Open-access Transaminases values in Creole goats infected with Trypanosoma vivax

The present communication reports the transaminases enzymes values Aspartatoaminotransferase (AST) and Alaninaaminotransferase (ALT) in serum from goats infected with the Trypanosoma vivax Stock (TvIIV). The determinations were realized during a ten week experimental period divided into two equal periods (pre- and post-infection) by colorimetric method, using commercial kits. The dates were analyzed through the t Student's test. In the AST case, the comparison between partial means of infected and control groups did not show any statistical differences. In relation to ALT, the contrast of partial means to pre- and post-infection from infected goats group indicated significant differences (P<0.01).

hemolytic anemia; aspartatoaminotransferase; alaninaaminotransferase; trypanosomiasis

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