This study aimed to equalize a Pedagogical academic test based on National Performance Student Exam via Item Response Theory. We used a database containing information of 49,497 Pedagogy students that took the exam in 2005 and another database containing information of 206 students of a higher education institution, who took a Pedagogy test of a Student Assessment Program - PAD. The results indicated that de senior students' performance of the higher educational institution in the PAD's test presented average percentilic grades similar to the student's performance with concept 2 who took the exam in 2005. The senior students of the higher educational institution who took the PAD's test reached average grades similar to the grade of the senior students who obtained concept 2 in 2005. This work is a small sample alluding to equalization theories and techniques in order to collaborate to this study context.
Large scale assessment; Statistical methods; Higher education; Psychometrics