Open-access Young sportsmen: professionalization in soccer and formation in school

The goals of the study were: to verify how young soccer players manage to conciliate their training routines with school; and how the student-athletes perceive the importance of school in the search for a future occupation. For this analysis, we made 12 interviews half-structuralized with young players - from 15 to 20 years - of four soccer teams from Rio de Janeiro. We observed that these athletes find distinct strategies of conciliation between soccer and school routines, mediated by mechanisms of loosening adopted by the educational establishments/teachers, with the consent of the parents. We concluded that the purpose of this agreement is the permanence of the athlete in the school. Although we have reflected on the mechanisms of loosening adopted by teachers and principals, we cannot infer the impact caused by such mechanisms in the institutionalized education of these young athletes of soccer.

Education; Schooling; Soccer; Professionalization; Youth

Universidade Estadual Paulista Universidade Estadual Paulista, Av. 24-A, 1515, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3526-4330 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil
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