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Neonatal sepsis as a risk factor for neurodevelopmental changes in preterm infants with very low birth weight Please cite this article as: Ferreira RC, Mello RR, Silva KS. Neonatal sepsis as a risk factor for neurodevelopmental changes in preterm infants with very low birth weight. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2014;90:293-9. ,☆☆ ☆☆ Study performed at Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Avenida Rui Barbosa 716, Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22250-020, Brazil.



to evaluate neonatal sepsis as a risk factor for abnormal neuromotor and cognitive development in very low birth weight preterm infants at 12 months of corrected age.


this was a prospective cohort study that followed the neuromotor and cognitive development of 194 very low birth weight preterm infants discharged from a public neonatal intensive care unit. The Bayley Scale of Infant Development (second edition) at 12 months of corrected age was used. The outcomes were the results of the clinical/neurological evaluation and the scores of the psychomotor development index (PDI) and mental development index (MDI) of the Bayley Scale of Infant Development II. The association between neonatal sepsis and neuromotor development and between neonatal sepsis and cognitive development was verified by logistic regression analysis.


mean birth weight was 1,119 g (SD: 247) and mean gestational age was 29 weeks and 6 days (SD: 2). Approximately 44.3%(n = 86) of the infants had neonatal sepsis and 40.7% (n = 79) had abnormal neuromotor development and/or abnormal psychomotor development index (PDI < 85) at 12 months of corrected age. On the mental scale, 76 (39.1%) children presented abnormal cognitive development (MDI < 85). Children with neonatal sepsis were 2.5 times more likely to develop changes in neuromotor development (OR: 2.50; CI: 1.23-5.10). There was no association between neonatal sepsis and cognitive development impairment.


neonatal sepsis was an independent risk factor for neuromotor development impairment at 12 months of corrected age, but not for mental development impairment.

Psychomotor performance; Child development; Sepsis; Premature; Risk factors; Infant; Follow-up


avaliar a sepse neonatal como fator de risco para alterações no desenvolvimento neuromotor e mental de prematuros de muito baixo peso aos 12 meses de idade corrigida.


estudo de coorte prospectivo que acompanhou o desenvolvimento neuromotor e mental de 194 prematuros de muito baixo peso oriundos de uma UTI neonatal pública no Rio de Janeiro. Utilizou-se a Escala Bayley de Desenvolvimento Infantil (segunda edição) aos 12 meses de idade corrigida. Os desfechos foram o resultado da avaliação clínica/neurológica e os resultados da área motora da Escala Bayley e os resultados da área mental (cognitiva) da mesma escala. A associação entre sepse e o desenvolvimento neuromotor e entre sepse e o desenvolvimento mental foi verificada através de regressão logística


a média do peso ao nascer foi 1119 g (DP 247) e da idade gestacional 29 semanas e 6 dias (DP 2). Cerca de 44,3% (n = 86) das crianças apresentaram sepse neonatal e 40,7% (n = 79) apresentaram alteração neuromotora e/ou no índice do desenvolvimento psicomotor (PDI<85) aos 12 meses de idade corrigida. Na escala mental, 76 (39,1%) crianças apresentaram alteração (MDI < 85). As crianças que apresentaram sepse neonatal tiveram 2,5 vezes mais chances de desenvolver alteração do desenvolvimento neuromotor do que as crianças que não apresentaram sepse (OR: 2,50; IC 1,23-5,10). Porém, não houve associação entre sepse neonatal e alteração cognitiva.


a sepse neonatal foi um fator de risco independente para alteração do de-senvolvimento neuromotor, mas não para alteração do desenvolvimento mental.

Desempenho psicomotor; Desenvolvimento infantil; Sepse; Prematuro; Fatores de risco; Lactente; Seguimento


Sepsis is characterized by systemic manifestations resulting from bacterial invasion and multiplication in the bloodstream, and can lead to high neonatal mortality and morbidity.11. Miura E, Silveira RC, Procianoy RS. Sepse Neonatal: diagnóstico e tratamento. J Pediatr (Rio J). 1999;75:S57-62. Preterm newborns are at increased risk of developing sepsis. There is evidence that perinatal and neonatal infections are associated with neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants.22. Chapman A, Stoll BJ. Neonatal infection and long-term neurdevelopmental outcome in the preterm infant. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2006;19:290-7. , 33. Bassler D, Stoll BJ, Schimidt B, Asztalos EV, Roberts RS, Robertson CM, et al. Using a count of neonatal morbities to predict poor outcome in extremely low birth infants: added role of neonatal infection. Pediatrics 2009;123:313-8. , 44. Martin CR, Dammann O, Allred EN, Patel S, O'Shea TM, Kuban KC, et al. Neurodevelopment of extremely preterm infants who had necrotizing enterocolitis with or without late bacteremia. J Pediatr. 2010;157:751-6. , 55. Shah DK, Doyle LW, Anderson PJ, Bear M, Daley AJ, Hunt RW, et al. Adverse neurodevelopment in preterm infants with postnatal sepsis or necrotizing enterocolitis is mediated by white matter abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging at term. J Pediatr. 2008;153:170-5. , 66. Stoll BJ, Hansen NI, Chapman IA, Fanaroff AA, Hintz SR, Vohr B, et al. Neurodevelopmental and growth impairment among extremely low-birthweigth infants with neonatal infection. JAMA. 2004;292:2357-65.

Some studies indicate sepsis as one of the major risk factors for developmental delay and cerebral palsy, as well as neonatal mortality.77. Han TR, Bang MS, Lim JY, Yoon BH, Kim IW. Risk factors cerebral palsy in preterm infants. Am J Phy Med Rehabil. 2002;81:297-303. , 88. Wheater M, Rennie JM. Perinatal infection is na important risk factor for cerebral palsy in very-low-birthweight infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2000;42:364-7. , 99. Kohlendorfer UK, Ralser E, Peglow UP, Reiter G, Trawöger R. Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants: risk factor profiles for different gestacional ages. Acta Paediatr. 2009;98:792-6. , 1010. Schlapbach LJ, Aebischer M, Adams M, Natalucci G, Bonhoeffer J, Latzin P, et al. Impact of sepsis on neurodevelopmental outcome in a Swiss National Cohort of extremely premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e349-57. , 1111. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Neonatologia: critérios nacionais de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. 2a versão. 2010. However, there are few studies that assess the age range studied (12 months of corrected age) and, to date, only one Brazilian publication that investigated the association between sepsis and neurodevelopment was retrieved.1212. Hentges CR, Silveira RC, Procianoy RS, Carvalho CG, Filipouski GR, Fuentefria RN, et al. Association of late-onset neonatal sepsis with late neurodevelopment in the first two years of life of preterm infants with very low birth weight. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;90:50-7. Furthermore, it is necessary to use an appropriate methodology for the control of several confounding factors already established in the literature, such as low gestational age, male gender, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and brain injuries that can influence neurodevelopment in this population.

The aim of this study was to evaluate neonatal sepsis as a risk factor for neurodevelopment impairment in preterm infants with very low birth weight at 12 months of corrected age.


This prospective cohort study was performed in a tertiary hospital, at a referral unit for high-risk newborns. Preterm infants (gestational age < 37 weeks) with birth weight less than 1,500 g who were born from 2004 to 2010 were included in the cohort. Gestational age was estimated based on the date of the last menstrual period; when that date was uncertain, by early ultrasound and by the New Ballard Score.1313. Ballard JL, Khoury JC, Wedig K, Wang L, Eilers-Ealsman BL, Lipp R. New Ballard score, expanded to include extremely premature infants. J Pediatr. 1991;3:417-23. When birth weight was below the 10th percentile for gestational age,1414. Alexander GR, Himes JH, Kaufman RB, Mor J, Kogan M. A United States National Reference for fetal growth. Obstet Gynecol. 1996;87:163-8. the infant was classified as small for gestational age. The exclusion criteria were: infants with infection, congenital malformations, genetic syndromes, or those born in other hospitals; neonatal and post-neonatal deaths were excluded. Children not assessed by the Bayley scale were excluded from the analysis and considered as study loss.

Neonatal sepsis was considered in the presence of a positive blood culture and/or clinical and laboratory signs suggestive of infection.1111. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Neonatologia: critérios nacionais de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. 2a versão. 2010. Clinical signs included worsening of respiratory distress: tachypnea, sternal and/or subcostal retraction, groaning and cyanosis, apnea, body temperature instability, hyper- or hypoglycemia, poor peripheral perfusion, food intolerance, arterial hypotension, and underactive infants.1111. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Neonatologia: critérios nacionais de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. 2a versão. 2010.

Laboratory parameters included: complete blood count with three or more altered parameters according to Rodwell et al.1515. Rodwell RL., Leslie AL, Tudehope DT. Early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis using a hematologic scoring system. J Pediatr. 1988;112:761-7. and/or C-reactive protein > 0.5 mg/dL; negative or not performed blood culture; no evidence of infection at another site; and established and maintained antimicrobial therapy. Rodwell et al.1515. Rodwell RL., Leslie AL, Tudehope DT. Early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis using a hematologic scoring system. J Pediatr. 1988;112:761-7. considered the following hematological parameters: leukocytosis (white blood cells [WBC] > 25,000 at birth, or > 30,000 between 12 to 24 hours, or > 21,000 at over 48 hours of life), leukopenia (WBC < 5,000); neutrophilia or neutropenia; increased number of immature neutrophils; increased neutrophilic index; ratio of immature over segmented neutrophils > 0.3; neutrophils with toxic granulation and vacuolization; and thrombocytopenia (< 150,000 platelets). These data were collected from medical records.

After being discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the newborns were followed-up at the outpatient clinic for at-risk newborns; a clinical and neurological assessment was performed by a pediatrician and a physical therapist monthly until 12 months of age. This consisted of the observation of spontaneous movements and posture, muscle tone in several body segments (cervical, axial, limb, and shoulder girdle), asymmetries and reflexes according to the Amiel-Tison and Grenier protocol,1616. Amiel Tyson C, Grenier A, Neurological assessment during the first year of life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. and motor development milestones. Neuromotor impairment was considered when the child showed changes associated with one or more of several body segments at clinical/neurological evaluation, such as: change in muscle tone, abnormal posture, abnormal spontaneous movements, altered neurological examination, and motor developmental delay,1717. Mello RR, Silva KS, Rodrigues MC, Chalfun G, Ferreira RC, Delamônica JV. Predictive factors for neuromotor abnormalities at the corrected age of 12 Months in very low birth weight premature infants. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2009;67:235-41. also considering whether the child reached the age-appropriate motor milestones.1616. Amiel Tyson C, Grenier A, Neurological assessment during the first year of life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. , 1717. Mello RR, Silva KS, Rodrigues MC, Chalfun G, Ferreira RC, Delamônica JV. Predictive factors for neuromotor abnormalities at the corrected age of 12 Months in very low birth weight premature infants. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2009;67:235-41. , 1818. Holt KS. Development in the first year. Em: Holt KS, editor. Child development-Diagnosis and assessment. London: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991; p. 70-102. , 1919. Frankenburg WK, Dodds JB, Archer P, Sharir H, Breusnich. The Denver II: a major revision and restandartization of the Denver developmental screening test. Pediatrics. 1992;89:91-7.

The second edition of the Bayley Scale of Infant Development2020. Bayley N. Bayley scales of infant development. 2a ed. San Antonio: Harcourt; 1993. was applied by trained psychologists at 12 months of corrected age. The infants were evaluated regarding the mental and psychomotor areas, and the respective development indices were obtained. According to the authors of the scale, the psychomotor development index (PDI) and the mental development index (MDI) are considered normal when the scores are > 85; moderate delay, when the scores are between 70 and 84; significant delay, when the scores are < 70. PDI and MDI were considered to be altered when scores were < 85.

The outcomes of the study were: neuromotor development at 12 months (including clinical/neurological assessment and the motor area results of the Bayley Scale) and mental development. Neuromotor development was considered to be altered when there was a change in the clinical/neurological assessment and/or changes in the PDI.

The neuromotor and mental development at 12 months in children with neonatal sepsis were compared to those without sepsis. The association between the exposure variable (sepsis) and the outcome variables (neuromotor development and mental development) was verified by multivariate analysis (logistic regression). The presence of potential confounding factors was investigated based on the association of covariates with exposure and outcomes.

Demographic data, socioeconomic data, family data, aspects related to the perinatal period, interventions, and neonatal morbidities were considered as covariates. The post-neonatal information included daycare attendance and hospital admission in the first year of life.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) was defined as oxygen use for 28 days or more.2121. Jobe AH, Bancalari E. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;163:1723-9. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) was considered in cases of need for medical or surgical treatment.2222. Bell MJ, Temberg JL, Feigin RD, Keating JP, Marshall R, Barton L, et al. Neonatal necrotizant enterocolitis: therapeutic decisions based on clinical stating. Ann Surg. 1978;187:1-7. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) was defined as the presence of heart murmur, tachycardia, hyperdynamic precordium, and broad pulse,2323. Miyague NI. Persistência do canal arterial em recém-nascidos prematuros. J Pediatr. (Rio J). 2005;6:429-30. and was confirmed by echocardiography. Serial brain ultrasound examinations were performed in the first two weeks of life and at discharge for brain injury investigation. Data collection was prospective. The information of interest regarding the peri- and neonatal periods was collected by one of the researchers in an appropriate file during the infant's hospitalization; post-neonatal data were collected in the same file at the time of consultations at the follow-up outpatient clinic.

Statistical analysis

Data analysis was performed using Epi Info, release 3.5.1 and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), statistical analysis softwares. Statistical tests were used for differences between means (F-statistics or Kruskal-Wallis) and proportions (chi-squared), and the significance level was set at 0.05.

First, a descriptive analysis of data was performed to verify the characteristics of children with and without sepsis. Descriptive analyses were performed separately on the characteristics of children with confirmed sepsis (positive blood culture) and children with clinical sepsis (clinical and laboratory signs of infection in the absence of positive blood culture). Frequencies of sepsis, alterations in PDI and MDI, and major alterations in the neurological examination at 12 months of corrected age were calculated. The association between exposure variables and outcomes was verified by calculating the odds ratio (OR).

To identify potential confounders, the variables associated with both the main exposure - confirmed sepsis, clinical sepsis, and associated sepsis (confirmed and clinical) and the outcomes (neuromotor and mental development) with a significance level < 0.20 were selected. The variations in the magnitude of the association between sepsis and neuromotor development and between sepsis and mental development when adjusted for each of these variables in the study, defined as potential confounders in the previous step, were investigated. Variables whose adjustment led to a change > 10% in the primary exposure variable risk (sepsis) were selected for the multivariate models (logistic regression),2424. Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S. Applied logistic regression. New York: Wiley-Interscience; 1989. which were constructed separately for each outcome. In the final model, variables with a significance level of 0.05 were considered.

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Instituto Fernandes Figueira (CAAE 0005.0.008.000-06). Children's parents or guardians signed an informed consent for participation in the research.


During the study period, 448 newborns with very low weight were admitted. A total of 105 infants were excluded; there were 86 deaths, and nine infants did not attend the first appointment after discharge. Therefore, 248 children began follow-up at the outpatient clinic. There were six deaths in the first year. The final study population comprised 194 children. The difference of 48 children between the number who started the study and the number who were evaluated through the Bayley scale at 12 months was due to missed appointments or inability of the child to perform the test in the scheduled period. Losses accounted for 19%. There was no statistically significant difference between neonatal characteristics of the study group and those of the losses.

Mean birth weight was 1,119 g (median 1,145, SD = 247) and mean gestational age was 29 weeks and 6 days (median 30 weeks, SD = 2). The neonatal characteristics of the population are shown in Table 1. These data indicate this is a population with high clinical severity, where nearly 50% had sepsis and about one-third developed BPD. The mean household income was R$ 1,123 (median 800.00, SD = 1,210), and the mean maternal level of schooling was 8.9 years (median 8.9 years, SD = 3).

Table 1
Characteristics of the population of 194 very low birth weight premature infants born between 2004 and 2010 and followed-up at the outpatient clinic for at-risk newborns.

Of the studied population, 20% had neuromotor alteration in the clinical/neurological assessment at 12 months, and 37.6% had alterations in the PDI; the mean PDI was 86.6 (median 86, SD = 15.3). At 12 months of corrected age, 79 children (40.7%) presented neuromotor alteration at the clinical/neurological assessment and/or changes in PDI. Alterations in the mental development index (MDI) occurred in 39.2% of children. The mean MDI was 86.4 (median 88, SD = 13.4).

Of the 194 children, 86 (44.3%) developed sepsis, with 25 (12.9%) confirmed cases with positive blood cultures and 61 (31.4%) cases of clinical sepsis. The comparison of neonatal characteristics between the groups with and without sepsis is shown in Table 2. There was a higher frequency of birth weight < 1,000 g and gestational age < 28 weeks in patients with sepsis, when compared to those without sepsis (p < 0.00001). Regarding motor development, a two-fold higher frequency of PDI alterations (< 85) was observed in children with sepsis (55.8%) when compared to those without sepsis (23.1%). There was a significant difference between the means of PDI in children with (81; SD = 15.4) and without sepsis (90.8; SD = 13.9), as well as a significant difference between the means of MDI in children with (83; SD = 14.3) and without sepsis (89.2; SD = 12). There was a statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the occurrence of outcomes, with higher frequency in the sepsis group (Table 3).

Table 2
Comparison of neonatal characteristics of preterm children with very low birth weight who developed sepsis in the neonatal period and those who did not; 2004-2010.
Table 3
Comparison of the frequency of neurodevelopmental disorders in preterm infants with very low birth weight who developed sepsis in the neonatal period and those who did not; 2004-2010.

In the bivariate analysis between the exposure variable (sepsis) and outcomes (neuromotor development and mental development), it was observed that children with sepsis were four times more likely to develop neuromotor development alterations at 12 months than those who did not have sepsis (OR: 4.16; CI: 2.26-7.65). When verifying the association between the variable confirmed sepsis and the neuromotor outcome, children with confirmed sepsis were approximately three times more likely to have neuromotor alterations at 12 months (OR: 2.99; CI: 1,25-7.17) than children without confirmed sepsis. In the bivariate analysis between the variable clinical sepsis and outcome, children who had clinical sepsis were 2.72 times more likely to develop neuromotor alteration (CI: 1.46-5.07).

When analyzing possible confounding factors in the association of sepsis with neuromotor development, it was observed that the following variables were associated with both the exposure and the outcome: birth weight < 1,000 g, gestational age < 28 weeks, male gender, neonatal pneumonia, peri-intraventricular hemorrhage, ventilatory assistance, PDA, and BPD.

Table 4 shows that for neuromotor development, after adjusting for each of the possible confounding variables, the following variables were selected for the multivariate logistic model: BPD, PDA, and male gender. After controlling these risk factors, neonatal sepsis remained significantly associated with neuromotor development alterations at 12 months of corrected age. Children with sepsis were 2.5 times more likely to develop neuromotor developmental disorders when compared to those without sepsis (OR: 2.50; CI: 1.23-5.10).

Table 4
Association of neonatal sepsis with neuromotor and mental development impairment at 12 months of corrected age, adjusted for selected variables.

It can be observed that BPD had borderline statistical significance for the association with neuromotor development alteration (OR: 2.06 CI: 0.97-4.4). When considering confirmed sepsis as exposure separately, after adjustment for each of the possible confounding variables, the variables selected for the multivariate logistic model were BPD, PDA, and gestational age < 28 weeks. After controlling for these risk factors, confirmed sepsis was not associated with neuromotor development alterations (OR: 1.6 CI: 0.86-3.17). Considering clinical sepsis as exposure, after controlling for risk factors, it remained significantly associated with neuromotor development alterations (OR: 1.99; CI: 1.02-3.9).

In the bivariate analysis between the exposure variable (sepsis) and outcome (mental development), it was observed that children with sepsis were 1.9 times more likely to have MDI alterations than those without sepsis (CI: 1.05-3.40). In the bivariate analysis, the variables confirmed sepsis (OR: 1.82; CI: 0.78-4.24) and clinical sepsis (OR: 1.50; CI: 0.8-2.78) were not associated with the outcome of MDI alteration.

Regarding mental development, after adjusting for each of the possible confounding variables, the following variables were selected for multivariate logistic model: BPD, neonatal pneumonia, and male gender. After controlling these risk factors, neonatal sepsis lost statistical significance and did not remain associated with mental development alterations at 12 months of corrected age (OR: 1.05; CI: 0.52-2.14) (Table 4). The presence of an interaction between the confounders was not identified (Table 4).


This study observed that preterm infants with very low birth weight that had neonatal sepsis are 2.5 times more likely to have altered neuromotor development at 12 months of corrected age, regardless of other risk factors, which supports some results found in the current literature. When analyzing the confirmed sepsis subgroup as a risk factor for neuromotor development alteration, after controlling for other confounding factors, the association lost statistical significance, perhaps due to the small number of confirmed cases. However, clinical sepsis showed to be an independent risk factor for neuromotor alteration.

Other studies that also analyzed children with confirmed and clinical sepsis separately found conflicting results regarding the contribution of each of these groups. In a multicenter study of over 6,000 children, newborns with clinical sepsis had similar chances (OR: 1.6; CI: 1.3-2.0) to children with confirmed sepsis (OR: 1.5; CI: 1.2-1.9) of having severe neuromotor alteration between 18 and 22 months.66. Stoll BJ, Hansen NI, Chapman IA, Fanaroff AA, Hintz SR, Vohr B, et al. Neurodevelopmental and growth impairment among extremely low-birthweigth infants with neonatal infection. JAMA. 2004;292:2357-65.

Kohlendorfer et al.99. Kohlendorfer UK, Ralser E, Peglow UP, Reiter G, Trawöger R. Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants: risk factor profiles for different gestacional ages. Acta Paediatr. 2009;98:792-6. also investigated the association of potential risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders. Children who developed neonatal sepsis were three times more likely to have neuromotor and cognitive development alterations (PDI and MDI < 85) at 12 months of corrected age.

Conversely, a recent study1010. Schlapbach LJ, Aebischer M, Adams M, Natalucci G, Bonhoeffer J, Latzin P, et al. Impact of sepsis on neurodevelopmental outcome in a Swiss National Cohort of extremely premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e349-57. on neurodevelopment alterations in a cohort of preterm infants assessed at 24 months of corrected age included 136 children with confirmed sepsis, 169 with suspected sepsis, and 236 without infection. Children with confirmed sepsis were three times more likely to have cerebral palsy when compared with those without sepsis. It was observed that children with clinical infection were almost twice as likely to have cerebral palsy, but there was no statistical significance. Clinical sepsis and confirmed sepsis showed no association with cognitive delay.1010. Schlapbach LJ, Aebischer M, Adams M, Natalucci G, Bonhoeffer J, Latzin P, et al. Impact of sepsis on neurodevelopmental outcome in a Swiss National Cohort of extremely premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e349-57.

Although the blood culture is considered to be the gold standard for sepsis diagnosis, its sensitivity is less than 50%.2525. Haque KN. Neonatal sepsis in very low birth weight preterm infants: part 2: review of definition, diagnosis and management. Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010;3:11-27. In the present study, it was important to include clinical sepsis, as due to the low sensitivity of blood cultures, children who had infection could fail to be included as exposed to sepsis, and thus underestimate its effects on neuromotor development. Several authors have considered clinical sepsis in their recently published articles, either alone or in combination2626. Cchrag SJ, Cutland CL, Zell ER, Kuwanda L, Buchmann EJ, Velaphi SC, et al. Risk factors for neonatal sepsis and perinatal death among infants enrolled in the prevention of perinatal sepsis trial, Soweto, South Africa. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012; 31:821-6. , 2727. Campos DP, Silva MV, Machado JR, Castellano LR, Rodrigues V, Barata CH. Early-onset neonatal sepsis: cord blood cytokine levels at diagnosis and during treatment. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86:509-14. , 2828. Romanelli RM, Anchieta LM, Mourão MV, Campos FA, Loyola FC, Mourão PH, et al. Fatores de risco e letalidade de infecção da corrente sanguínea laboratorialmente confirmada, causada por patógenos não contaminantes da pele em recém-nascidos. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:189-96. with confirmed sepsis, and employed similar criteria to those of the present study for the classification of clinical sepsis.66. Stoll BJ, Hansen NI, Chapman IA, Fanaroff AA, Hintz SR, Vohr B, et al. Neurodevelopmental and growth impairment among extremely low-birthweigth infants with neonatal infection. JAMA. 2004;292:2357-65. , 1010. Schlapbach LJ, Aebischer M, Adams M, Natalucci G, Bonhoeffer J, Latzin P, et al. Impact of sepsis on neurodevelopmental outcome in a Swiss National Cohort of extremely premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e349-57. , 2828. Romanelli RM, Anchieta LM, Mourão MV, Campos FA, Loyola FC, Mourão PH, et al. Fatores de risco e letalidade de infecção da corrente sanguínea laboratorialmente confirmada, causada por patógenos não contaminantes da pele em recém-nascidos. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:189-96.

Neuromotor alterations in preterm infants with neonatal infection may be mediated by white matter lesions.55. Shah DK, Doyle LW, Anderson PJ, Bear M, Daley AJ, Hunt RW, et al. Adverse neurodevelopment in preterm infants with postnatal sepsis or necrotizing enterocolitis is mediated by white matter abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging at term. J Pediatr. 2008;153:170-5. , 2929. Glass HC, Bonifacio SL, Chau V, Glidden D, Poskitt K, Barkovich AJ, et al. Recurrent postnatal infections are associated with progressive white matter injury in preterm infants. Pediatrics. 2008;122:299-305. However, it is not known which mechanism generates the white matter lesions. It appears that such lesions can be attributed to the susceptibility of oligodendrocyte precursors to inflammation, hypoxia, and ischemia.2828. Romanelli RM, Anchieta LM, Mourão MV, Campos FA, Loyola FC, Mourão PH, et al. Fatores de risco e letalidade de infecção da corrente sanguínea laboratorialmente confirmada, causada por patógenos não contaminantes da pele em recém-nascidos. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89:189-96. Helmes et al.3030. Helmes MA, Nijman J, Leemans A, van Kooji BJ, van den Hoogen A, Benders MJ, et al. Cerebral white matter and neurodevelopment of preterm infants after coagulase-negative staphylococcal sepsis. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012;13:678-84. observed no association between late-onset sepsis and white matter lesions, and found no adverse effects on development at 15 months of age in preterm children.

It should be considered that part of the observed neuromotor alterations may be due to transient neurological abnormalities observed in preterm infants up to 18 months of corrected age. Brandt et al.3131. Brandt I, Sticker EJ, Höcky M, Lentze MJ. Transient abnormal neurologic signs (TANS) in a longitudinal study of very low birth weight preterm infants. Early Hum Dev. 2000;59: 107-26. observed abnormal neurological signs, mainly in the first year of life, and concluded that it is not possible to predict whether an early abnormal neurological sign is transient, and thus a longitudinal follow-up of these children is required, emphasizing the importance of follow-up in this population.

Gianní et al.3232. Gianní ML, Picciolini O, Ravassi M, Gardon L, Vegni C. The effects of an early developmental mother-child intervention program on neurodevelopment outcome in very low birth weight infants: A pilot study. Early Hum Dev. 2006;82: 691-5. emphasized the importance of early stimulation and intervention in these children to promote better neuropsychomotor development. In the present study, the families of children with any alteration were instructed to perform exercises at home and/or physical therapy.

The losses that occurred during the follow-up period can be considered as a study limitation; however, no significant difference was observed between the neonatal characteristics of the losses and the study group. It must be emphasized that the frequency of sepsis was similar between the two groups, indicating that the occurrence of bias is unlikely. It is important to mention that losses are frequent in cohort studies and that those in the present study were similar to the losses observed in others.99. Kohlendorfer UK, Ralser E, Peglow UP, Reiter G, Trawöger R. Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants: risk factor profiles for different gestacional ages. Acta Paediatr. 2009;98:792-6. , 1010. Schlapbach LJ, Aebischer M, Adams M, Natalucci G, Bonhoeffer J, Latzin P, et al. Impact of sepsis on neurodevelopmental outcome in a Swiss National Cohort of extremely premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e349-57.

The age chosen for the cutoff (12 months of corrected age) aimed at the early detection of neurodevelopmental alterations, and therefore, the earliest and most suitable therapeutic approach, in order to promote proper development. Another important aspect of the study was the systematic monitoring during 12 months in a cohort of 194 children from families of low socio-economic status, many of them residing in other municipalities. Studies have stressed the importance of long-term monitoring of this at-risk population.3232. Gianní ML, Picciolini O, Ravassi M, Gardon L, Vegni C. The effects of an early developmental mother-child intervention program on neurodevelopment outcome in very low birth weight infants: A pilot study. Early Hum Dev. 2006;82: 691-5. Another reason for the choice of evaluation at 12 months was the scarcity of reports in the literature of sepsis-related changes at this age range.


Neonatal sepsis was an independent risk factor for neuromotor development impairment in premature infants in the studied age range, but there was no association with mental development. is the results suggest that children who develop either confirmed or clinical sepsis in the neonatal period have a differentiated follow-up of their neuromotor development.


The authors would like to thank Maria de Fátima Junqueira, Juliana Verçosa Rocha Delamônica, and Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Reis for applying the Bayley Scale to the children participating in the study.


  • 1
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  • Please cite this article as: Ferreira RC, Mello RR, Silva KS. Neonatal sepsis as a risk factor for neurodevelopmental changes in preterm infants with very low birth weight. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2014;90:293-9.
  • ☆☆
    Study performed at Instituto Fernandes Figueira, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Avenida Rui Barbosa 716, Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22250-020, Brazil.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    May-Jun 2014


  • Received
    31 July 2013
  • Accepted
    12 Sept 2013
Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil