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Influence of the composition of the streams to the FCC converter unit on the catalytic performance of DESOx additives

Hydrotalcite-like compounds having Mg partially replaced by Cu or Mn were prepared and used as precursors for two mixed oxides (Cu-OM50 and Mn-OM50) that were evaluated for SOx removal in the presence of O2, NO and CO. Under SO2/O2 reaction system, SOx removal was slightly higher over Cu-OM50. The addition of CO and NO to the feed markedly hindered the SO2 oxidation over Cu-OM50 while no significant effect was observed for Mn-OM50. For the regeneration step, the use of propane instead of H2 reduces regeneration capacity, mainly for Cu-OM50. Mn-OM50 was less affected by the feed composition, suggesting that it was a promising additive for SOx removal.

SOx emission control; sulfur-transfer catalysts; Mg,Al-mixed oxides

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil