The spiritual/religious coping (SRC) refers to the way people use faith to cope with stress and has been associated with improvements in quality of life and physical and mental health. The aim of this article was to describe the elaboration and construct validation process of the Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale (SRCOPE Scale), the first instrument to measure SRC in Brazil, based on RCOPE Scale (Pargament & cols., 2000). The study comprehended two phases: (1) translation, adaptation and pilot test (N=50); (2) field test (N=616) and construct validation. Factorial, internal consistency and correlation analysis indicated SRCOPE Scale as a valid and reliable instrument. It assesses both positives and negatives aspects of SRC, resulting in a comprehensive, functional oriented, theoretical and empirically based, and clinically meaningful instrument, useful to different scientific research areas.
spiritual/religious coping; psychological assessment; psychology of religion