Histological aspects of the spermatic cord were studied in 40 Brazilian Bhuj goats. It was seen that the spermatic cord is involved by a thin capsule of compact connective tissue recovered by mesothelium which forms an expansion, the mesodeferens. Under this capsule is a subcapsular layer of variable thickness, formed by loose elastic fiber connective tissue that mixes with deep layer of the mesodeferens and with the adventitia of ductus deferens. Between the testicular artery and testicular veins exists an intervascular compact elastic fiber connective tissue in continuity with the adventitia of spermatic cord vessels. In the abdeferential region of the spermatic cord exists a neurovascular contingent, the vessels of which generally have inferior calibers and similar constitution and arrangement as the testicular artery and veins; the described contingent is related to nutrition of the initial portion of ductus deferens and part of the epididymis head and body. The vascular arrangement shows that the segment of the testicular artery in the spermatic cord has a sinuous disposition and is totally involved by the venous plexus formed by testicular vein valves with irregular outlines, diverse calibers and large connections. The length of the intra spermatic cord segment of the testicular artery has a medium and standard deviation of 134.6±38.1cm on the right and 137±33.9cm on the left. There were no statistical differences between the right and left medium ranges.
Morphology; spermatic cord; arteries; veins; Bhuj goats