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Development and standardization of Dot-ELISA using recombinant peptides for serological diagnosis of Neospora caninum

Neosporosis is recognized as a major cause of abortion and neonatal loss in cattle worldwide, both for dairy cattle and beef cattle. In recent years this disease has attracted the interest of researchers and studying the epidemiology and effective methods of diagnosis of this disease. The present study aimed to develop and standardize on a Dot-ELISA for the serological diagnosis of Neospora caninum by using recombinant peptide as antigen for the development of a diagnostic kit used on the field. The recombinant antigen (rNcGRA1) was designed based on the method of reverse genetics derived antigenic epitopes of dense granules protein of N. caninum and synthesized by GenScript (USA). It was produced by the fermentation in yeasts Pichiapastoris KM71. The serological technique was used for the Dot-ELISA detection of IgG specific for N. caninum in which 0.22μm nitrocellulose membranes were sensitized with 1μL of antigen and subsequently the plasmas were diluted in a washing solution and incubated for 1 hour. The results will revealed by the addition of Protein G labeled with peroxidasse for 30 minutes, followed by the developing solution based on 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB). Soon after standardization tested 44 bovine plasmas were diagnosed by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), agreeing with the results on a 95.5% and a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 92% respectively. In regard to the diagnostic kit for the Technology Platform Rapid Flow-Through Miriad®, the peptide presented rNcGRA1 visible markings to react with positive plasma, and showed no markings using the negative plasma. This study is the first to use recombinant peptides and prove to be efficient for the serological diagnosis of cattle naturally infected.

Neosporosis; Neospora caninum; diagnosis; parasitic diseases; hematozoários; Dot-ELISA; sorology; cattle

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, Caixa Postal 74.591, 23890-000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 2682-1081 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil