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Química Nova, Volume: 26, Número: 2, Publicado: 2003
  • O projeto Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library on Line) e a visibilidade da literatura científica "Periférica" Editorial

    Meneghini, Rogerio
  • Estudo fitoquímico e avaliação da atividade moluscicida da Kielmeyera variabilis Mart (Clusiaceae) Artigo

    Pinheiro, Lucimar; Cortez, Diógenes Aparício Garcia; Vidotti, Gentil J.; Young, Maria Claudia M.; Ferreira, Antônio Gilberto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Methanol extract obtained from Kielmeyera variabilis stems showed significant molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata. The phytochemical studies of the plants stem to the isolation of three xanthones (assiguxanthone-B, kielcorin and 1,3,5,6-tetrahtydroxy-2-prenylxanthone) and a organic acid (2,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid). The structures of these compounds were identified by IR, MS, ¹H and 13C NMR spectral analysis and comparison with literature data.
  • Influência da calcinação sobre a remoção de ferro da caulinita e ilita e seus efeitos sobre a acidez Artigo

    Araújo, Cleber S. de; Silva, Lindomar R. Damasceno da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Samples of natural clay composed by kaolinite, illite, goethite and quartz, were calcinated and submitted to lixiviation with citrate and chloridric acid in order to remove iron. Investigation due to extraction consequences was carried cut by analyzing its acid properties using ammonia gas as probe in infrared spectrophotometry analysis. The sample that were treated with citrate followed by acid lixiviation yield materials twice more acid than samples treated with acid only.
  • Influência do material do destilador na composição química das aguardentes de cana: parte II Artigo

    Cardoso, Daniel R.; Lima-Neto, Benedito S.; Franco, Douglas W.; Nascimento, Ronaldo F. do

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The quantitative chemical analysis of the Brazilian sugar cane spirit distilled from glass column packaged with copper, stainless steel, aluminum sponge, or porcelain balls is described. The main chemical compounds determined by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization (FID) and flame photometric (FPD) detectors and liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector are aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols, esters and dimethylsulfite (DMS). The spirits produced either in columns filled with copper or aluminum pot still exhibits the lowest DMS contents but the higher sulfate and methanol contents, whereas spirits produced in stainless steel or porcelain showed higher DMS concentration and lower teors of sulfate ion and methanol. These observations are coherent with DMS oxidation to sulfate, with methanol as by product, in the presence of either copper or aluminum.
  • Desidrogenação do etilbenzeno sobre compostos de ferro e alumínio Artigo

    Oliveira, Alcinéia Conceição; Rangel, Maria do Carmo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chromium and potassium-doped iron oxides are widely used as industrial catalysts in the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to produce styrene. They have several advantages but deactivate with time, because of the loss of potassium. Also, they are toxic due to chromium compounds. Therefore there is a need for developing alternative non toxic catalysts without potassium. Then, iron and aluminum compounds were prepared by different methods in this work. Different phases were produced depending on the preparation method. Aluminum-doped hematite was more active and selective to styrene than the aluminum ferrite. Aluminum acts both as textural and structural promoter in the catalysts.
  • Formação e caracterização óptica de filmes automontados de POMA/PPV Artigo

    Melo, Rodrigo M.; Dantas, Noelio O.; Souza, Nara C. de; Oliveira Jr., Osvaldo N.; Faria, Roberto M.; Marletta, Alexandre

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A study is presented of the formation and optical properties of polymeric heterostructures from poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) and poly(o-methoxyaniline) (POMA) produced via the self-assembly technique. POMA layers were obtained in a non self-limiting process from its emeraldine salt, semiconducting form in HCl solution. Thermal conversion of PPV was performed at low temperatures with the substitution of the counter-ion Cl in the PPV precursor by a long sulfonic chain, the dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBS) ion. The optical properties of PPV films converted in this way are not affected by POMA, which can be used as transparent electrode of PPV luminescent devices.
  • Catalisadores Ni/Al2O3 promovidos com molibdênio para a reação de reforma a vapor de metano Artigo

    Maluf, Silvia Sálua; Assaf, Elisabete Moreira; Assaf, José Mansur

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Mo-promoted Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for the methane steam reforming reaction were studied in this work. The Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by precipitation and molibdenum was added by impregnation up to 2%wt. The solids were tested using a micro-reactor under two H2Ov/C conditions and were characterized by ICP-OES, XRD, N2 adsoption, H2 chemisorption and TPR. NiO and NiAl2O4 phases were observed and the metallic area decreased with the increase of the Mo content. From the catalytic tests high stability was verified for H2Ov/C=4.0. On the other hand, only the catalyst containing 0,05% Mo stayed stable during 30 hours of the test at H2Ov/C=2.0.
  • The interaction between mercury(II) and sulfathiazole

    Bellú, Sebastián; Hure, Estela; Trapé, Marcela; Rizzotto, Marcela; Sutich, Emma; Sigrist, Mirna; Moreno, Virtudes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The interaction of mercury(II) with sulfathiazole has been analyzed. IR and NMR spectral studies suggest a coordination of Hg(II) with the Nthiazolic atom, unlike related Hg-sulfadrugs compounds. The complex was screened for its activity against Escherichia coli, showing an appreciable antimicrobial activity compared with the ligand.
  • Pré-concentração de nitrosaminas a partir de amostras aquosas por extração em fase sólida e cromatografia capilar eletrocinética micelar Artigo

    Sanches Filho, Pedro José; Zanin, Kelen Daiane; Caramão, Elina Bastos; Garcia, Ronaldo Caramão; Rios, Angel; Valcárcel, Miguel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the development of a methodology for solid phase extraction (SPE) and pre-concentration of nitrosamines from aqueous samples using granular activated charcoal as stationary phase. micelar electrokinetic capillary Chromatography (MEKC) was used for the separation and identification of the nitrosamines in the extracts. Using a sample with 50 µg l-1 of each nitrosamines standards (dimethylnitrosamine, DMN; diethylnitrosamine, DEN; N-nitrosopyrrolidine, NPYR; N-nitrosopiperidine, NPIP; N-nitrosomorpholine, NMOR), the methodology showed a range of recuperation from 29 to 107% with a linear zone between 10 and 500 µg l-1. The developed methodology can be applicable to the determination of these analytes in different aqueous samples.
  • Determinação enzimática de dopamina em formulações farmacêuticas utilizando sistema de análise por injeção em fluxo com extrato bruto de abacate (Persea americana) Artigo

    Lupetti, Karina Omuro; Ramos, Luiz Antônio; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, a spectrophotometric flow injection analysis system using a crude extract of avocado (Persea americana) as a source of polyphenol oxidase to dopamine determination was developed. The substrates and enzyme concentrations from 2.4x10-7 to 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 and 28 to 332 units mL-1 were evaluated, respectively. In addition, the FIA parameters such as sample loop (50 to 500 µL), flow rate (1.4 to 4.3 mL min-1) and reactor length (100 to 500 cm) were also evaluated in a 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0). Dopamine solution concentrations were determined using 277 units mL-1 enzyme solution, 400 mL enzyme loop, 375 µL sample loop, 2.2 mL min-1 flow rate and a reactor of 350 cm. The analytical curve showed a linearity from 5.3x10-5 to 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 dopamine with a detection limit of 1.3x10-5 mol L-1. The analytical frequency was 46 h-1 and the RSD lower than 0.5% for 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 dopamine solution (n=10). A paired t-test showed that all results obtained for dopamine in commercial formulations using the proposed flow injection procedure and a spectrophotometric procedure agree at the 95% confidence level.
  • Cristalização e taxa crítica de resfriamento para vitrificação do poli(sebacato de decametileno) Artigo

    Guimarães, Luciana Maria; Zanotto, Edgar Dutra

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We synthesized Poly(decamethylene sebacate) - P10MS - and studied its overall crystallization rates in a range of temperatures using Differential Scanning Calorimetry in isothermal conditions, which enabled us to identify the crystallization mechanism by means of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation. The critical cooling rate (Rc) to vitrify the P10MS was determined using a non-isothermal method proposed by Barandiarán & Colmenero (BC). The value of Rc is around 50-250 K/s, which confirms the experimentally observed difficulty to vitrify this polymer.
  • Extração de matéria orgânica aquática por abaixamento de temperatura: uma metodologia alternativa para manter a identidade da amostra Artigo

    Almeida, Rosana N. H. Martins de; Mozeto, Antonio Aparecido; Zara, Luiz Fabrício; Rosa, André Henrique; Rocha, Julio Cesar; Romão, Luciane Pimenta Cruz; Sargentini Junior, Ézio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work was developed an alternative methodology to separation of aquatic organic matter (AOM) present in natural river waters. The process is based in temperature decreasing of the aqueous sample under controlled conditions that provoke the freezing of the sample and separation of the dark extract, not frozen and rich in organic matter. The results showed that speed of temperature decreasing exerts strongly influence in relative recovery of organic carbon, enrichment and time separation of the organic matter present in water samples. Elemental composition, infrared spectra and thermal analysis results showed that the alternative methodology is less aggressive possible in the attempt of maintaining the integrity of the sample.
  • Escalas termoquímicas e espectroscópicas de basicidade: breve revisão Revisão

    Farias, Robson Fernandes de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A brief review about the main thermochemical and spectroscopic basicity scales is presented, with a discussion about the range of reliability of them. Is concluded that, as a general trend, thermochemical basicity scales are more sensitives, and so reliable, than spectroscopic ones.
  • Metodologias de síntese de 2-arilcicloexanonas Revisão

    Santos, Roberto P.; Amorim, Mauro B. de; Lopes, Rosangela S. C.; Lopes, Claudio C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Several methodologies concerning the preparation of 2-aryl and 2-heteroarylcyclohexanones are presented. The use of these intermediates in the synthesis of chemically and biologically interesting organic compounds is also discussed.
  • Breve revisão de métodos de determinação de resíduos do herbicida ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) Revisão

    Amarante Júnior, Ozelito Possidônio de; Santos, Teresa Cristina Rodrigues dos; Nunes, Gilvanda Silva; Ribeiro, Maria Lúcia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper supplies a revision about the main techniques of extraction, clean-up and pre-concentration of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in water and soil samples, as well as chromatographic methods and immune assays for its identification and quantification.
  • Aspectos químicos e potencial terapêutico de imidas cíclicas: uma revisão da literatura Revisão

    Cechinel Filho, Valdir; Campos, Fátima de; Corrêa, Rogério; Yunes, Rosendo A.; Nunes, Ricardo J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Cyclic imides consists of an important family of organic compounds with therapeutic potential. In this review, emphasis will be given to the chemical and biological aspects of several sub-classes of this family, incluing maleimides, succinimides, glutarimides, naphtalimides, etc. Additionally, will be focused the contribution of our research group in this field.
  • Organometallic catalysis: some contributions to organic synthesis

    Gusevskaya, Elena V.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present paper some general aspects of metal complex catalysis and its applications for oxyfunctionalization of various olefins, including naturally occurring ones, via selective oxidation, hydroformylation and alkoxycarbonylation are discussed.
  • Padronização interna em espectrometria de absorção atômica Revisão

    Fernandes, Kelly G.; Moraes, Mercedes de; Gomes Neto, José A.; Nóbrega, Joaquim A.; Oliveira, Pedro V.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes a review on internal standardization in atomic absorption spectrometry with emphasis to the systematic and random errors in atomic absorption spectrometry and applications of internal standardization in flame atomic absorption spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The rules for selecting an element as internal standard, limitations of the method, and some comments about the application of internal standardization in atomic absorption spectrometry and the future of this compensation strategy are critically discussed.
  • Modelagem de proteínas por homologia Divulgação

    Santos Filho, Osvaldo Andrade; Alencastro, Ricardo Bicca de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Modeling methods to derive 3D-structure of proteins have been recently developed. Protein homology-modeling, also known as comparative protein modeling, is nowadays the most accurate protein modeling method. This technique can produce useful models for about an order of magnitude more protein sequences than there have been structures determined by experiment in the same amount of time. All current protein homology-modeling methods consist of four sequential steps: fold assignment and template selection, template-target alignment, model building, and model evaluation. In this paper we discuss in some detail the protein-homology paradigm, its predictive power and its limitations.
  • Da geração espontânea à química prebiótica Divulgação

    Zaia, Dimas A. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present paper, a historical view from spontaneous generation of life to Oparin-Haldane hypothesis was discussed. It was also showed what is the main concern of the field of prebiotic chemistry. Several aspects of prebiotic chemistry such as synthesis of biomolecules and biopolymers, primitive metabolism and genetic code, and the importance of the adsorption for the origin of life were discussed.
  • Impacto dos catalisadores automotivos no controle da qualidade do ar Divulgação

    Rangel, Maria do Carmo; Carvalho, Marly Fernandes Araújo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Advanced industrialized nations have experienced severe pollution problems over the past forty years, caused mainly by carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide emissions from automobiles. Catalyst technology has played a major part in minimizing these emissions as required by even more restrictive laws. The catalyst has been optimized over the years to meet the requirements of high activity and long life. The oxidation of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide are in advanced development stage while that of NOx catalysts is far less advanced. In the future, catalyst technology is expected to contribute to overcome the challenges to get a cleaner air.
  • Confecção de um perfurador de lamínulas de vidro por corrosão ácida Nota Técnica

    Silva, Heron Dominguez Torres da; Lago, Claudimir Lucio do

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple device for glass plate drilling, which is an important step in microfabrication procedures, is described. A reservoir of concentrated hydrofluoric acid with a hole in its bottom is affixed against the glass plate. Leakage is prevented by using a neoprene O-ring. A plastic pipet tip inserted in the reservoir, close to the corrosion region, provides forced convection by pressure variations inside it. A device to make 5 simultaneous holes in a plate is also presented. For a 140 µm thickness alkaline glass lamina and 1/8" O-ring, 5 holes are drilled in 20 min.
  • Sistema de alimentação gás-líquido para medidas de atividade catalítica Nota Técnica

    Perez-Lopez, Oscar W.; Marcílio, Nilson R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This note has as objective to present the advantages of the use of syringe-type pumps for the feeding of liquid reactants, together with mass flow controllers for gases, instead of the saturators, as it is generally accomplished. Among the advantages, the system with syringe pumps presents a greater flexibility in flow control as well as in composition compared with the system that uses saturator. In addition, the flow of the liquid reactants is known with precision in the syringe pump system.
  • Síntese dos analgésicos paracetamol e fenacetina e do adoçante dulcina: um projeto para química orgânica experimental Educação

    Baptistella, Lúcia H. B.; Giacomini, Rosana A.; Imamura, Paulo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A synthesis of artificial sweetener dulcin starting from nitrobenzene was elaborated for undergraduate organic laboratory course. Paracetamol and phenacetin, both physiologically active analgesic compounds, were also prepared as intermediates. Besides a large scope of discussion subjects related with organic synthesis, interesting lectures about analgesics and sweeteners may also be performed in this project. The advantage of this project is the adaptability according to the conditions offered by the course, i.e., convenience and/or availability of time and reagents.
  • Utilizando o monitoramento ambiental para o ensino da química: pedagogia de projeto Educação

    Menezes, Helvécio Costa; Faria, Ariane Garrocho de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The article shows how the monitoring of the water quality can be utilized in an inter-disciplinary pedagogical project involving Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology making the apprenticeship more dynamic and consolidating the link between the student and the community.
  • Laboratório de resíduos químicos do campus USP-São Carlos: resultados da experiência pioneira em gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos químicos em um campus universitário Assuntos Gerais

    Alberguini, Leny Borghesan A.; Silva, Luis Carlos; Rezende, Maria Olímpia Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A novel and unique in a brazilian university experience for rigorous handling of chemical residues of research and teaching is described. The activities since 1998 of a laboratory for the adequate treatment and recovery of chemicals at the São Carlos Campus of the University of São Paulo are summarized. The necessity of environment conscience future professional is enhanced.
  • Geraldo Vicentini (04/04/1928 - 08/02/2003) In Memoriam

    Senise, Paschoal Ernesto Américo; Toma, Henrique Eisi; Petragnani, Nicola
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil