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The Relevance of Silence in the Magisterium of Francis


Using a synthetic-hermeneutic methodology, the present article aims to study the theme of silence in Pope Francis’ magisterium, which deepens the importance of silence for the postmodern humankind and for Christians in general. The text begins by showing some elements of the relationship between spirituality and pastoral care in the magisterium of Pope Francis, who presents two contemporary enemies of spiritual life and evangelization: neo-Gnosticism and neo-Pelagianism. These were heresies of the first centuries of Christianity, but, according to Francis, they are subtly present in the life of the Church today. The article then deals with the relevance of prayer and silence in view of personal assimilation of the mystery of Christ. Also based on the magisterium of Francis, the text emphasizes the urgency of rediscovering silence in a society of noise, which makes people sick and alienates them from the interior life and transcendence. Finally, the article explains the role of silence in the Christian experience of God, relating it to the evangelizing mission of the “Church which goes forth”. As a conclusion, the article presents silence as an antidote to neo-Gnosticism and neo-Pelagianism.

Francisco; Silence; Experience of God; Evangelization

Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE) Avenida Doutor Cristiano Guimarães, 2127 - Bairro Planalto, Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Cep: 31720-300, Tel: 55 (31) 3115.7000 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil