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Química Nova, Volume: 20, Número: 6, Publicado: 1997
  • Editorial

  • Estructura cristalina del N-isopropil-2-ciano-3(5'-nitrofuril)acrilamida

    Pomés Hernandéz, Ramón; Duque Rodrigues, Julio; Novoa de Armas, Héctor; Toscano, Ruben Alfredo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    C11H11N3O4 , Mr = 249.23, triclinic, , a = 5.453(1), b = 22.873(5), c = 4.893(1) Å, a = 94.47(3), b = 96.36(3), g = 86.27(3)º, V = 603.7(8)ų,Z = 2, Dx = 1.371 Mg/m-3,l(Cu Ka1) = 1.54178Å, m = 0.86mm-1, room temperature. The crystal structure of N-isopropyl-2-cyano-3(5'-nitrofuryl) - acrylamide has been determined by Direct Methods and refined to R = 0.086 for 797 observed reflections. The molecules in the crystal are packed at normal van der Waals forces and by an hydrogen bond between N1-H1...02i (N1...02i: 2.910(1)Å), with i=x,y,z+1).
  • Desenvolvimento de um processo de lixiviação dos concentrados de manganês em sais fundidos Artigo

    Silva, Maria José de Sousa Ferreira da; Marques, Maria José; Ribeiro Jr, Cláudio Patrício

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The NaCl- KCl system as fused-salt solvent for leaching has shown to have some advantages over traditional solvents. In this work the solubility of copper, nickel and cobalt oxide in this system, as impurities in manganese concentrate, was studied. The euthetic mixture of NaCl - KCl at 700ºC was used at several fusion times and the dissolved metals were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The results have shown that in these conditions only copper was solubilized.
  • Alteração do comportamento eletroquímico do eletrodo de níquel, em ácido sulfúrico diluído, sob diferentes condições de iluminação Artigo

    Vendrame, Zilda Baratto; Gonçalves, Reinaldo Simões

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper is presented electrochemical evidences of the influence of the light on the electrochemical behavior of nickel electrode in diluted sulfuric acid. The current densities related with the electrooxidation of the metal decreases when the electrode is under illumination. The corrosion potential, Ecorr , shift to a more positive value in this condition. This effect was observed with polychromatic light and with different wavelength glass filters such as 700 nm and 520 nm. It was observed that increasing the temperature of the solution, the current densities related with cathodic and anodic processes, increases instead of decreases. The activation energy related with the electrooxidation of the electrode was higher under illumination than in the dark. It is suggested that this behavior may be related or with a photo-inhibition effect either with dessorption of adsorbed water involved in the electrooxidation mechanism.
  • Estimativa por infravermelho da concentração da unidade estrutural b-O-4 em ligninas de angiospermas tropicais Artigo

    Abreu, Heber dos Santos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Five Björkman lignins, codified as AM, LL, GG, PP and AP, were isolated from wood species of Aspidosperma macrocarpum Mart., Lophanthera lactescens Ducke, Gallesia gorazema (Vell.) Miq., Peltogyne paniculata Bth. and Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg., respectively. Analyses of the lignins were carried out by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy using an experimental technique, Diffusely Reflected Infrared Fourier Transformed (DRIFT), admitting in the original spectra a band at 1500 cm-1 as an internal reference. Application of a deconvolution technique made possible to estimate the percentage per mol of b-O-4 unit content around 65.5% to AM, 68.0% to LL, 71.0% to GG. 73.4% to PP and 75.0% to AP, toward AM<LL<GG<PP<AP sequence.
  • Superordem corniflorae: química, etnofarmacologia e farmacologia Artigo

    Sampaio-Santos, Maria Isabel; Kaplan, Maria Auxiliadora Coelho

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Corniflorae (sensu Dahlgren, 1980) is a superorder of the Angiospermae formed by the orders Fouquieriales, Ericales, Eucommiales, Sarraceniales, Cornales and Dipsacales, comprising 50 families with more than 7000 cosmopolitan species. Many of these species are used in tradicional medicine and some of them had their pharmacological activities confirmed. The chemistry of these plants is very diversified. Iridoids, triterpenoids and flavonoids were used as taxonomic markers.
  • Controle de autenticidade de óleos de copaíba comerciais por cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução Artigo

    Veiga Jr., Valdir F.; Patitucci, Maria Lucia; Pinto, Angelo C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Copaiba oil is a resin extracted from the trunk of trees of Copaifera species which grow in Brazil where it is widely used in popular medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic anti-bactericidal, diuretic, dermatological, expectorant, and anti-infective. The comparative study of the composition of commercial copaiba oils was carried out by high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC) and high resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HRGC-MS) analysis. The commercial oils were compared with authentic oils, collected from the southeast and northern regions of Brazil. Sixteen commercial oils were analysed and two of them revealed adulterations with fatty acids. Using the chromatographic profile of authentic copaiba species oils, it is possible to analyse commercial oils and determine the authenticity of these materials.
  • Transformações químicas do (+)-10b,14-diol-allo-aromadendrano, isolado de duguetia glabriuscula r. e. fries (r. e. fries) (annonaceae) e avaliações biológicas de alguns derivados obtidos Artigo

    Lima, Dênis Pires de; Beatriz, Adilson; Ramos, Alexandre Ayoroa; Siqueira, João Máximo de; Oliveira, Celso Corrêa de; Marques, Maria Rita

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The sesquiterpene (+)-allo-aromadendrane-10b-14-diol 1 was the lead compound to the preparation of several derivatives in order to test their biological activity against A. salina, C. sphaerospermum, E. coli and S. aureus. In this way the monoalcohols (+)-viridiflorol 4, 9 and 11 were synthesized from 1 together with the acetal 6, the ketal 7, and the ketone 8. The oxirane 3 and nitrile 5 were also prepared using as an intermediate the tosylate derivative 2.
  • Desenvolvimento e caracterização de recobrimentos de Ni-Co e de seus óxidos mistos para a produção de oxigênio por eletrólise alcalina da água Artigo

    Machado, Sergio A. S.; Gallani, Simone C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the development and characterisation of Ni-Co coatings to be used as anodes in water electrolysis. Chemical oxidation of the surface was performed through thermal treatment at 400ºC for 10 h. The resulting surfaces were analysed by X-ray diffraction, EDX, SEM, cyclic voltammetry and constant current electrolysis. The electrochemical oxidation occurring on bare surfaces during electrolysis promotes the formation of thick oxide layers resulting in loss of activity. In oxidised surfaces the chemical Ni-Co oxide grown during the thermal treatment prevents further oxidation thus retaining their activity towards oxygen evolution. An optimum condition for the growth of mixed oxide with high activity was found for the bath containing 50 g L-1 CoSO4.
  • A química da família bombacaceae Revisão

    Paula, Vanderlúcia F.; Barbosa, Luiz C. A.; Demuner, Antônio J.; Piló-Veloso, Dorila

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Bombacaceae family consists of 28 genera and 200 species. This work reviews all the chemical studies carried out on the members of this family, and shows that only ten genera were investigated. From this review it can be seen that no particular class of chemical metabolites is ubiquitous in this family.
  • Reações intramoleculares como modelos não miméticos de catálise enzimática Revisão

    Gesser, José Carlos; Yunes, Santiago; Clementin, Rosilene M.; Nome, Faruk

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review gives a critical idea on the importance of intramolecular reactions as models for enzymatic catalysis. Intramolecular lactonizations, ester and amide hydrolysis studies result in theories which try to explain the difference between intermolecular, intramolecular and enzyme reactions and rationalize the enhancement promoted by these biological catalyst.
  • Mecanização no preparo de amostras por microondas: o estado da arte Revisão

    Arruda, Marco Aurélio Zezzi; Santelli, Ricardo Erthal

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review presents the latest advances of the mechanisation in sample preparation using microwave oven. The fundamental principles of microwaves field interaction with matter are presented, followed by the basic principles of microwave equipment construction. Hyphenation of microwave oven with flow injection analysis or robotic are discussed as well as some metodological difficulties and solutions by its implementation.
  • Determinação de elementos-traço: relatório de dois exercícios interlaboratoriais Divulgação

    Jardim, Wilson F.; Barbosa, Antonio C.; Campos, Reinaldo C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Results of two intercomparison exercises are reported. In the first one, the participants were asked to determine Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, at the sub mg mL-1 level, in an acidified aqueous solution. In the second one, the participants were asked to determine mercury (total) in two homogeneous biological samples, hair and fish. The exercises were considered satisfactory and few reported results were discharged (3s criteria).
  • Substâncias enantiomericamente puras (SEP): a questão dos fármacos quirais Revisão

    Barreiro, Eliezer J.; Ferreira, Vitor. F.; Costa, Paulo R. R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The thalidomide disaster, in the 60,s, is the most painful reminder of the importance of chirality for biological activity. After this episode, much attention has been devoted to study the correlations between toxicological and pharmacological properties and chirality. Actualy, to get a licence for a new chiral drug in EUA, European community and Japan, it is necessary to study the biological properties of each enatiomer independently. This article presents an overview about the importance of the chirality of organic compounds and its relationships with biological activity, asymmetric synthetic methodologies and market.
  • Os fármacos e a quiralidade: uma breve abordagem Divulgação

    Lima, Vera Lucia Eifler

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The concepts of stereochemistry and chirality are introduced, and the ability to distinguish among the different receptors caused by one stereoselective action against chiral drugs is presented. The importance of the behaviour of chiral drugs is emphasized.
  • Organo-gel: um novo sistema para a imobilização de lipases e sua aplicação em síntese orgânica Divulgação

    Jesus, Paulo Cesar de; João, Jair Juarez; Silva, Pedro Luiz Ferreira da; Burlin, Giovani; Nascimento, Maria da Graça

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Lipases have been immobilized in microemulsion-based organogels (MBG's) and successfully utilized for the enantioselective esterification, diesterification and transesterification reactions, in organic solvents at 25ºC. This methodology is described as a new alternative for the use of enzymes in organic solvents. High enzymic stability has been observed. We have also used this methodology for the successful resolution of chiral secondary alcohols. This is a convenient way of using this catalyst in organic solvents which employs small amounts of the enzyme (250mg/mL).
  • Construção de equipamentos de refrigeração que permitem trabalhar com temperaturas de -40ºC ou -60ºC Nota Técnica

    Oliveira, Alfredo Ricardo M. de; Simonelli, Fábio; Marques, Francisco de A.; Santos, Alcindo A. dos; Pereira, Gerson A.; Assenheimer, Oscar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this article we describe the construction of two cooling systems with an immersion probe which will allow one to work at temperatures of either -40ºC or -60ºC. The two systems were constructed with readily available components and have been used daily for the last year in our laboratory to carry out reactions at low temperature or to cool down traps of vacuum pumps, reducing our need of dry-ice or liquid nitrogen.
  • Currículo de licenciatura em química da universidade de brasília: uma proposta em implantação Educação

    Santos, Wildson Luiz P. dos; Gauche, Ricardo; Silva, Roberto Ribeiro da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article presents the conception, principles and academic structure of the evening course leading to the formation of a Licentiate in Chemistry, at the University of Brasília. The curriculum has been carried out since the beginning of 1993. This curriculum has as its basic axis the graduation of future teachers integrated with the conceptual formation in Chemistry. Interdisciplinary actions are planned between the Chemistry Department, the Psychology Institute and the Faculty of Education so as to provide mechanisms which would allow the licenciate to acquire teaching experience along the course.
  • Research and training in medicinal chemistry in south and central american countries and sub-saharan Africa

    Monge, Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    With the proposal to search for universal cooperation in the field of Medicinal Chemistry, the IUPAC group has elaborated a line of work divided into two phases: a- An Awareness of the true situation of Medicinal Chemistry in the different geographic areas of the world; b- A proposal of actions as to achieve more effective cooperation. This first report presents and discusses the actual situation in South and Central America as well as in sub-Saharan Africa.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil