Two hundred fourty-six strains of the genus Listeria were isolated from sick and clinically healthy animals, collected in three different regions of Brazil during 1971-2000. About 88.2% (217 cultures) yielded Listeria species from faecal specimens of healthy cattle and 29 strains (11.7%) were isolated from sick animals: 15 (6.0%) from central nervous system (CNS) and 14(5.6%) were from otherwise sterile sites. Phenotyping techniques were used to characterize the Listeria isolates. The commonest were L. innocua 6a and non-typable (140/56.9%), L. monocytogenes 4a (37/15.0%) and 4b (22/8.9%), originated mainly from stools of healthy cattle. From sick animals the predominant species and serovars were L. monocytogenes 4b (14/5.6%), and the higher incidence was observed in ruminants (12/4.8%) and 8/3.2% of the serovar 1a from other animal species (rodents and canines) mainly isolated from CNS samples.
Listeria; species; serovars; sick and healthy animals