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Pandaemonium Germanicum, Volume: 25, Número: 45, Publicado: 2022
  • DaF an öffentlichen Schulen am Beispiel eines Projekts in Rio de Janeiro Articles

    Ferreira, Mergenfel Vaz; Marques-Schäfer, Gabriela; Bolacio Filho, Ebal

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The main objective of this article is to provide an overview of the emergence of a teaching project in the city of Rio de Janeiro to promote multilingualism in public schools. To this end, the article first draws on some official documents - such as the text of the National Framework Curriculum (BNCC) and the Guiding Principles for the Bilingual Schools Program in the City of Rio de Janeiro, which guide the teaching of foreign languages in Brazil and in the City of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, this paper presents results of a study conducted with teachers who have been working there as German teachers since the beginning of the project. The results of the study show that critical literacy and intercultural learning are fundamental principles in both teachers' perceptions and practices. Finally, this paper shows the importance of this teaching project in promoting a richer and plural education for students.

    Resumo em de:

    Zusammenfassung Das Hauptziel dieses Artikels ist es, einen Überblick über die Entstehung eines Lehrprojekts der Stadt Rio de Janeiro zur Förderung der Mehrsprachigkeit an öffentlichen Schulen zu geben. Zu diesem Zweck stützt sich der Artikel zunächst auf einige offizielle Dokumente - wie z.B. den Text des Nationalen Rahmenlehrplans (BNCC) und die Leitprinzipien für das Programm für zweisprachige Schulen in der Stadt Rio de Janeiro, die das Lehren von Fremdsprachen in Brasilien und in der Stadt Rio de Janeiro leiten. Darüber hinaus werden in diesem Beitrag Ergebnisse einer Studie vorgestellt, die mit den Lehrkräften durchgeführt wurde, die seit Beginn des Projekts als Deutschlehrende dort arbeiten. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass critical literacy und interkulturelles Lernen grundlegende Prinzipien sowohl in der Wahrnehmung als auch in der Praxis der Lehrenden sind. Schließlich zeigt der vorliegende Beitrag, wie wichtig diese Lehrprojekt zur Förderung einer reicheren und pluralen Bildung von Schüler*innen ist.
  • Developing Historical Competency: Teaching German History Through History Films At University Putra Malaysia (BA German Programme) Articles

    Schaar, Torsten; Wen, Chang Shi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract History films personalize, dramatize and emotionalize historical events and characters. They revive the past by exemplifying it in the present, engage ongoing discourses of history and as a result have proven to be the most influential medium in conveying history to large audiences. History films are regarded as an attractive, motivating and efficient (supplementary) teaching and learning medium in history as well as in foreign language classes. As part of the course “Historical Survey of Germany” (BA German-programme at University Putra Malaysia) history film projects on important periods and events in German history were conducted. The article introduces a film project on World War II and describes the pedagogical approach which aims to develop three core competencies of historical understanding - Content Knowledge, Historical Empathy/Perspective Recognition and Narrative Analysis. It discusses selected general findings provided as qualitative data in group and individual assignments. While the responses to questions related to Content Knowledge and Narrative Analysis show that students achieved higher competency levels, the participants showed shortcomings in the rational examination of historical characters, their perspectives and motivations for their actions. Time, practice and guidance can be identified as key factors in developing historical literacy competencies further.
  • Sprachmittlung im Klassenraum: Theoretische Befunde und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Übungen aus der Dolmetschausbildung als Sprachmittlungswerkzeug im Rahmen der DaF-Ausbildung Articles

    Gondar, Anelise F. P.

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Na pesquisa em didática multilíngue, a abordagem comunicativa deu lugar a um novo desenvolvimento ligado à interculturalidade (NEUNER 2009: 2). Nesse contexto, a chamada mediação linguística (ML) alcançou o status de quinta habilidade - ao lado das habilidades linguísticas de Lesen, Schreiben, Hören e Sprechen. A literatura especializada reúne diferentes atividades comunicativas tais como “tradução, interpretação, resumos paráfrases” sob a ideia de ML (EUROPARAT 2001: 25; 89-90). Sendo uma competência voltada à ação, a ML requer o desenvolvimento e aprofundamento de abordagens e métodos, bem como materiais e conteúdos específicos. No contexto da formação de professores de Língua Alemã no Brasil, pouca atenção sistematizada ainda é dada à da ML como possibilidade de desenvolvimento da aprendizagem consciente de línguas. O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar reflexões teórico-práticas sobre exercícios de ML desenvolvidos com um grupo de estudantes da Habilitação Português-Alemão sem conhecimentos prévios de técnicas de interpretação. Estes possibilitaram a introdução de técnicas de Interpretação na formação de professores através de atividades adequadas aos objetivos e perfil do grupo em questão. Objetivou-se fomentar conhecimentos culturais e linguísticos de tal forma que os alunos sejam não apenas sensibilizados em relação à dimensão multicultural da interlocução mas que também disponham de instrumentos para lidar de forma criativa com a própria aprendizagem de LE.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Within the research on multilingual didactics, the communicative approach ended up giving way to new developments linked to interculturality (NEUNER 2009: 2). In foreign language teaching, the so-called linguistic mediation (LM) was considered to be the fifth competence - alongside the linguistic competences of Lesen, Schreiben, Hören and Sprechen. The specialized literature brings together different communicative activities such as „translation, interpretation, paraphrase summaries“ under the umbrella concept of LM (EUROPARAT 2001: 25; 89-90). Linguistic mediation is an action-oriented competence and requires further development of approaches and methods, as well as specific materials and contents. In the context of the training of German language teachers in Brazil, little systematic attention is still given to LM as a possibility for the development of conscious language learning. The article aims to present theoretical and practical reflections on LM exercises developed with a group of ‘Portuguese-German’ double major students without previous knowledge of (conference) interpreting techniques. These exercises enabled the introduction of (conference) interpreting techniques in the training of teachers through activities well suited to the objectives and profile of the group. The goal was to promote cultural and linguistic knowledge in such a way that students were not only sensitized towards multicultural dimensions of dialogical encounters, but that they also developed instruments to deal creatively with their own learning of FL.

    Resumo em de:

    Zusammenfassung Der Forschungsbereich der Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik hat sich als „Weiterentwicklung des kommunikativen Ansatzes” etabliert (NEUNER 2009:2) und die Sprachmittlung (SM) ist - als sogenannte fünfte Fertigkeit neben den vier Fertigkeiten ‚Hören‘, ‚Sprechen‘, ‚Schreiben‘ und ‚Lesen‘ - zunehmend ins Visier von Didaktikern gerückt. In der Fachliteratur werden verschiedene Aktivitäten sprachlicher Art “wie Übersetzen, Dolmetschen, Zusammenfassen und Paraphrasieren” unter dem Konzept der SM (EUROPARAT 2001: 25; 89-90) zusammengefasst. Die SM als handlungsorientierte Kompetenz bedarf einer Reihe von spezifischen Ansätzen, Methoden, Konzepten, Materialien und Inhalten. Im Rahmen des Studiums des Faches Deutsch als Fremdsprache im Bundesstaat Rio de Janeiro wird der SM bislang noch sehr wenig systematisierte Aufmerksamkeit als Möglichkeit zur Entwicklung des Sprachlernbewusstseins gewidmet. Der vorliegende Beitrag zielt darauf hinab, die theoretisch angeleiteten und praxisorientierten Überlegungen über durchgeführte Übungssequenzen im Bereich Sprachmittlung in einer Studierendengruppe des Doppelstudiengangs portugiesische und deutsche Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft ohne Dolmetschkenntnisse vorzustellen. Durch Übungsangebote werden Elemente der Dolmetschwissenschaft gezielt und zielgruppengemäß in die DaF-Ausbildung eingeführt. Das Ziel der Durchführung von Übungssequenzen besteht darin, kulturelle und sprachliche Kenntnisse miteinander zu kombinieren und Studierende nicht nur für die Thematik zu sensibilisieren, sondern ihnen auch Werkzeuge mit auf den Weg zu geben, damit sie kreativer mit der Fremdsprache umgehen können.
  • Begriffe des Bildungswesens und ihre Deutsch ↔ Spanisch - Übersetzung Articles

    Gruhn, Dorit Heike

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present study aims to outline German ↔ Spanish equivalence of educational system concepts in the context of sworn translation of certificates. First of all, the translation of this text type is examined from the angles of different translation theories. Subsequently, the target audience and its specific needs are outlined from a functional perspective. Then examples of pairs of educational terms in the two languages are given, and they are organized in a three-part system (complete equivalence, partial equivalence and nonequivalence). Cases of “false friends” are identified as the most frequent source of errors. In addition, some translation tools and the most important strategies for the translation of this kind of concepts are presented. The frame of reference are the German and the Mexican educational systems.

    Resumo em de:

    Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Deutsch ↔ Spanisch - Äquivalenz von Begriffen des Bildungswesens in Bezug auf die Urkundenübersetzung. Zunächst wird die Übersetzung dieser Textsorte aus dem Blickwinkel verschiedener Übersetzungstheorien betrachtet. Nachfolgend werden - aus funktionaler Perspektive - die Adressaten der Zieltexte und ihre Bedürfnisse umrissen. Es folgen Beispiele für Fachausdrücke in beiden Sprachen, die in eine dreiteilige Systematik (vollständige Äquivalenz, Teiläquivalenz, Nicht-Äquivalenz) eingeordnet werden. Dabei stechen vor allem die “falschen Freunde” als häufige Fehlerquelle hervor. Eingegangen wird auch auf übersetzerische Hilfsmittel und die wichtigsten Übersetzungsstrategien im Rahmen der Übersetzung solcher Begriffe. Bezugssysteme sind das deutsche und das mexikanische Bildungswesen.
  • El Romanticismo alemán y el drama Articles

    Alberti, Miguel

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Resumen El Romanticismo alemán se sirvió del drama con menos frecuencia y con menos éxito que los movimientos estéticos que lo precedieron. Pero existió un teatro romántico alemán y llegó a desarrollar una serie de características distintivas. En la medida en que estas características se analizan a la luz del programa del Romanticismo mismo, se pueden ver con algo más de claridad algunas de las posibles razones por las cuales los románticos alemanes no solo no produjeron gran cantidad de obras teatrales sino que tampoco encontraron en el teatro un vehículo apropiado para parte importante de su propuesta. El objetivo del presente artículo es llevar a cabo dicho análisis y reflexionar en torno a la naturaleza del drama alemán del Romanticismo y las razones de su desarrollo comparativamente menor.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract German Romanticism made use of drama less frequently and less successfully than the aesthetic movements that preceded it. However, there was a German Romantic theater, and it developed a number of distinctive characteristics. As these features are analyzed in the light of the Romantic program itself, one can see with rather greater clarity some of the possible reasons why the German Romantics not only failed to produce a large number of plays, but also did not find in drama an appropriate vehicle for an important part of their agenda. This paper carries out such an analysis and reflects on the nature of German Romantic drama and the reasons for its comparatively minor development.
  • Untersuchungen zur Gattung und Metrik der Dionysos-Dithyrambe „Letzter Wille“ von Fr. Nietzsche Articles

    Serpa, Danilo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper analyses Nietzsche’s Dionysus-Dithyramb “Letzter Wille” with regard to characteristics of the genre “hymn”, of which the dithyramb can be considered a subgenre. The analysis considers two main concepts: gestures of speech and Freie Rhythmen (free rhythms). Gestures of speech as found in hymns could not be identified in the poem. Instead, the paper proposes that the attribution Freie Rhythmen (free rhythms) serves to characterize the poem. The metrical analysis is based on conceptualizations of Moennighoff and Schulz (2007) and Bunia (2014) and discusses features attributed to the genre “hymn”. “Letzter Wille” is also observed in the context of Nietzsche’s other poems. Finally, the motifs of the Dionysian and of self-reflection in Nietzsche are briefly examined.

    Resumo em de:

    Zusammenfassung In diesem Aufsatz wird Nietzsches Dionysos-Dithyrambe „Letzter Wille“ im Hinblick auf Charakteristiken der Gattung „Hymne“, welcher der Dithyrambus als Untergattung zugerechnet werden kann, analysiert. Zwei Aspekte werden besonders berücksichtigt: Sprachgebärden und Freie Rhythmen. Sprachgebärden der Hymnen konnten hier nicht ermittelt werden. Die metrische Struktur des Gedichts wird im Kontext des lyrischen Werkes Nietzsches besonders nach Begriffen von Moennighoff und Schulz (2007) sowie Bunia (2014) untersucht und auf andere, der Gattung „Hymne“ zugeschriebene Elemente bezogen. Dabei werden kompositorische Prozesse von „Letzter Wille“, wie die Spiegelung von seinen Teilen, herausgehoben, und seine Beziehung zu anderen Gedichten des Autors kurz betrachtet. Zum Schluss widmet sich die Analyse dem Motiv des Dionysischen bei Nietzsche.
  • Romper a superfície da imagem - reflexões de Brecht sobre o cinema e a fotografia Articles

    Gutierrez, Maria Alzuguir

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este artigo pretende apresentar algumas das ideias de Brecht sobre o cinema e a fotografia, elaboradas em obras literárias, ensaios e notas escritos ao longo de sua trajetória. A proposta aqui é oferecer ao leitor de português acesso a uma importante faceta do pensamento brechtiano, ainda pouco conhecida no Brasil: suas reflexões sobre a imagem técnica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article aims to present some of Brecht's ideas on cinema and photography, elaborated in literary works, essays and notes written along his trajectory as author. The article intends to offer the Portuguese-language reader access to an important facet of Brechtian thought, still little known in Brazil: his reflections on the technical image.
  • Os diários de Franz Kafka: uma introdução Articles

    Russo, Sâmella Freitas

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Franz Kafka manteve doze cadernos in-quarto ao longo de quatorze anos e fez neles o registro da sua peculiar existência. Conhecidos como seus diários íntimos, esses cadernos servem de valiosa fonte para a compreensão não apenas da vida do escritor como também - e especialmente - do seu legado literário. Não obstante, pouca atenção ainda é dada pela crítica e pela academia a esses textos como objeto exclusivo de investigação, ora pelo constrangimento exercido pelos resquícios das abordagens pós-estruturalistas, ora pela recepção e pela tradução a que se sujeitaram. Este artigo tem o propósito de apresentar um panorama desses doze cadernos, abrangendo sua origem, sua recepção, sua tradução, suas particularidades, sua estrutura e seu conteúdo. Por ser a crítica em nosso país tanto a respeito do gênero diário quanto dos cadernos in-quarto de Kafka escassa, essa apresentação pode auxiliar potenciais leitores e interessados nesses diários a contextualizá-los e consequentemente permitir o desenvolvimento de pesquisas mais aprofundadas acerca dessas notas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract For fourteen years, Franz Kafka kept twelve quarto-size notebooks, in which he recorded his peculiar existence. Known as his personal diaries, these notebooks serve as a valuable source for understanding not only his life but also - and especially - his literary legacy. Nevertheless, little attention is still given by critics and academia to these texts as an exclusive object of investigation, sometimes due to the constraints exerted by the remnants of post-structuralist approaches, sometimes due to the peculiarities of their reception and translation. This article aims to present an overview of those twelve notebooks, discussing their origin, reception, translation, particularities, structure and content. As the criticism in Brazil concerning both the diary genre and Kafka’s notebooks is scarce, this introduction can help potential readers and researchers interested in these diaries to contextualize them and consequently to facilitate the development of more advanced research about these notes.
  • Robert Musil, his Era and Predicaments - Explained for Readers in the Americas Book Review

    Duff, Charlie
Universidade de São Paulo/Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403, 05508-900 São Paulo/SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 11)3091-5028 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil