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Quality of life and oral health in children and adolescents: conceptual and methodological aspects

There has been increasing interest in the oral health-related quality of life of children and adolescents, since pediatric oral disorders are likely to have a negative effect on children's quality of life. So the questionnaires that aim to assess the impact of oral health on child' and adolescent' quality of life has been developed or adapted to this specific group. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between the quality of life and oral health in children and adolescents, focalizing conceptual and methodological aspects. The instruments developed to assess oral health-related quality of life in children and adolescents are: the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ), for children aged 8-10 (CPQ8-10) and 11-14 (CPQ11-14), the Child-Oral Impacts on Daily Performances, for children aged 11-12, the Child Oral Health Impact Profile, for children aged 8-14, and the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale for children aged 2-5. Although progress was observed in this area, there are still many issues to be discussed and answered, as the need for specific questionnaires for different ages, the participation of respondents as secondary and evaluation of the impact of child' and adolescent' oral health in the family.

adolescent; child; quality of life; oral health

PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro - UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 6013-E- Maracanã. 20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (21) 2334-0504 - ramal 268, Web: - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil