Background:  The inventory control practice of deteriorating food products that are subject to an expiration date is a challenging process. Inappropriate inventory control practice leads to substantial waste of products and significant holding and purchasing costs.

Purpose:  This paper aims to develop an inventory control model-based Genetic Algorithm (GA) to minimize the Total Annual Inventory Cost (TAIC) function developed explicitly for the proposed model.

Methodology:  GA is used and tailored to provide the best reorder level of deteriorating food products. A case study of one of the five-star hotels in Iraq is conducted, followed by a sensitivity analysis study to validate the proposed model for varying reorder levels.

Results and Conclusion:  A minimum inventory cost is obtained with an optimum reorder level achieved by running GA. It is concluded that the optimal reorder level provided by the proposed GA minimized the monthly inventory cost of products.

Keywords: deteriorating food products; inventory control; genetic algorithms


Due to many factors, the deterioration of food products is a frequent, gradual, and natural phenomenon. These factors include inappropriate lighting, temperature, humidity, and spoilage bacteria that affect the quality and safety of such products, causing food spoilage and making their items out of validity in terms of human consumption. However, the main factor behind such food deterioration is that keeping an excessive quantity of food products than the possible consumption rate will drive the surplus products’ age to go beyond their expiry date, resulting in their classification as spoiled products and their subsequent disposal.

In order to reduce storing an excessive quantity of food, a prediction of the food consumption rate needs to be conducted. In addition, the current storage of these products needs to be regularly checked to ensure that no additional products will be ordered/purchased. Therefore, inventory control practice is required as an essential process of monitoring and controlling the products’ storage by proposing inventory control tools and techniques to achieve the best inventory control practice. This practice ensures the optimal balance between inventory levels of products and predicted consumption rate or volumes of products’ demands. This reduces the waste of perishable foods and the costs related to their purchase and storage (Akhir et al., 2019). It is worth mentioning that the problem of food deterioration, whose expected usefulness ends when the product’s shelf life reaches zero, was also discussed as an inventory control problem (Nahmias, 1982; Yadav et al., 2017; Yadav et al., 2018).

The deterioration of food products, including their volumes and types, causes waste and, subsequently, the high cost of holding and purchasing them. This issue could also lead to a lost opportunity cost when a particular food product is requested and not ready for delivery. Therefore, the cost analysis within the inventory control practice should be considered for an effective inventory control practice of food products.

Therefore, the main aim of this study is to develop an effective inventory control model-based genetic algorithm (GA) for achieving optimal reorder levels of food deteriorating products and minimizing the total inventory purchasing costs. The total purchasing cost function is proposed and added to the classical purchasing with no shortage inventory model for a more cost-effective analysis. A case study of the tourist industry represented by one of the five stars’ hotels located in the North of Iraq is also considered in this study.

The benefits of this inventory control model are summarized as follows:

  • (i) It assists business operations managers in identifying the optimal level of inventory in response to the current consumption rate of food products.

  • (ii) It reduces waste of the deterioration of food products due to improper inventory storage policies.

  • (iii) It also contributes to minimizing costs associated with holding unnecessary volumes of food products and the incurred waste of storing a volume of food products higher than the actual demand requires.

The paper is organized as follows: Section II reviews the literature on inventory control modeling of food products considering their deterioration. The development of the inventory-GA model and a cost function of total purchasing of food products are discussed in Section III. Section IV presents a case study in one of Iraq’s five-stars hotels. Section V presents a sensitivity analysis to study the reaction of the developed model to different demand scenarios, followed by the main conclusions and recommendations in the last section.


Nowadays, most businesses, because of the high software purchasing costs, complications or wide range of software capabilities that are not fully utilized or required by businesses, use a moderately simple computerized system such as a spreadsheet application or other inventory control legacy system to monitor and control the level of their food products inventories. Such systems consider food product type, price, destination, and history, including expiry date and quantity. Another advantage provided by these systems is the ordering history and the best price paid.

Using such systems gives the business the best control of the inventory level and associated costs. However, they are unable to determine the optimal reorder level of food products, especially when food deterioration is subject to an expiration date and when products have a short life cycle before being valid for human consumption.

Therefore, due to the adoption of inappropriate inventory control strategies provided by legacy systems related to deteriorating food products, under a crucial constraint of expiration date, purchases of products that are not used to satisfy customers’ demand might lead them to be surplus and, subsequently, pass their expiry date and become inappropriate for human use. This poor inventory practice is the result of legacy software not identifying the optimal reorder level of such food products, including when and how many to buy. This practice will also lead to high levels of waste of such products and drive businesses to bear high costs of both purchasing and holding.

Businesses need to be equipped with more sophisticated inventory control systems, especially for food products subject to expiry date and must adopt specialized mathematical optimization models to achieve the best inventory control of deteriorating food products. Hence, the aim of this paper is to develop an optimization model for the most effective inventory control practice of food products subject to the expiration date with a short life span. This practice considers all the incurred costs to achieve the best reorder levels of products based on predicted consumption rates.


Many previous studies investigated the inventory control problem of food deteriorating products affected by demand. Some of these studies include but are not limited to Taleizadeh et al. (2013), who developed an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model for perishable products to determine the optimal order and shortage quantities of a perishable item when the supplier offers a special sale. The same author in 2014 developed two classic models for EOQ with and without shortage subsequent payment for non-perishable products, where the objective function for the annual total costs consists of fixed cost, purchasing cost, capital cost before receiving products and holding cost including capital cost after receiving products. Tavakoli and Taleizadeh (2017) developed a classic EOQ model for decaying items with full advanced payment and conditional discount consisting of no shortage, complete back-ordering shortage, and partial lost sale is permitted to help the vendors and buyers to offer and select the best full advanced payment scheme.

The traditional non-perishable (EOQ) model could be used with perishable goods under specific holding costs and lifetime (Dobson et al., 2017). Although most inventory models, including the EOQ ones, do not consider storage capacity when stocking items. This assumption is made to satisfy any future demands and discard the perishability of products (Damgaard et al., 2012). Mishra et al. (2013) developed a deterministic inventory model with time-dependent demand and time-varying holding cost. An order-level inventory system for deteriorating items with the demand rate as a ramp type function of time was implemented. The model is solved analytically by minimizing the total inventory cost for the business enterprises (Manna et al., 2016).

Regarding time-dependent demand with inventory deterioration, Kamal et al. (2011) analyzed the developed inventory model with deterioration and partial backlogging from a different point of view to minimize the total cost associated with the inventory system. Ahmad et al. (2016) discussed four inventory control models in the food and beverage processing industry, which are the Make-To-Stock (MTS), Make-To-Order (MTO), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and hybrid of MTS-MTO models, to ensure that an organization can meet customer demand at the lowest possible cost to maximize profitability. Vijayashree and Uthayakumar (2015) proposed a model for the inventory planning problem with parabolic holding cost and salvage value for items that deteriorate linearly with time. Díaz et al. (2020) proposed a mathematical model to derive the EOQ under specific conditions to minimize the expected management cost of perishables, assuming constant demand and linearly decreasing purchase probability during the product life cycle. The goal is to find an optimum cycle time and order quantity. Chih-Chin (2013) proposed a model for inventory prediction and an intelligent inventory management system for the food-processing-and-distribution industry for perishable foods. In the grocery retailing industry, perishable products within the grocery-food category account for approximately 50% of super-market sales (Freddy and Fidel, 2020). So, inventory costs and management expenses can reduce warehouse efficiency.

Azadeh et al. (2017) proposed a genetic algorithm-based approach to solve the inventory routing problem with transhipment of a single perishable product to achieve the best solution and meet customer demand under the maximum level policy. Zhang et al. (2016) developed the first approximation algorithm for periodic-review of perishable inventory systems with setup costs, where the model allows for correlated demand processes that generalize the well-known approaches to model dynamic demand forecast updates. The main idea is to decompose the total cost in terms of the marginal costs of individual decisions. The decision in period t was associated with its affiliated cost contributions to the system. These marginal costs may include costs (associated with the decision) incurred in current and subsequent periods. Kehinde et al. (2020) adopted the ABC analysis and EOQ technique to determine each inventory item’s degree of importance, using EOQ for the inventory of deteriorating products items (flour, sugar and butter) to minimize total cost. Susanto (2018) used (EOQ) model to minimize the total cost of raw material inventory more economically under the production needs. This method applies two types of cost, carrying and ordering costs, making the total inventory cost more economical and reducing storage cost swelling. Nasution et al. (2020) studied the inventory planning system for the industries producing nondurable goods to reduce the number of expired products and find the optimal order quantity and time of ordering goods together (joint order). The optimal order quantity is planned with the EOQ method.

In Saraswati et al. (2017), a genetic algorithm based on total inventory cost minimization was used to determine the batch size of raw materials’ multi-product. Nonetheless, inventory holding costs were based on the warehouse space and the unit’s space dimension. Rabbania et al. (2018) study is devoted to the EOQ-model building, considering assumptions like deteriorating inventory quality, shortages, inventory space availability, and the overall budget for purchasing goods. Two metaheuristic algorithms, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search, are used to minimize the total inventory cost, including ordering and holding costs of the supply chain. Obeidat et al. (2020) proposed an approach for managers and marketers to maximize profits by increasing sales of food products through genetic algorithm (GA) optimization. Sandeep and Sarvesh (2020) formulated an inventory policy for perishable products where shortages are fully backlogged, and the allowed delay in payment is influenced by order of quantity. This study aims to maximize the total profit by finding the optimal ordering quantity and length of cycle order of the retailer. Mishra (2021) provided an up-to-date review of the role of GA in overall inventory and supply chain management. Mathematical and logical analysis of different inventory and supply chain models helps managers reduce overall costs and generate higher revenue.

Many other studies show the importance of GA in identifying the optimal solution in inventory models, such as (Shakeel et al., 2012), who used GA to optimize ordering quantity at the best reorder point. In addition to the problem of inventory deterioration accompanying perishable goods, researchers interested in addressing limited storage (Junfeng et al., 2013) studied the inventory model of the deterioration units to a slope demand type with flexibility in working conditions. This paper compared the total inventory cost of two policies (EOQ-based continuous review policy and periodic review policy) in applying blood plasma inventory to select the most appropriate policy given budget constraints. The total inventory annual cost is the summation of annual setup cost, annual holding cost, annual safety stock holding cost, and annual monitoring cost. Singh and Soni (2020) developed an EOQ inventory model using ramp-type demand with deterioration and shortages in which inventory is depleted not only by demand but also by deterioration. The objective is to find the optimal order quantity to keep the total relevant cost minimum, depending on three types of cost: holding, shortage, and deterioration. Cenk (2020) extends the standard EOQ inventory management model to the case where inventory holding costs compound and show that the standard model underestimates the total annual costs. Abigail and Hanni (2021) used five steps to get the optimal result of the EOQ model to minimize the total inventory cost for a perishable powdered drink company. Sandesh and Raosaheb (2020) proposed a GA to solve deterioration inventory models to determine the optimum pro[FB01?]t and economic order quantity under various assumptions, such as the demand per unit time. Patriarca et al. (2020) presented an EOQ inventory control model for perishable items with a demand rate variable over time and dependent on the inventory rate. The model also considers the potential for backlogging and lost sales. This paper intends to provide an analytical formulation to deal with uncertainty and time-dependent inventory functions for various perishable products. The formulation is designed to support decision-making for identifying the optimal order quantity, considering costs related to perishable products, the uncertainty of demand and quality level, and the associated effect on customers, i.e. back-ordering or lost sales. Samithamby (2019) illustrated the basic EOQ model from a learner’s point of view to minimize the Total Incremental Cost (TIC) beyond the cost of purchasing a product/material in consideration of two main total costs: Total Ordering Cost (TOC) and Total Handling Cost (THC). The formulation is designed to support decision-making for identifying the optimal order quantity. Edalatpour and Mirzapour (2019) developed a method to find the optimal value of perishable complementary and alternative items pricing for a multi-product EOQ model to reduce the total cost. At the same time, Thinakarana et al. (2019) provided an excellent survey to review and discuss the EOQ & EPQ models with essential parameters.

Each of the works above presented different total purchasing cost formulations from a different viewpoint related to the methodology for optimizing total cost, EOQ and/or reorder level.

This study introduces a new Total Annual Inventory Cost (TAIC) formulation for the classical purchasing with a no shortage inventory model for the best inventory control practice. This formulation is unique and specifically proposed to suit the new GA model developed in this study with a unique chromosome structure that accommodates different reorder level patterns of deteriorating food products to achieve minimal inventory costs.


4.1 Inventory Control

An effective inventory control policy allows the company or organization to determine the optimal quantity of stock at the right time and place, to meet orders and avoid shortages or use them later (Misra and Sebastian, 2013; Abed and Al Salami, 2021). This applies to raw materials entering any production and finished product (Yadav et al., 2017). This policy is intended to accurately reduce inventory costs and management to prevent fluctuations in the fixed demand rate after stock withdrawals (Dania, 2010; Adediran et al., 2019). As a result, the researchers have a different set of costs as follows (Al-Jawad, 2013, p.151):

  1. Item cost (C): the unit cost of purchasing the product as a part of an order.

  2. Ordering (Set up) cost (Co): These costs are independent of the order size. It is incurred when purchasing goods from a supplier, such as (labor, transportation, order checking, and telephone); also, it is incurred when producing goods for sale to others, such as (cleaning machines, calibrating equipment, and training staff).

  3. Holding (Carrying or Storage) cost (Ch): These are the various costs related to warehouse inventory. It usually includes the bank interest rate on loans, returns, insurance costs, taxes, depreciation, obsolescence, damage, etc. These costs are calculated based on the retention costs per unit stored in one year. The standard carrying cost value is usually 25% of the inventory value (James and Douglas, 1987).

  4. Shortage (Unsatisfied Demand) cost (CS): These costs result from increased demand for the quantity stored in the warehouse. These costs include the cost of loss (sales opportunities, customers) and the fines paid by the company in breach of contracts with them.

4.2 Deterministic Models

This model assumes the deterministic constant value of each year-round demand, purchase cost per unit, and delivery time (Bor-Ren, 2004; Al-Jawad, 2013, p.152). The parameters of this model are introduced as follows:

  • Q: The number of items to order.

  • D: Annual demand, which is fixed (unit/time). C: Purchase cost of each item.

  • Ch: Annual holding cost for each unit.

  • CO: Fixed cost of placing an order. It is independent of the order size or the number of items and orders placed.

The purchasing with no shortages model assumes that the ordered items arrive instantaneously, and we do not allow any shortage. Also, the quantity we order is always going to be the same. This situation is illustrated in Figure 1 (Nahmias, 1982; Junfeng et al., 2013; Al-Jawad, 2013, p.152).

Figure 1
Inventory level as a function of time.

For this model, we have (Abigail and Hanni, 2021):

T h e E c o n o m i c O r d e r Q u n a t i t y Q = 2 D C O c h (1)

T h e n u m b e r o f o r d e r s i t e m N = D Q (2)

T h e t i m e b e t w e e n o r d e r s T = 1 N = Q D (3)

T h e T o t a l C o s t p e r y e a r K = D Q × C o A n n u a l O r d e r i n g C o s t + Q 2 × C h A n n u a l H o l d i n g C o s t = 2 C O D C h (4)

The EOQ model can be developed by considering the purchase costs (C). Eq. (4) can be reformulated to obtain the total costs (TC) as follows:

T o t a l C o s t = P u r c h a s e cos t × D e m a n d o f r a w m a t e r i a l + T h e T o t a l C o s t p e r y e a r K = C · D + K (5)

4.3 Genetic Algorithms

A GA can be used to identify the optimal solution for optimization and research problems by reducing the total inventory cost, including the cost of purchasing products and holding inventory. The crossover and mutation operators are applied to the initial data to obtain a new generation of chromosomes (Misra and Sebastian, 2013). One of the essential aspects of controlling GA performance is choosing the appropriate method. There are many ways to represent chromosomes (Somnath et al., 2006):

  1. Binary Encoding.

  2. Rational Encoding.

  3. Integer Value Encoding.

  4. Character Representation Encoding.

  5. Tree Representation Encoding.

Here, the encoding refers to mapping the problem parameters to a chromosome; we used binary encoding to represent chromosomes.

4.3.1 Fitness Function (FF)

In EOQ model-based GA, FF can be used to test the quality of chromosomes within its population. This is part of GA, defined as a criterion of the goodness of a chromosome. It ensures that the evolution is optimized (Somnath et al., 2006, Gunwoo et al., 2012). By using FF in Eq. (6) we can minimize the total inventory cost (TC) for all months depending on Eq. (5) as follows:

C o s t f o r M o n t h M j j = 1 , 2 , , 12 = T C = i = 1 , 2 , , n D e m a n d o f r a w m a t e r i a l i × P u r c h a sin g C o s t i + H o l d i n g C o s t i O r d e r i n g C o s t i i f b i n a r y N o . = 0 i f b i n a r y N o . = 1 T T C = i D i × C i + C h i i f b i n a r y N o . = 0 C o i i f b i n a r y N o . = 1 (6)

4.3.2 The proposed GA models

Figure 2 shows the steps of GA’s developed model used in this paper as follows:

  • 1. Input the inventory model’s data in a matrix format for (Demand, Purchasing Cost, Holding Cost, and Ordering Cost).

  • 2; Run GA to start generating a random binary matrix [12 months × 15 different genes] as initial population generation.

  • 3. Calculate FF for all months per year by converting the binary matrix [12×15] to the cost matrix [12×15], arranging it in ascending order and finding TAIC.

  • 4. The algorithm’s operations begin as:

  • A. Determine how chromosomes are arranged and selected.

  • B. Generate a new generation by applying the principle of crossover & mutation.

  • 5. Create a new binary matrix [12×29] for the research population. This includes the integration of an initial random binary matrix [12×15] in step 2 with the newly generated matrix [12×14] after crossover & mutation processes in step 4.

  • 6. Calculate FF again for all months per year for step 5 above.

  • 7. Construct the optimal costs matrix [12×29] for FF in step 6.

  • 8. Verify the solution: has the optimal value for FF been reached? If yes, let the optimal value equal the final value.

  • 9. Check the algorithm’s termination rule:

  • A. If yes, the algorithm’s output is obtained (No. of Generation, Optimal Annual Min. Total Cost, Optimal Gene), and the algorithm is finished.

  • B. Alternatively, arrange the optimal cost matrix in step 7 in ascending order, take the first 15 rows from the corresponding binary matrix [12×29] created in step 5 as an initial population generation and go to step 3.

Figure 2
The Genetic Algorithm Flowchart.

4.3.3 Crossover and Mutation Operators

In order to create new chromosomes, recombining strings (component materials) is conducted using simple analogies of genetic crossover and mutation operator. Crossover is the primary instrument of variation and innovation in GA to obtain better characteristics and form the most suitable solution among generations (Mahjoob et al., 2021). Mutation includes flipping the bit at a randomly chosen locus (i.e. a symbol replaced at a randomly chosen locus with a randomly chosen new symbol), and its operator is a local optimization method. Another point to be taken into account is that GA gathers the utilization of previous results to explore new areas of the search fields. Different ways of crossing-over genes within chromosomes were previously used. Examples are one-point, two-points, multiple-points and uniform crossover (Somnath et al., 2006, Gendreau and Potvin, 2010, p.112, Shakeel et al., 2012).

A one-point crossover operator is selected (Ramadas and Nandihalli, 2018). We did this operation by using two rankings. First, we choose a crossover point after 4 bits; secondly, we choose a crossover point after 2 bits. Then split parents at this point, finally creating off-springs by exchanging tails (a new 7 rows), as explained in Table 1.

Table 1
Examples of ranking before and after crossover operation.

The 2nd operation of GA techniques is mutation. In the (1st R), the 2nd & 7th-bit positions are interchanged, while the 1st & 8th-bit positions are interchanged.

In the (2nd R), the positions of the 3rd & 6th bit are interchanged, and the positions of the 4th & 5th bit are interchanged, which is done to ensure we will generate a new gene (this means a new 7 rows), as explained in Table 2.

Table 2
Examples of ranking before and after mutation operation.

4.3.4 GA Termination Rule

The evolution process starts when GA moves from one generation to another, improving the quality of chromosomes until the termination condition is reached. The best-utilized halting is when the quantity of cycles has achieved the greatest generation. Here we halted when the end criteria were fulfilled, which is done when the contrast between the complete yearly stock expense for the principal 15th least columns of (generation #n) and a similar expense of (generation #n+1) ends up zero, the GA procedure stop when we got the esteem (zero) 3 times in a row, indicating that no improvements would follow.


5.1 Case Study

Erbil Rotana Hotel, located in the northern part of IRAQ, is considered as a case study to verify the developed inventory based on GA. This hotel was established in 1992. In this paper, we tried to solve a problem of inventory faced by Rotana Hotel to identify the optimal inventory level for reducing costs.

The first beach was opened in 1993 in Rotana Abu Dhabi. This hotel has now the best leading hotel management companies in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Eastern Europe (Rotana Hotel Management Corporation, 2020). In Rotana Hotel restaurants, many raw materials come into the working process. All the raw materials (387 different items) are used and listed in n=8 groups depending on their type, as given in Table 3.

Table 3
The various types and costs of raw materials.

In Table 3, holding costs vary between 0.04105 - 0.05495 per month (about 0.4926 - 0.6594 per year), which is the acceptable range for Rotana Hotel, while the ordering cost acceptable range is between 0.03098 - 0.04501 per month. The average weighted price (AWP) (Eq. (7)) (ID (Iraqi Dinar) /Kg) is calculated using the general formula Eq. (1) (Almir and Dejan, 2013).

Researchers reformulated Eq. (7) represents the Purchasing Cost (C(i)) in Eq. (6).1

A W P f o r G r o u p i = j k Q j k · P j k j k Q j k , i = 1 , 2 , , n (7)

Where j: no. of the type contains in group i for all j.

k: no. of items in type j in group i for all k.

Qjk: the quantity of item k in type j (Kg/item) for all j & k.

Pjk: the price of item k in type j (ID/item) for all j & k.

Using Eq. (7), we have the AWP for each group as follows:

A W P f o r G 1 j = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 = k = 1 5 Q 1 k P 1 k B u t t e r + k = 1 18 Q 2 k P 2 k C h e e s e + + k = 1 3 Q 5 k P 5 k M i l k k = 1 5 Q 1 k + k = 1 18 Q 2 k + + k = 1 3 Q 5 k = 5442 I D / K g

A W P f o r G 2 j = 1 , 2 , , 6 = k = 1 9 Q 1 k P 1 k T o m a t o P a s t e s + k = 1 20 Q 2 k P 2 k S a u c e s + + k = 1 7 Q 5 k P 5 k S e a F o o d k = 1 9 Q 1 k + k = 1 20 Q 2 k + + k = 1 7 Q 5 k = 6895 I D / K g , a n d s o o n .

Most experts in industrial companies seek to reduce the total holding costs of maintaining inventory, which range from 18% per year to 75% or between 25-55% (Richardson, 1995). The quantity of raw materials used per month (during 2019, depending on the inventory records for Rotana Hotel) is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Demand for raw material for each group (Kg/Month).

In Figure 3, high annual demand for raw materials is observed in March because it has a national holiday day that most people celebrate by seeking hotels and other public leisure facilities. Most hotels located in the north of Iraq get busy during summer time (May-Aug) because large numbers of tourists from middle and southern parts of Iraq seek this part of the country to enjoy the weather. Then, facilities and, hence, demand on food raw materials increase dramatically. These attributes of this part of Iraq being relatively stable, and the security situation under control, attract more customers to seek this part of the country of leisure. Political stability’s impact on the tourism sector’s development has already been investigated (Bayar and Yener, 2019).

5.2 Chromosome Representation

In the Rotana Hotel case, there are n=8 groups of raw materials representing the 12 months. Every month is generated randomly as 15 different genes (this represents forecasting for the next 15 years, and there is no need to maximize this period). Each gene length consists of 8 numerical values, and anyone represents one group to make a chromosome using a C++ program developed by the researcher. This program generates 12 months × 15 different genes = 180 genes. This group of chromosomes is an initial population. Now, these 8 values are to be encoded to binary (0,1) as shown in Table 4, where 0 will represent holding cost and 1 will represent ordering cost, as shown in Table 5. We can generate random numbers by Microsoft Excel as another method, a computer system with built-in rand ( ) functions, as explained in Gendreau and Potvin (2010, p.132).

Table 4
Gene representation for each month.

Table 5
The Generated Chromosomes.

5.3 Fitness Function for Current Model

Depending on the C++ program and GA flowchart in Figure 2, firstly, we can generate the binary values (the chromosome of GA) as in Table 5; secondly, depending on FF in Eq. (6), we convert this Table to cost Table for all months as shown in Table 6.

Table 6
The inventory cost for all groups of every gene.

From Table 5, the binary string for M1 in Row1 is (00110011), so we can apply it in Eq. (6) as follows to get the total inventory cost for all groups in M1 associated with the above string. After that, we can put it in Table 6:

C o s t f o r M o n t h M 1 R o w 1 = 150 5442 + 272 + 300 6895 + 310 + 70 5893 + 259 + 160 6377 + 287 + 70 9500 + 390 + 170 2905 + 143 + 130 13816 + 580 + 220 4524 + 190 = 8634500

We continue in the same way until the binary string for M12 in Row15 which is (00000111), so:

C o s t f o r M o n t h M 12 R o w 15 = 150 5442 + 272 + 350 6895 + 310 + 70 5893 + 324 + 150 6377 + 332 + 70 9500 + 390 + 170 2905 + 90 + 130 13816 + 580 + 230 4524 + 190 = 8977540

Now, we will arrange the total costs column in Table 6 in ascending order for all genes of population generation to determine the minimum cost string as shown in Table 7. At this point, we will leave the first row as it is (row no. 3) because it has a minimum cost among 15 rows, while we apply the crossover procedure for the next 7 old rows (11, 8, 14, 9, 12, 7 and 6), and apply the mutation for the last 7 old rows (5, 15, 4, 2, 1, 10 and 13) to get a new generation of genes.

Table 7
The total cost of 15 strings in ascending order.

5.4 Initial Population Generation

As explained before, a crossover operator did this by using two rankings. Depending on Table 7, we perform these two rankings by selecting chromosomes from the 7 old rows. After the crossover operation, two new chromosomes are generated (meaning a new 7 rows).

While the 2nd operation (mutation) for the population chromosome is selected from the last 7 old rows, in the (1st R), the positions of the 2nd & 7th bit (in rows 5, 15 and 4) are interchanged, and the positions of 1st & 8th bit (in rows 2, 1, 10 and 13) are interchanged. In the (2nd R), the positions of the 3rd & 6th bit are interchanged, and the positions of the 4th & 5th bit are interchanged. So, we have now 29 strings after crossover & mutation [row no. 3 + (14 rows before + 14 rows after) crossover & mutation]. This represents forecasting for the next 29 years, and the population size after the GA process becomes 12 months × 29 different genes = 348 genes. Depending on Eq. (6) and C++ program, Table 8 will be constructed after arranging the cost in ascending order.

Table 8
The ascending order for a total cost of 29 strings.

The best fitness result for the initial population size of 180 genes and the optimal inventory cost/month are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively, depending on the two ranking types (1st R & 2nd R). Table 8 shows that rows 21, 19 and 18 (generated by crossover & mutation operations) have the minimum cost. Finally, we select the first 15th minimum rows from Table 8 as a second initial population to start the 2nd GA process. The TAIC for this 15th row is equal to (1728054215) ID. The difference between it and the initial cost (1728821063) ID from Table 7 equals (766848) ID. All previous GA processes did one time using the C++ program to show the GA process step by step until we get the optimal inventory cost, as explained later in Table 9.

Figure 4
Best fitness result for pop. size 180 genes.

Figure 5
Optimal inventory for pop. size 180 genes.

Table 9
The Optimal inventory cost with corresponding genes.

5.5 Sensitivity Analysis

As mentioned earlier, the initial population size is 180 genes; in order to show the effect of population size on the GA outcome behavior and the optimal value of TAIC, the GA process is run twice with two different initial population sizes 12×6 = 72 genes and 12×25=300 genes.

The best fitness result for the two population sizes is shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively, depending on the two ranking types (1st R & 2nd R). Based on Figures 4, 5, and 7, the researchers noticed that the chromosomal arrangement changes in the crossover and mutation at the (2nd R) process resulted in favorable outcomes as the lowest cost of the total inventory acquired by a significant difference comparing with the (1st R). However, the GA process required a couple more occasions of frequency number to arrive at the optimal solution and expected the small initial population size (72 genes) compared with (180, 300).

Figure 6
Best fitness result for pop. size 72 genes.

Figure 7
Best fitness result for pop. size 300 genes.

The change in the chromosomal type of arrangement did not affect the final results at the point when the population size of 72 genes appeared in Figure 6. In the two cases, the arrangement finished after 10 times of frequency number with a bit of oscillation up and down to the cost value. This volatility was not seen in Figure 4 despite the vast disparity between (1st R) and (2nd R), which came for (1st R), which ended with a recurrence of less than one second. Figure 7 results in a note that the lowest amount of the total costs came from the use of (2nd R), although it was over 22 recurrences of a difference of 5 more iterations on (1st R) that ended with less than 17 iterations. As a result, we can notice that bigger initial population size gives better results for the total inventory cost.

5.6 Optimal Inventory Cost for Current Model

The outcome of the best solution can be observed in Figures 5, 8 and 9, which show the behavior of these values of various population sizes for two types of chromosomal arrangement (1st R and 2nd R).

Figure 8
Optimal inventory for pop. size 72 genes.

Figure 9
Optimal inventory for pop. size 300 genes.

It can be observed that similar behavior among these three Figures 5, 8 and 9 broadly matches the overall shape of these Figures despite some slight differences between real values compared to those values for the same month in these Figures. To conclude, only the optimal total inventory cost values can be adopted, corresponding to the order of chromosomes that gave lower total inventory cost, as represented in Figure 10.

Figure 10
Optimal Total Inventory Cost.

From Figure 10, it can be seen that the best value (lowest) for the total inventory cost is obtained when the population size is 180 genes at (2nd R) and of (114828814 ID), which is considered the optimal value in comparing with a population size of 72 genes of (115036099 ID). This confirms the previous concept that illustrates the inverse relationship between the population size and total inventory costs.

Table 9 shows the optimal amount (lowest) for the optimal inventory cost/month that corresponds to the best value obtained from Figure 10 when the initial size is180 at (2nd R) as well as the gene corresponding to each cost.

In Table 9, we selected the minimum cost for each month to get TAIC in Rotana Hotel. To understand the impact of GA to solve the research problem, we can analyze the minimum cost for each gene in all months, as shown in Table 4, for example, in Table 10.

Table 10
Example of analysis the minimum cost for month M1.

This means that the Rotana Hotel must make the reorder point procedure for groups numbers (1, 2, 3, 6 and 7) only in the first month (M1) to get the minimum monthly inventory cost (8617930 ID) and neglect the group (4 (Biscuit & Chocolate), 5 (Spices & Condiments) and 8 (Drinks)) without change. This process will not affect the inventory movements (input & output). In the same way, we can see these effects in the other months.

Using Table 9 to indicate that the cost reduction resulting from the use of GA is access to the best value obtained when the population size of 180 genes at (2nd R) and of (114828814 ID), while the highest total inventory as shown in Table 8 is (115365346 ID). The reduction percentage in possible cost can be identified in Eq. (8) as follows:

C o s t R e d u c t i o n R a t i o n = N o r m a l v a l u e - O p t i m a l v a l u e N o r m a l v a l u e = 115365346 - 114828814 115365346 - 0 . 47 (8)

Note that the use of GA in inventory management in Erbil Rotana Hotel suggests the possibility of providing an abundance of stock at the cost of up to 47% of the total inventory costs. We do not know whether this is workable for the rest of the Erbil Rotana Hotel group as we do not know the applicability to the rest of other tourism sectors due to the different privacy of each sector. On the assumption that the administration official is evenly distributed throughout the Iraqi economy, it is possible to reduce the administration costs stock in each of the production units as shown in Eq. (9):

C o s t R e d u c t i o n I r a q = I n v e n t o r y cos t I r a q × 0 . 47 100 (9)

However, this assumption will not be accepted for the above reasons. In this case, we recommend expanding further studies on inventory management using the GA model proposed in this research and applying it to all sectors of tourism and non-tourism to reach real transactions to reduce the costs of inventory.


The study contributed to the existing knowledge about inventory management of perishable food products in the tourism industry. An inventory control model for optimizing reorder points of items was developed. High-quality predictions of inventory levels have been achieved to minimize the monthly inventory cost.

A GA model was proposed for inventory level optimization. This was supported by a real-life case study of the Rotana Hotel. The reorder point procedure generated by the GA model for each group each month enabled Rotana Hotel to achieve the minimum total purchasing cost. It was also determined that the results of this research satisfied the research hypothesis that the GA has a real impact on minimizing TAIC, where larger initial population sizes represented by a larger number of chromosomes per population lead to significant improvements in the total inventory cost.

The gap between what worked in research and what works in practice, due to the lack of controlling perishable food products inventory, was also addressed. This was presented clearly by using the current moderately simple computerized system, such as a spreadsheet application or other inventory control legacy system, compared to the more complex systems proposed as a result of the research work.

Although a new model was introduced for a cost-effective inventory control solution, this model cannot handle uncertainty inherited in demand, purchasing cost, and delivery time around the year. Besides all the advantages that the developed model added to the current inventory control practice in terms of minimizing its total inventory cost, there are still a number of limitations that needs to be addressed. For instance, the proposed model has not considered the safety stock issue, as all the available materials were assumed to be able to handle the customers’ orders. In addition, the deterministic aspects of this demand problem were considered in this study.

Further development of this research work includes proposing more advanced models that consider additional aspects of safety stock, unknown lead time, and quantity discount. For more accurate forecasting outputs, average values of more extended time-series data would be considered and adopted in the developed model for more accurate optimization results. Uncertainty in demand, cost and delivery time could also be modelled using other related techniques such as fuzzy logic.


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  • 1
    Hint: In Table 3, to change any liquid materials quantity from Littre to Kg, we depending on (1 Littre water = 1 Kg) in water temperature which is 3.98 C0 and atmospheric pressure record, so, the same things did with any liquid materials density.

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  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2022
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  • Received
    18 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    12 June 2022
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