executives from those organizations who had knowledge of the dimensions of ITPM were interviewed. Items were modified and new items included within the dimensions, while examples of equipment or systems applicable to each of the four dimensions were also identified. Research that helps managers to better understand and structure their IT investments by using the dimensions of ITPM is important to assist in the management of such resources.
  • O e-SCM e a gestão dos estoques: um estudo de múltiplos casos em um segmento de cadeia de lojas de departamento

    Salgado Junior, Alexandre Pereira; Novi, Juliana Chiaretti; Pacagnella Junior, Antonio Carlos; Oliveira, Marcio Mattos Borges de

    Resumo em Português:

    A gestão dos estoques ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos é um tema que sempre instigou gestores por todo o mundo. Com o aumento da competitividade e da complexidade dos mercados, os tradicionais modelos estatísticos de previsão da demanda, fundamentados em séries temporais, não mais atendiam as necessidades impostas às empresas na adequação de seus níveis de estoques e ruptura. No intuito de atender essas exigências do mercado surgem, nos anos 1990, os sistemas ERP. Entretanto, mesmo possibilitando uma adequação nos estoques e na ruptura, levado principalmente pela otimização dos processos internos e redução do lead time, os ERP não contribuíram para que o SCM atingisse o nível de estoque almejado pelas empresas mais competitivas. Isso porque o ERP limita-se a análise interna da empresa. Já a gestão dos estoques depende de informações de consumo (que são externas a empresa). Buscando-se melhorar ainda mais os níveis de serviços prestados ao consumidor final, novas soluções foram desenvolvidas, dentre elas, o e-SCM que por disponibilizar a informação do consumo em tempo real, acaba sendo mais dinâmico e eficiente que os modelos tradicionais de previsão da demanda. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetiva analisar como o e-SCM pode colaborar para a adequação dos níveis de estoques e ruptura das cadeias de abastecimento. A hipótese defendida é a de que os modelos estatísticos tradicionais de previsão, baseados em séries temporais, isoladamente não são mais adequados para o ajuste da demanda, tendo em vista que ferramentas baseadas nestes modelos não atualizam a demanda em tempo real e isso é fundamental para a atual dinâmica empresarial. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o estudo de múltiplos casos em um segmento de cadeia que envolve um grande varejista, seu CD e um fornecedor de linha branca. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como principais resultados observou-se que, após a integração do segmento de cadeia pelo e-SCM, houve uma redução no nível dos estoques (36,8% no varejo e 18% na indústria) e no giro (de 18,3 para 5,1 dias no varejo e de 19,6 para 3,2 dias no CD), além da variação da ruptura (de 17,3% para 2,6% no varejo e de 3% para 0,1% no caso do CD). Sendo assim, o estudo traz fortes indícios de que a integração da cadeia, por meio do e-SCM, pode colaborar para o aumento da competitividade da SCM.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Inventory management through the supply chains is a theme that has always enticed managers throughout the world. Due to the increase in market competitiveness and complexity, the traditional statistical models of forecasting demand, based on time series, no longer met the needs imposed on businesses to maintain adequate levels of their inventory and supply interruptions. With the intent to meet these market demands, ERP systems appeared in the 1990's. Nevertheless, even if allowing for a more adequate level of inventory and supply interruptions achieved mainly by the optimization of internal processes and the reduction in lead time, ERP systems did not contribute to reach the SCM's desired levels of inventory that were aimed at by the more competitive businesses. This is because ERP limits itself to an internal analysis of the business. By contrast, inventory management depends on the consumption information (which is external to the business). Aiming to improve even further the level of services delivered to the end consumer, new solutions have been developed, among them the e-SCM, which, since it makes consumption information available in real time, ends up being more dynamic and efficient than the traditional demand forecasting models, Therefore, the present study aims to analyze how the e-SCM can collaborate in maintaining adequate levels of inventory and interruptions in the supply chains. The hypothesis made is that the traditional statistical forecasting models, based on time series and isolatedly, are no longer adequate to adjust the demand, as the tools based on these models do not update the demand in real time and this is fundamental in the current business dynamics. The research method used was the study of multiple cases in a segment of a chain involving a large retailer, its Distribution Center and a supplier of home appliances. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis technique was used. As main results, it was observed that, after the integration of the chain segment by the e-SCM, there was a reduction in the level of the inventory (36.8% in retail and 18% in the industry) and in inventory turnover (from 18.3 to 5.1 days in retail and from 19.6 to 3.2 days in the Distribution Center), aside from the variation in the interruption (from 17.3% to 2.6% in retail and from 3% to 0.1% in the case of the Distribution Center). Therefore, the study brings forth strong indication that the integration of the chain through the e-SCM, may contribute to the SCM's competitiveness.
  • Antecedents of end-user satisfaction with an erp system in a transnational bank: evaluation of user satisfaction with information systems

    Roses, Luís Kalb

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The main objective of this study is to identify the antecedents of end-user satisfaction with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, in the context of a transnational Bank. The Information System (IS) success theory is applied for the end-user computing satisfaction (EUCS) assessment. Quantitative data is analyzed through multivariate statistical techniques whereas qualitative data is analyzed through content analysis technique. The results indicate that the EUCS model is pertinent to the context of ERP systems for a fast data collection and overall perception of user satisfaction; nevertheless it is suggested the continuity of its evaluation in other research contexts and additional categories should be considered as antecedents to IS enduser satisfaction.
  • Aplicación de las metodologías ágiles en el proceso de producción de piezas de arte de nuevos medios: Bio-lencia como caso de estudio

    Martínez, María Teresa Gutiérrez; Herrero, Concepción Pérez de Celis; Aguilar, Gustavo Cossío

