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Chemical composition of volatile components of Capsicodendron dinisii Schwancke (Canellaceae)

The volatile components of the stem bark of Capsicodendron dinisii were obtained by hydrodistillation using a modified Clevenger-type apparatus. The chemical compounds were identified using the arithmetic index and confirmed by GC-MS. Twenty-three compounds suggest the identified representing almost 90% of the total oil composition. Limonene (68.5%) was the major compound found. The stereochemistry of limonene was determined and was found to be represented by (+)-limonene (94%) and (-)-limonene (6%). The presence of drimenol (0.7%), a drimane sesquiterpenoid, confirmed the volatile components characteristics of the Canellaceae family.

Capsicodendron dinisii; volatile components; limonene

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil