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'Of saint' and 'of blood': kinship in candomblé


This article focuses on kinship relations established both through the “saints” (parentesco de santo) and through blood relations (parentesco de sangue), in the Candomblé temple of Ilê Iyá Omi Axé Iyamassé (better known as Gantois), situated in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. I reflect on kinship relations in Afro-Brazilian religions, and more specifically on the models for the transmission of the orishas (and other entities) between family members, as well as the possible connections between those models and some of the principles of the so called “new kinship studies”. This article therefore aims to analyse the matter of “saint kinship”, seen as the family network that is created after a novice`s initiation into a Candomblé temple, and “blood kinship”, the consanguineal family of the initiate, weaving differences and connections between one and the other.

Key words:
Afro-Brazilian Religions; Candomblé; Kinship; Relation; Enredo

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social - PPGAS-Museu Nacional, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Quinta da Boa Vista s/n - São Cristóvão, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 2568-9642, Fax: +55 21 2254-6695 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil