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Aggregation of risk indicators to cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health in Brazilian adolescents in the periods 2008/09 and 2013/14 Please cite this article as: Gaya AR, Dias AF, Lemes VB, Gonçalves JC, Marques PA, Guedes G, et al. Aggregation of risk indicators to cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health in Brazilian adolescents in the periods 2008/09 and 2013/14. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2018;94:177-183. ,☆☆ ☆☆ Study carried out at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Escola Superior de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Dança (ESEFID), Research Group: Brazil Sports Project (PROESP-Br), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.



To assess the occurrence of an aggregate risk to cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health of Brazilian adolescents in the period 2008/09 and 2013/14 and to identify whether there are differences in risk between the genders and in these periods.


This was a trend epidemiological study with a quantitative approach, consisting of a voluntary sample of adolescents from 16 Brazilian states. Data were extracted from the database of Brazil Sports Project (Projeto Esporte Brasil). Health-related physical fitness was evaluated based on body mass index, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, and abdominal strength/resistance. Descriptive analysis, chi-squared test, and Poisson log regression were used for the statistical treatment.


In the years 2008/09, 14.6% of Brazilian youngsters showed an aggregate risk to cardiometabolic health and 17.1% an aggregate risk for musculoskeletal indicators, whereas in 2013/14, the values of the risk indicators were, respectively 40.0% and 22.4%. It was observed that, in the years 2013/14, the risk to the cardiometabolic health of boys was 2.51 times greater than in 2008/09, while for girls, a three-fold increase in risk was observed. Concerning musculoskeletal health, girls showed a 2.21 risk of being in the risk zone in 2013/14 when compared with 2008/09.


The occurrence of an aggregate risk to the cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal health of Brazilian adolescents increased in the 2008/09 and 2013/14 periods. Regarding gender, an increase in the cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal risk between these periods was observed in girls. As for boys, an increase was observed only in cardiometabolic risk.

Health; Physical fitness; Obesity

Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil