Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a rare neoplasm in domestic and wildlife animals and has been reported only in antelope, deer, prairie dogs and ferrets; but there are no reports in Leopardus pardalis (ocelot). This paper describes a case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma in a female of an about 18-year-old Leopardus pardalis from the Zoological Garden of Teresina, Piauí, after a history of anorexia, apathy and fatal outcomes, forwarded to the Department of Animal Pathology at the Federal University of Piaui for pathological examination. Necropsy revealed two nodules of about 8.0cm in diameter in the liver, of whitish to bright red or yellow to dark red color divided into lobes by connective tissue. In the pancreas were found multiple nodules of about 1.0cm diameter, with smooth surface, firm consistency, and yellowish-red color. The cut surface of the kidneys also presented multiple whitish-gray or yellowish millimeter small nodules in the corticomedullary region, of firm consistence, suggesting metastases. Fragments of the liver lesions examined microscopically revealed hepatocyte proliferation in well differentiated strands, forming trabeculars of three or more cells. The hepatocytes were large and pleomorphic, with eosinophilic cytoplasm. In PAS staining glycogen accumulation was found in neoplastic hepatocytes . The confirmation of the diagnosis was made by immunohistochemistry, using monoclonal antibody hepatocyte specific antigen. The findings allowed us to characterize the neoplasm as a trabecular metastatic hepatocarcinoma in Leopardus pardalis bred in captivity.
INDEX TERMS: Neoplasm; felid; liver; hepatocellular carcinoma; ocelot; Leopardus pardalis; immunohistochemistry