Open-access Study on the capacity of cold-formes steel built-up battened colums under axial compression

This paper presents the theoretical and numerical investigation results of the pin ended cold-formed steel built-up battened columns under axial compression. The finite element model was developed using the finite element software ABAQUS. The comparison of finite element analysis results match with the test results available in the literature shows that the analysis model can simulate the buckling behaviour and ultimate capacity of cold-formed steel built-up columns. Three types of sections were selected based on the limitations provided in AISI S100-2007 for prequalified sections for single lipped channel. Spacing between the chords is chosen such that the moment of inertia about major axis equals the moment of inertia about minor axis. After the verification of the finite element model, parametric study has been carried out by varying the slenderness ratio and number of battens. Two types of analytical models were used to obtain the ultimate load by the direct strength method. The ultimate loads from FEA and DSM were compared. At the end, a design recommendation is proposed for DSM to evaluate ultimate strength of the lipped channel built-up battened columns.

Direct Strength Method; Distortional buckling; Global buckling; Lipped channel column; Local buckling; Local / Distortional / Global Interaction, etc

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