A reticular diaphragmatic hernia is a congenital or acquired alteration resulting from protrusion of the reticulum into the thoracic cavity. In ruminants, lesions to the diaphragmatic muscle, due to penetration of sharp metallic objects, is the most common cause of this disease. Therefore, given the low number of reports on this disease in the bovine species, the current study aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings, with special emphasis on the ultrasound diagnosis of five cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia. The laboratory data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, and clinical, ultrasound, and pathological findings were evaluated using descriptive statistics. Clinically the animals exhibited varying degrees of dehydration, abdominal distension, tympany, and alterations in ruminal motility, in addition to cardiorespiratory alterations such as murmur, dyspnea, and muffling of lung sounds. The laboratory examination showed neutrophilic leukocytosis and hyperfibrinogenemia. The ultrasonographic images demonstrated reticulum inside the thoracic cavity adjacent to the lung and heart, although no reticular motility was observed. The pathological lesions confirmed the findings of the ultrasound exams. Thus, the current study demonstrated that ultrasonography was efficient in diagnosing reticular diaphragmatic hernia in the bovine species.
Ultrasound; hernia; bovines; cattle; diagnostic imaging; foreign body syndrome; reticulum
A hérnia reticular diafragmática é uma alteração congênita ou adquirida resultante da protrusão do retículo para o interior da cavidade torácica. Em ruminantes, lesões no músculo diafragmático devido a penetração de objetos metálico pontiagudos constitui a causa mais comum dessa enfermidade. Portanto, diante dos poucos relatos a cerca dessa enfermidade nos animais da espécie bovina, este estudo tem como objetivo descrever os achados clínicos, laboratoriais, anatomopatológicos e dar ênfase especial no diagnóstico ultrassonográfico de cinco bovinos acometidos com hérnia reticular diafragmática. Os dados laboratoriais foram analisados utilizando-se media e desvio padrão e os achados dos exames clínico, ultrassonográfico e anatomopatológicos foram avaliados através de estatística descritiva. Clinicamente os animais exibiam desidratação em variados graus, distensão abdominal, timpania e alterações na motilidade ruminal. Além de alterações cardiorrespiratórias como sopro, dispneia e abafamento dos sons pulmonares. O exame laboratorial revelou leucocitose por neutrofilia e hiperfibrinogenemia. As imagens ultrassonográficas revelaram retículo no interior da cavidade torácica adjacente ao pulmão e coração, porém nenhuma motilidade reticular foi observada. As lesões anatomopatológicas confirmaram os achados dos exames ultrassonográficos. Dessa maneira, este trabalho demonstrou que a ultrassonografia foi eficiente no diagnóstico da hérnia reticular diafragmática nos animais da espécie bovina.
Ultrassonografia; hérnia; bovinos; diagnóstico por imagem; síndrome do corpo estranho; retículo
Congenital or acquired failures in the diaphragmatic muscle result in diaphragmatic hernia, in which protrusion of the organs of the abdominal cavity into the thorax is observed. In ruminants, the reticulum is the most commonly herniated organ, resulting in a condition known as reticular diaphragmatic hernia, which has been reported in calves, goats, cattle, and buffaloes (Dirksen 2005Dirksen G. 2005. Enfermedades del bazo, p.359-414. In: Dirksen G., Gründer H.D. & Stöber M. (Eds), Medicina Interna y Cirugía del Bovino. 4th ed. Inter-médica, Buenos Aires., Mohindroo et al. 2007Mohindroo J., Kumar M., Kumar A. & Singh S.S. 2007. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of reticular diaphragmatic hernias in buffaloes. Vet. Rec. 161(22):757-758. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.161.22.757> <PMid:18056014>
, Netto et al. 2008Netto A.C., Gomide L.M.W., Cattelan J.W., Marques L.C. & Momo C. 2008. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a Jersey cow. Ars Vet. 24(2):72-76. <https://dx.doi.org/10.15361/2175-0106.2008v24n2p72-76>
, Bellavance et al. 2010Bellavance A., Bonneville-Hébert A., Desrochers A. & Fecteau G. 2010. Surgical correction of a diaphragmatic hernia in a newborn calf. Can. Vet. J. 51(7):767-769. <PMid:20885833>, Marques et al. 2014Marques A.L.A., Simões S.V.D., Miranda Neto E.G., Silva T.R. & Aguiar G.M.N. 2014. Hérnia diafragmática em caprino - relato de caso. Revta Bras. Med. Vet. 36(3):277-280.).
Generally, the most common causes of this disease are external trauma due to falls and blows, increased intra-abdominal pressure caused by bloating or advanced pregnancy, and weakening of the diaphragm by traumatic reticuloperitonitis lesions (Dirksen 2005Dirksen G. 2005. Enfermedades del bazo, p.359-414. In: Dirksen G., Gründer H.D. & Stöber M. (Eds), Medicina Interna y Cirugía del Bovino. 4th ed. Inter-médica, Buenos Aires., Netto et al. 2008Netto A.C., Gomide L.M.W., Cattelan J.W., Marques L.C. & Momo C. 2008. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a Jersey cow. Ars Vet. 24(2):72-76. <https://dx.doi.org/10.15361/2175-0106.2008v24n2p72-76>
, Marques et al. 2014Marques A.L.A., Simões S.V.D., Miranda Neto E.G., Silva T.R. & Aguiar G.M.N. 2014. Hérnia diafragmática em caprino - relato de caso. Revta Bras. Med. Vet. 36(3):277-280.).
Clinically, reticular diaphragmatic hernia is most commonly manifested through recurrent tympanism, regurgitation, inappetence, and scarce feces. These signs might be accompanied by dyspnea, cough, and predominantly abdominal breathing. Chest auscultation in the cardiac region may reveal sounds of reticular contractions and muffled heart sounds (Dirksen 2005Dirksen G. 2005. Enfermedades del bazo, p.359-414. In: Dirksen G., Gründer H.D. & Stöber M. (Eds), Medicina Interna y Cirugía del Bovino. 4th ed. Inter-médica, Buenos Aires., Constable et al. 2017Constable P., Hinchcliff K.W., Done S. & Gruenberg W. 2017. Veterinary Medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 11th ed. Elsevier, St. Louis. 2278p.).
The definitive diagnosis of this disease is obtained through exploratory laparotomy (Netto et al. 2008Netto A.C., Gomide L.M.W., Cattelan J.W., Marques L.C. & Momo C. 2008. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a Jersey cow. Ars Vet. 24(2):72-76. <https://dx.doi.org/10.15361/2175-0106.2008v24n2p72-76>
, Talekar et al. 2018Talekar S.H., Chaudhary M.P., Gamiti K.S., Katara K.P. & Manish S. 2018. Surgical management of diaphragmatic hernia in four Jaffarabadi buffaloes and two Gir cows. Int. J. Sci. Environ. Technol. 7(2):684-688.) or through ultrasound visualization of the reticular wall and motility in the fourth right intercostal space of the thorax in cattle and buffaloes (Kumar & Saini 2011Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
). In situations where imaging equipment is not available, thoracentesis has been described as an alternative diagnostic method (Misk 2015Misk T.N. 2015. Thoracocentesis for diagnosis of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in cattle and buffaloes. Assiut Vet. Med. J. 61(145):70-74.).
Although the indicated treatment for reticular diaphragmatic hernia is surgical correction, due to the severe impairment in the general condition observed in most affected animals, the best option in these conditions is slaughter or euthanasia of the animals (Constable et al. 2017Constable P., Hinchcliff K.W., Done S. & Gruenberg W. 2017. Veterinary Medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 11th ed. Elsevier, St. Louis. 2278p.). Researchers from India and Egypt have reported the use of ultrasound to diagnose reticular diaphragmatic hernia, mainly in buffaloes (Mohindroo et al. 2007Mohindroo J., Kumar M., Kumar A. & Singh S.S. 2007. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of reticular diaphragmatic hernias in buffaloes. Vet. Rec. 161(22):757-758. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.161.22.757> <PMid:18056014>
, Abouelnasr et al. 2012Abouelnasr K.S., Mosbah E., Karrouf G.I. & Zaghloul A.E. 2012. Comparative ultrasonographic findings of traumatic reticulitis, perireticular abscess and diaphragmatic hernia in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). J. Am. Sci. 8(8):590-595., Abdelaal et al. 2014Abdelaal A., Gouda S., Ismail A. & Gomaa M. 2014. Reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings. Pak Vet J. 34(4):541-544., Attia 2016Attia N.E.A. 2016. Evaluation of clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in Egyptian buffaloes with diaphragmatic hernia. Int. J. Vet. Sci. 5(4):238-243.).
However, there is little information about the use of this imaging method for the diagnosis of diaphragmatic reticular hernia in cattle. Therefore, the current paper proposes to present the clinical, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings with special emphasis on the ultrasound diagnosis of five cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia.
Materials and Methods
The study was carried out at the “Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns” (CBG) campus of the “Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco” (UFRPE) through analysis of the clinical follow-up records, which also included the laboratory information, and ultrasound and necropsy reports of the cattle that were attended from 2016 to 2018. Five crossbreed female dairy cattle from dairy farms located in the Southern Agreste region of Pernambuco were studied.
All animals were clinically examined following the recommendations of Dirksen (1993)Dirksen G. 1993. Sistema digestivo, p.163-224. In: Dirksen G., Gründer H.D. & Stöber M. (Eds), Rosemberger Exame Clínico dos Bovinos. 3rd ed. Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro.. Blood samples were collected from four animals using a 21G needle through jugular venipuncture into vacutainer-type siliconized tubes containing EDTA anticoagulant (10%) to determine hematological variables (blood count, total plasma protein, and plasma fibrinogen), according to the methodology proposed by Jain (1993)Jain N.C. 1993. Essentials of Veterinary Hematology. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. 420p..
Reticulum ultrasound examinations were performed using Mode B apparatus (Z6 Vet, Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, China) and a 5.0MHz convex transducer (3C5P), according to the methodology used by (Braun et al. 1993Braun U., Gotz M. & Marmier O. 1993. Ultrasonographic findings in cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Vet. Rec. 133(17):416-422. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.133.17.416> <PMid:8279111>
In animals euthanized with the permission of the owners, the technical recommendations of Luna & Teixeira (2007)Luna S.P.L. & Teixeira M.W. 2007. Eutanásia: considerações éticas e indicações técnicas. Revta CFMV, Brasília, 13:60-69. were followed. Results pertaining to clinical, ultrasound, and anatomopathological findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Laboratory data were evaluated using measures of central tendency, mean, and standard deviation (Curi 1998Curi P.R. 1998. Metodologia e Análise da Pesquisa em Ciências Biológicas. Tipomic, Botucatu. 263p.).
This study was submitted and approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals (CEUA-UFRPE) under license number 105/2018, according to standards of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (COBEA) and the National Institute of Health Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
The affected cattle were five Holstein-Zebu crossbreed females, aged three to 14 years, one of which was reared in an extensive system and four semi-intensively. Only one was pregnant.
These animals presented a history of two to four weeks of clinical evolution, with complaints of reduced appetite, weight loss, decreased milk production, episodes of recurrent tympanism, and, in two cases, reflux of food content through the nostrils. Two of the affected cattle presented clinical signs between 15 and 30 days after calving.
Clinical observations
The absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies of the main clinical findings of cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia are shown in Table 1.
Laboratory findings
The results of the laboratory examinations are shown in Table 2.
Ultrasound findings
The ultrasound findings that indicated the presence of reticular diaphragmatic hernia consisted of the visualization of the reticular wall in the third and fifth left intercostal space of the thorax and in the proximity of the reticulum with the organs of the thoracic cavity (Fig.1, 2 and 5). Reticular diaphragmatic hernia was not visualized through the ultrasound examination in only one of the five animals. These findings are described in Table 3.
Ultrasound image of the third left intercostal space in cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia: visualization of the reticular wall resting on the heart and compressing it. Reticular wall (1), right ventricle (2), left ventricle (3), cranial (Cr), caudal (Cd), ventral (Vt), dorsal (Ds).
(2) Ultrasound image of the 5th left intercostal space in cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia: visualization of the reticular wall caudal to the lung. (3,4) Anatomopathological lesions corresponding to previous ultrasound image. Chest wall (1), lung (reverberation) (2), reticular wall (3), reticular wall contour within the chest (arrow), cranial (Cr), caudal (Cd), ventral (Vt), dorsal (Ds).
(5)Ultrasound image of the 5th left intercostal space in cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia: visualization of the reticular wall caudal to the lung. (6) Anatomopathological lesions corresponding to previous ultrasound image: accumulation of inflammatory fluid and reticular wall. Chest wall (1), accumulation of inflammatory fluid (2), reticular wall (3), left ventricular wall (4), lung (5), left atrium (6), ventricular wall with adhered inflammatory material (fibrin) (arrow), cranial (Cr), caudal (Cd), ventral (Vt), dorsal (Ds).
Necropsy findings
Of the five cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia, only one was not authorized to be euthanized and in this case the diagnosis was obtained based on ultrasound examination only. Information related to the lesions found in the thoracoabdominal cavity of the necropsied animals, as well as the correlation with the ultrasonographic findings, are described in Table 4. In Figure 3, 5 and 6 it is also possible to observe the correspondence between ultrasound and anatomopathological findings.
The occurrence of reticular diaphragmatic hernia observed only in dairy cows could be attributed to the composition of the herd in the region, where there is a predominance of dairy cattle, in addition to the greater exposure of female dairy cattle to sharp metallic foreign bodies due to their higher productive longevity (Netto et al. 2008Netto A.C., Gomide L.M.W., Cattelan J.W., Marques L.C. & Momo C. 2008. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a Jersey cow. Ars Vet. 24(2):72-76. <https://dx.doi.org/10.15361/2175-0106.2008v24n2p72-76>
, Anteneh & Ramswamy 2015Anteneh M. & Ramswamy V. 2015. Hardware disease in bovine (review article). Acad. J. Anim. Dis. 4(3):146-159. <https://dx.doi.org/10.5829/idosi.ajad.2015.4.3.95117>
The occurrence of this disease in animals that have recently calved and in the final third of gestation was attributed to increased intra-abdominal pressure resulting in diaphragm rupture due to diaphragm fragility caused by trauma from penetration of foreign bodies from the reticulum (Dirksen 2005Dirksen G. 2005. Enfermedades del bazo, p.359-414. In: Dirksen G., Gründer H.D. & Stöber M. (Eds), Medicina Interna y Cirugía del Bovino. 4th ed. Inter-médica, Buenos Aires., Netto et al. 2008Netto A.C., Gomide L.M.W., Cattelan J.W., Marques L.C. & Momo C. 2008. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a Jersey cow. Ars Vet. 24(2):72-76. <https://dx.doi.org/10.15361/2175-0106.2008v24n2p72-76>
The clinical signs of reticular diaphragmatic hernia involve alterations in the digestive tract and cardiorespiratory system, as found in the animals of the current study. Which shown tympanism, reflux of food content, and inappetence can be attributed to entrapment of the reticulum inside the chest (Netto et al. 2008Netto A.C., Gomide L.M.W., Cattelan J.W., Marques L.C. & Momo C. 2008. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with traumatic reticuloperitonitis in a Jersey cow. Ars Vet. 24(2):72-76. <https://dx.doi.org/10.15361/2175-0106.2008v24n2p72-76>
, Athar et al. 2010Athar H., Mohindroo J., Singh K., Kumar A. & Raghunath M. 2010. Comparison of radiography and ultrasonography for diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia in bovines. Vet. Med. Int. 2010:1-7. <https://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2010/939870> <PMid:20445795>
, Kumar & Saini 2011Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
Cardiac murmur, dyspnea, and muffling in the auscultation of the pulmonary fields, as detected in some of the cattle, occur because the herniated reticulum causes a shift of the heart and changes in intrathoracic pressure, resulting in the cardiorespiratory alterations (Dirksen 2005Dirksen G. 2005. Enfermedades del bazo, p.359-414. In: Dirksen G., Gründer H.D. & Stöber M. (Eds), Medicina Interna y Cirugía del Bovino. 4th ed. Inter-médica, Buenos Aires., Abdelaal et al. 2014Abdelaal A., Gouda S., Ismail A. & Gomaa M. 2014. Reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings. Pak Vet J. 34(4):541-544., Constable et al. 2017Constable P., Hinchcliff K.W., Done S. & Gruenberg W. 2017. Veterinary Medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 11th ed. Elsevier, St. Louis. 2278p.).
The laboratory alterations observed were characterized by leukocytosis accompanied by hyperfibrinogenemia and only suggest the presence of an inflammatory process, having little value for the exact diagnosis of the disease (Weiser 2015Weiser G. 2015. Interpretação da resposta leucocitária na doença, p.108-119. In: Thrall M., Weiser G., Allison R. & Campbell T. (Eds), Hematologia e Bioquímica Clínica Veterinária. 2nd ed. Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro ., Constable et al. 2017Constable P., Hinchcliff K.W., Done S. & Gruenberg W. 2017. Veterinary Medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 11th ed. Elsevier, St. Louis. 2278p.). These alterations is the most frequent hematological finding in cases of reticular diaphragmatic hernia, which was also reported in Egyptian buffaloes (Abdelaal et al. 2014Abdelaal A., Gouda S., Ismail A. & Gomaa M. 2014. Reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings. Pak Vet J. 34(4):541-544., Attia 2016Attia N.E.A. 2016. Evaluation of clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in Egyptian buffaloes with diaphragmatic hernia. Int. J. Vet. Sci. 5(4):238-243.).
The ultrasonographic detection indicated the presence of reticular diaphragmatic hernia in the animals of the current study was characterized by the presence of an image in format of a half moon and with smooth contour (corresponding to the ultrasonographic description of the reticulum) and absence of a reticulum motility observed in the thorax. This observation was similar to those verified in another study with buffaloes, in which it was observed the reticular wall and lack of its motility in the fifth left intercostal space of the thorax (Attia 2016Attia N.E.A. 2016. Evaluation of clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in Egyptian buffaloes with diaphragmatic hernia. Int. J. Vet. Sci. 5(4):238-243.). However, a previous study has shown that the fourth intercostal space of the right antimere is the most reliable site for demonstrating reticular diaphragmatic hernia (Kumar & Saini 2011Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
The absence of a reticulum motility pattern within the thoracic cavity could be attributed to reticulum entrapment or the presence of strong peri-reticular adhesions (Athar et al. 2010Athar H., Mohindroo J., Singh K., Kumar A. & Raghunath M. 2010. Comparison of radiography and ultrasonography for diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia in bovines. Vet. Med. Int. 2010:1-7. <https://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2010/939870> <PMid:20445795>
, Kumar et al. 2017Kumar A., Sangwan V., Mohindroo J., Saini N.S. & Singh S.S. 2017. Comparison of four ultrasonographic approaches for the diagnosis of acquired reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Bovidae. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 41(3):323-331. <https://dx.doi.org/10.3906/vet-1604-94>
). However, although some authors consider that reticular motility within the chest is a decisive finding for the correct diagnosis of reticular diaphragmatic hernia (Mohindroo et al. 2007Mohindroo J., Kumar M., Kumar A. & Singh S.S. 2007. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of reticular diaphragmatic hernias in buffaloes. Vet. Rec. 161(22):757-758. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.161.22.757> <PMid:18056014>
, Athar et al. 2010Athar H., Mohindroo J., Singh K., Kumar A. & Raghunath M. 2010. Comparison of radiography and ultrasonography for diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia in bovines. Vet. Med. Int. 2010:1-7. <https://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2010/939870> <PMid:20445795>
, Kumar & Saini 2011Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
), false positive diagnoses were reported in animals that presented reticular motility at the level of the fifth intercostal space due to cranial displacement of the reticulum caused by abdominal distension (Athar et al. 2010Athar H., Mohindroo J., Singh K., Kumar A. & Raghunath M. 2010. Comparison of radiography and ultrasonography for diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia in bovines. Vet. Med. Int. 2010:1-7. <https://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2010/939870> <PMid:20445795>
On the other hand, a false negative diagnosis may occur when only a small portion of the reticulum is herniated, thus, ultrasound visualization of the viscera inside the chest is not possible and in the current study this prevented the ultrasound diagnosis in one of the cattle. In addition, when the reticulum is located far from the chest wall, out of the transducer range, and covered by the lungs, a diagnosis of diaphragmatic reticular hernia is not possible (Kumar & Saini 2011Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
, Constable et al. 2017Constable P., Hinchcliff K.W., Done S. & Gruenberg W. 2017. Veterinary Medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 11th ed. Elsevier, St. Louis. 2278p.). Although no reticular motility within the chest was observed, visualization of the reticulum adjacent to the heart and lung was a determining finding for the diagnosis of reticular diaphragmatic hernia. These findings were similar to those observed in other studies (Abdelaal et al. 2014Abdelaal A., Gouda S., Ismail A. & Gomaa M. 2014. Reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings. Pak Vet J. 34(4):541-544., Kumar et al. 2017Kumar A., Sangwan V., Mohindroo J., Saini N.S. & Singh S.S. 2017. Comparison of four ultrasonographic approaches for the diagnosis of acquired reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Bovidae. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 41(3):323-331. <https://dx.doi.org/10.3906/vet-1604-94>
There are no studies in the literature comparing the ultrasound diagnosis of diaphragmatic reticular hernia with necropsy images in cattle, thus, this is the first study to confirm the ultrasound images of cattle with reticular diaphragmatic hernia through the observation of anatomopathological lesions. However, Kumar & Saini (2011)Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
, Kumar et al. (2017)Kumar A., Sangwan V., Mohindroo J., Saini N.S. & Singh S.S. 2017. Comparison of four ultrasonographic approaches for the diagnosis of acquired reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Bovidae. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 41(3):323-331. <https://dx.doi.org/10.3906/vet-1604-94>
confirmed the ultrasound diagnosis of RDH through exploratory laparotomy and the observations of these authors were similar to those observed in this study. Both in the exploratory laparotomy performed by Kumar & Saini (2011)Kumar A. & Saini N.S. 2011. Reliability of ultrasonography at the fifth intercostal space in the diagnosis of reticulardiaphragmatic hernia. Vet. Rec. 169(15):391. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.d4694> <PMid:21896568>
, Kumar et al. (2017)Kumar A., Sangwan V., Mohindroo J., Saini N.S. & Singh S.S. 2017. Comparison of four ultrasonographic approaches for the diagnosis of acquired reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Bovidae. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 41(3):323-331. <https://dx.doi.org/10.3906/vet-1604-94>
and in the necropsy of the cattle in this study, a herniary ring in the diaphragm and herniated reticulum into the chest cavity were observed. Thus, these findings corroborate those of the ultrasound examination.
Visualization of the reticular wall in the fifth and third intercostal spaces of the left antimere as well as the finding of the proximity of the reticulum to the organs of the thoracic cavity were decisive findings for the diagnosis of reticular diaphragmatic hernia in cattle, since these findings were confirmed in the necropsy of the animals. Therefore, visualization of motility of the herniated portion of the reticulum was not necessary for the diagnosis of this disease, since adhesions on thoracic organs may prevent this function.
- Abdelaal A., Gouda S., Ismail A. & Gomaa M. 2014. Reticular diaphragmatic hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings. Pak Vet J. 34(4):541-544.
- Abouelnasr K.S., Mosbah E., Karrouf G.I. & Zaghloul A.E. 2012. Comparative ultrasonographic findings of traumatic reticulitis, perireticular abscess and diaphragmatic hernia in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). J. Am. Sci. 8(8):590-595.
- Anteneh M. & Ramswamy V. 2015. Hardware disease in bovine (review article). Acad. J. Anim. Dis. 4(3):146-159. <https://dx.doi.org/10.5829/idosi.ajad.2015.4.3.95117>
» https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.ajad.2015.4.3.95117 - Athar H., Mohindroo J., Singh K., Kumar A. & Raghunath M. 2010. Comparison of radiography and ultrasonography for diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia in bovines. Vet. Med. Int. 2010:1-7. <https://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2010/939870> <PMid:20445795>
» https://doi.org/10.4061/2010/939870 - Attia N.E.A. 2016. Evaluation of clinical, hemato-biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in Egyptian buffaloes with diaphragmatic hernia. Int. J. Vet. Sci. 5(4):238-243.
- Bellavance A., Bonneville-Hébert A., Desrochers A. & Fecteau G. 2010. Surgical correction of a diaphragmatic hernia in a newborn calf. Can. Vet. J. 51(7):767-769. <PMid:20885833>
- Braun U., Gotz M. & Marmier O. 1993. Ultrasonographic findings in cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Vet. Rec. 133(17):416-422. <https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.133.17.416> <PMid:8279111>
» https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.133.17.416 - Constable P., Hinchcliff K.W., Done S. & Gruenberg W. 2017. Veterinary Medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. 11th ed. Elsevier, St. Louis. 2278p.
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