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Inspirado en la idea original del artista plástico Alfredo Salomón y bajo el título de Bio-lencia, se creó un sistema en tiempo real que integra dos áreas del conocimiento: Arte y Computación. En este artículo analizamos, las características de la pieza como un producto de software y los retos que este tipo de productos presentan desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería de software. Presentamos una clasificación para el arte de medios inestables destacando sus características como productos de software y se realiza un ejercicio de producción de una pieza de este tipo utilizando metodologías ágiles de desarrollo. En particular discutimos la utilización de la Programación Extrema, la cual en el caso que aquí se presenta, permitió interactuar correctamente con el artista, quien es también el desarrollador principal. Se menciona también como las características de confiabilidad, robustez y tiempo de respuesta fueron de particular importancia para la correcta evaluación y funcionamiento del software que da vida a Bio-lencia. Finalmente como parte de las conclusiones se discuten los problemas y las lecciones que aprendimos durante el desarrollo de Bio-lencia.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Inspired on the original idea by plastic artist Alfredo Salomón and using the title Bio-lencia, real-time system merging the knowledge areas of computing and art was created. In this paper we will analyze the piece's characteristics as a software product and the challenges this tipe of products present from a software engineering point of view. We present a classification for unstable media art, highlighting its characteristics as software products, and demonstrate the production of such a piece by using agile development methodology. We particularly discuss the utilization of Extreme Programming, which allowed a correct interaction with the artist and main developer in this particular case. We also emphasize how the characteristics of trustworthiness, strength and rapid response time were of particular importance for the proper evaluation and functioning of the software used in Bio-lencia. Finally, as a part of the conclusions we discuss the problems we had to solve and the lessons we learned during the development of Bio-lencia
  • Application de la veille anticipative strategique pour le suivi de l'environment et la production de connaissances actionables

    Janissek-Muniz, Raquel; Becker, Fábio Dídimo; Lesca, Humbert; Freitas, Henrique

    Resumo em Francês:

    Cet article propose un usage innovant de la méthode L.E.SCAnning® pour le suivi de l'environnent. Avec une étude de cas, conduite dans une entreprise brésilienne, ayant comme domaine d'application l'évaluation des actions disponibles sur le marché, nous avons cherché à interpréter de futurs scénarios. La méthodologie est basée sur la recherche qualitative exploratoire, en utilisant des informations collectées. Les informations ont été organisées par cible puis regroupées par affinité (Méthode Puzzle). Ce travail cherche à démontrer que, en appliquant la méthode sur le marché d'actions, il est possible de produire des connaissances actionnables, et de construire, voire anticiper, des représentations futures.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article describes a demonstration of the L.E.SCAnning® methodology in a study case conducted in brazilian company, having with subject base the assessment of the shares available in the market aiming to interpret future scenarios and to produce actionable results. The method is based in qualitative research exploratory, using informations collected. The informations were organized by actor and subject, and, then, prepared by affinity, using the Puzzle Method. This work, taking in environment related to factors and important agents to evolution value of shares, shows that, applying the method and its concepts about weak signals in shares market is possible develop anticipative ideas.
  • Uma análise teórica dos principais tópicos para a escolha de sistemas erp open source

    Gripe, Fernando Gustavo dos Santos; Rodello, Ildeberto Aparecido

    Resumo em Português:

    O artigo apresenta uma análise teórica, baseada em uma revisão da literatura das principais características presentes em sistemas ERP Open Source a fim de contribuir com a análise de parâmetros que possam ser utilizados para a tomada de decisão na escolha pelo sistema mais adequado às necessidades da Organização. Para isso, contextualiza-se o ciclo de vida dos sistemas ERP, destacando as características dos sistemas ERPs Open Source. Como resultado, constatou-se que ERPs Open Source, quando analisados com cuidado, carecem de especial atenção às questões ligadas à continuidade e maturidade do projeto, estrutura, transparência, frequência de atualizações e suporte oferecido, sendo fatores exclusivos tangentes à realidade destes softwares. Não obstante, vantagens com relação à flexibilidade, custos e a não descontinuidade do projeto são benefícios percebidos pelos mesmos. O principal objetivo deste artigo é ampliar a discussão sobre a adoção de sistemas ERP Open Source.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work is aimed at presenting a theoretical analysis of the main features of Open Source ERP systems, herein identified as success technical factors, in order to contribute to the establishment of parameters to be used in decision-making processes when choosing a system which fulfills the organization's needs. Initially, the life cycle of ERP systems is contextualized, highlighting the features of Open Source ERP systems. As a result, it was verified that, when carefully analyzed, these systems need further attention regarding issues of project continuity and maturity, structure, transparency, updating frequency, and support, all of which are inherent to the reality of this type of software. Nevertheless, advantages were observed in what concerns flexibility, costs, and non-discontinuity as benefits. The main goal is to broaden the discussion about the adoption of Open Source ERP systems.
  • The significance of management information systems for enhancing strategic and tactical planning

    Karim, Akram Jalal

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Management Information Systems (MIS) is the key factor to facilitate and attain efficient decision making in an organization. This research explores the extent to which management information systems implemented to make successful decisions at two selected financial organizations. The research examined whether the selected financial institutions of Bahrain vary as to the use of Management Information Systems leadership of decision making for strategic and tactical planning purposes. The research adapted the quantitative research design to examine two research hypotheses. A total of 190 forms were equally distributed to those who are working at different management levels at the selected organizations. The results of the research showed that MIS was primarily used to enhance strategic planning in both financial institutions. The regression analysis revealed that Tactical planning is found to have no effect on Decision Making, while Strategic planning has a clear effect on the Decision Making Effectiveness in both organizations.
  • Resultados do 8º CONTECSI: Congresso Internacional de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação

    Riccio, Edson Luiz; Sakata, Marici Cristine G; Valente, Nelma Terezinha Zubek
TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil