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Tuning the structure and properties of cell-embedded gelatin hydrogels for tumor organoids


Tumor organoids have great potential as a 3D in vitro system to model cancer. In this work, we studied how the structure of hydrogels based on gelatin with methacryloyl groups (GeIMA) can affect their usage in tumor organoids. To this end, gelatin hydrogels with different levels of methacrylation and with cellulose nanocrystals (NCC) or reduced graphene oxide (rGO) were prepared and used to encapsulate human colon carcinoma cells (RKO). Mechanical properties of the hydrogels were measured in dynamic conditions at 37°C and water. Results showed that NCC was able to provide higher mechanical stability to the hydrogels. RKO cells embedded in GelMA were able to proliferate within the hydrogels, leading to the formation of groups of cells after 48 h. GelMA with higher crosslink densities and NCC tended to show higher cell population as possibly due to the higher level of stability and rigidity displayed by these hydrogels.

gelatin methacryloyl; GeIMA; hydrogels; organoid; three-dimensional cell culture

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