This work was carried out to evaluate fluorescence through electron transport rate (ETR), water consumption and intoxication of Ipomoea triloba after application of four herbicides with different mechanisms of action. The herbicides glyphosate, haloxyfop-methyl, diuron, and amicarbazone were applied using a stationary sprayer installed in the laboratory. After application, the plants were kept under greenhouse conditions. Electron transport rate, water consumption and plant intoxication were evaluated at various periods after the start of the experiment. ETR and intoxication data were expressed as percentage of control and subjected to analysis of variance and comparison of means. The water consumption data were accumulated and adjusted to regression models. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the fluorometer is an appropriate tool to verify anticipated toxicity in plants of I. triloba treated with the herbicides amicarbazone and diuron, whereas ETR inhibition was observed before any visual intoxication experienced by the plants. Also, water consumption was found to be directly related to ETR, except for the plants subjected to haloxyfop-methyl which did not suffer electron transport interference, but reduced water consumption.
fluorometer; glyphosate; haloxyfop-methyl; diuron; amicarbazone