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Analysis of naphtoquimones in Zeyheria montana crude extracts (bolsa-de-pastor)

Four naphthoquinones, lapachol, a-lapachone, dehydro-a-lapachone and 4-hydroxy-a-lapachone were isolated from the ethanol extract of Zeyheria montana M. roots (Bignoniaceae) and were identified by spectroscopic methods. These naphthoquinones, except 4-hydroxy-a-lapachone, were quantified by HPLC, in the crude ethanol extracts of Z. montana roots. The separation of lapachol, a-lapachone and dehydro-a-lapachone was achieved and these compounds were identified in the chromatograms by their retention times and by their on line UV-spectra. The quantification of the three naphthoquinones, in four different samples showed medium contents of 11,0 mg of lapachol, 6,1 mg of a-lapachone and 4,3 mg of dehydro-a-lapachone, in 100 mg of Z.montana roots.

Z. montana; Bignoniaceae; naphthoquinones; HPLC

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil