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A estagnação da produtividade do trabalho na indústria brasileira nos anos 1996-2007: análise nacional, regional e setorial

The paper presents a regional and sectorial analysis of labor productivity in industry in the years 1996-2007 from the data of PIA-IBGE using the shift-share method. Labor productivity was weighted in each sector and region for their respective participation in national employment. The results of calculations of the components of growth in labor productivity showed that in most sectors and regions, the modified structural component of growth has a low relationship with the growth of labor productivity. It was concluded that productivity growth in sectors and regions was due more to regional competitiveness than to the changes in the production structure. It was also found that growth of less developed regions was insufficient to compensate for the reduction in the Southeast region and therefore there was no increase in labor productivity at the national level.

industry; labor productivity; regional and sectorial analysis; shift-share

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