Botulism in cattle occurs by ingestion of botulinum toxin C and/or D. Seven outbreaks of the poisoning in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo are reported. The clinical and pathological data, epidemiology and laboratory findings indicate a possible intake of the toxin through contaminated water. The average mortality rate was 20.1%, with 99.2% lethality and 31.62% morbidity. From about 9,000 cattle envolved in the outbreaks, 2,844 animals died, predominantly with a hyperacute and acute clinical picture. The high morbidity rates were observed within a short period and affected all categories of cattle, with a clinical and pathological picture characterized by paresis and paralysis of the muscles of locomotion, swallowing and mastigation, with abscence of gross lesions at post-mortem examination. The outbreaks were related to the presence of decomposed animal carcasses or vegetal material in the drinking water. Botulinum toxins C and/or D were detected in water samples, viscera and blood serum of a considerable number of materials examined.
Botulism; cattle; Clostridium botulinum; contaminated water; outbreaks