Editorial Ano internacional da química Rezende, Claudia M |
Artigo Surface charge of clay fraction as affected by vinasse and phosphorus Ribeiro, Bruno Teixeira Lima, José Maria de Curi, Nilton Oliveira, Geraldo César de Lima, Pedro Luiz Terra Abstract in English: Effects of vinasse, P sorption and the interaction vinasse-phosphorus on zeta potential and point of zero charge (PZC) as well as the effects of vinasse on P sorption on clay-fraction samples from two soils were evaluated. The vinasse and P sorption influenced the surface charge of clay fraction of both soils. Sorption of P increased negative charges from soil particles reducing PZC. These effects were more pronounced when clay fraction was previously treated with vinasse. Vinasse treatment reduced P sorption, probably due to coating of P-adsorption sites and by enhancing the negative charges. |
Groundwater quality comparison between rural farms and riparian wells in the western Amazon, Brazil Leite, Nei K Krusche, Alex V Cabianchi, Giovana M Ballester, Maria Victoria R Victoria, Reynaldo L Marchetto, Margarida Santos, Judes G. dos Abstract in English: Groundwater quality of a riparian forest is compared to wells in surrounding rural areas at Urupá River basin. Groundwater types were calcium bicarbonated at left margin and sodium chloride at right, whereas riparian wells exhibited a combination of both (sodium bicarbonate). Groundwater was mostly solute-depleted with concentrations within permissible limits for human consumption, except for nitrate. Isotopic composition suggests that inorganic carbon in Urupá River is mostly supplied by runoff instead of riparian groundwater. Hence, large pasture areas in addition to narrow riparian forest width in this watershed may have an important contribution in the chemical composition of this river. |
Artigo Antioxidative response, phytochelatin production and photoprotective pigments composition of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf plants exposed to Cd and Zn Santos, Fabiana Soares dos Amaral Sobrinho, Nelson Moura Brasil do Mazur, Nelson Garbisu, Carlos Barrutia, Oihana Becerril, José Maria Abstract in English: In order to evaluate the response of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf to Cd and Zn, plants were hydroponically exposed to 50 and 100 mmol L-1 of Cd and 500 and 2000 mmol L-1 of Zn. Metal content of shoots and roots was determined, as well as alterations in photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments, antioxidant metabolites and phytochelatin synthesis. Plants concentrated elevated levels of Cd and Zn, especially in roots. Zinc exposure negatively affected chlorophyll and β-carotene content, whereas the highest dose of Cd reduced VAZ cycle pigments and tocopherol levels in plant shoots. Cadmium was the maximum inducer of the phytochelatin synthesis pathway. |
Artigo Sorption study of herbicides with the clay minerals vermiculite and montmorillonite Rezende, Edivaltrys Inayve Pissinati de Peralta-Zamora, Patricio Guillermo Abate, Gilberto Abstract in English: The clay minerals montmorillonite (MT) and vermiculite (VT), previously treated with Ca2+, K+ and Na+, were employed in a sorption study with herbicides. The herbicides 2,4-D, diuron, alachlor and metolachlor showed no interaction with MT and VT. On the other hand, the triazines presented a good sorption process, close to 100% for ametrine removal and near to 56 and 69% for atrazine and simazine, respectively, by MT. These results suggest that the MT specie may be a good material for triazines removal from aqueous medium and an alternative phase to preconcentration process, besides to exhibit a good selectivity. |
Artigo Organic acids in sugarcane spirits' fractions produced in stills and columns Serafim, Felipe Augusto Thobias Buchviser, Silmara França Galinaro, Carlos Alexandre Franco, Douglas Wagner Novaes, Fernando Valadares Abstract in English: The concentration of 14 organic acids of 50 sugarcane spirits samples was determined by gas chromatography using flame ionization detection. The organic acids analytical quantitative profile in stills and column distilled spirits from wines obtained from the same must were compared. The comparison was also carried in "head", "heart" and "tail fractions of stills distilled spirits. The experimental data were analyzed by Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and pointed out that the distillation process (stills and column) strongly influences the lead spirits' organic acid composition and that producers' operational "cuts off" to produce "tail", "heart" and "head", fractions should be optimized. |
Artigo Performance of hybrid matrix SiO2-chitosan to immobilize microbial lipase from Candida rugosa Simões, Aline S Mori, Rodrigo Y Faria, Raquel Castro, Heizir F. de Mendes, Adriano A Abstract in English: Lipase from Candida rugosa was immobilized by covalent attachment on hybrid SiO2-chitosan obtained by sol-gel technique. A comparative study between free and immobilized lipase was provided in terms of pH, temperature, kinetic parameters and thermal stability on the olive oil hydrolysis. The pH and temperature for maximum activity shifted from 7.0 and 45 ºC for the free lipase to 7.5 and wide range of temperature (40-50 ºC) after immobilization. Kinetics parameters were found to obey Michaelis-Menten equation and K M values indicated that immobilization process reduced the affinity of enzyme-substrate; however Kd values revealed an increase of thermal stability of lipase. |
Artigo Chemical constituents of Hyptidendron canum (Pohl ex Benth.) R. Harley (Lamiaceae) Lemes, Geralda de Fátima Ferri, Pedro Henrique Lopes, Márcia Nasser Abstract in English: Chemical investigation of Hyptidendron canum stems resulted in the isolation of betulinic, ursolic and euscaphic acids. From the leaves were isolated 3β-O-β-galactopiranosilsitosterol, ursolic aldehyde, and mixtures of maslinic acid and 2α-hydroxyursolic acid, α and β-amyrin, uvaol and erythrodiol, sitosterol and stigmasterol, spathulenol and globulol. Hexane and chloroform leave fractions as well as ursolic and betulinic acids showed antifungal activities against the yeast form of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. |
Development and validation of a method for the analysis of tetracyclines in chicken-muscle by liquid chromatography-electrospray-mass spectrometry in tandem (LC-ESI-MS/MS) Uekane, Thais Matsue Aquino Neto, Francisco Radler Gomes, Luiz Nelson F Abstract in English: A LC-ESI-MS/MS method was developed and validated according to the European Union decision 2002/657/EC, for the determination of tetracyclines (TCs) in chicken-muscle since Europe is one of the main markets for Brazilian products. Linearity of r > 0.9979, limits of quantification in the range of 7.0-35.0 ng/g, average recoveries of 89.38 - 106.27%, within-day and between-day precision were adequate for all TCs. The decision limit and the detection capability were 93.00-106.46 ng/g and 95.84-114.38 ng/g, respectively. This method is suitable for application in surveillance programmes of residues of TCs in chicken-muscle samples. |
Artigo Determination of arsenic in chicken and chicken production-related samples using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry Dionísio, Amália G. G Gonzalez, Mário H Nóbrega, Joaquim A Abstract in English: Chicken meat is largely consumed in human nutrition and it is produced in extremely large scale in some countries, including Brazil. In this work graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was used for determination of arsenic in chicken and chicken production-related samples. These samples were digested employing a microwave-assisted procedure in closed vessels using a 7 mol L-1 nitric acid solution plus concentrated hydrogen peroxide. The concentration range of total As determined in chicken production-related samples varied from 1.30 to 29.8 mg kg-1 of As. The detection and quantification limits reached were 0.055 and 0.182 mg kg-1, respectively (n = 15). |
Artigo Aplication of chemometrics methods in characterization of cigar using matrix solid phase dispersion and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Prata, Vanessa de Menezes Emídio, Elissandro Soares Dórea, Haroldo Silveira Abstract in English: In this work, the organic compounds of cigar samples from different brands were analyzed. The compound extraction was made using the matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) technique, followed by gas chromatography and identification by mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and standards, when available. Thirty eight organic compounds were found in seven different brands. Finally, with the objective of characterizing and discriminating the cigar samples, multivariate statistical analyses were applied to data, e.g.; principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). With such analyses, it was possible to discriminate three main groups of three quality levels. |
Artigo Evaluation electrolytic process in alternate current in treatment of water production Cerqueira, Alexandre Andrade Marques, Monica Regina da Costa Russo, Carlos Abstract in English: The main objective was to study the treatment of wastewater generated by the oil industry. This work consisted of tests of electroflocculation with alternate current (AC), and chemical coagulation. The removal efficiencies of organic load were evaluated by the removal of oils and greases, color and turbidity. The parameters investigated were the change in alternate current frequency, the initial pH, the distance between electrodes, the applied potential and time lapse. From the results, one may conclude that the electroflocculation process is potential applicability to the effluent studied, while chemical coagulation was not successful. |
Artigo Sterols as indicators of sewage accumulation in sediments of a tropical estuarine-lagoon system (Mundaú - Manguaba, AL) Araujo, Michelle Passos Costa, Talitha Lopes Ferreira da Carreira, Renato da Silva Abstract in English: The history of sewage contamination in the Mundaú-Manguaba estuarine lagoon system (NE Brazilian coastal zone) was evaluated through the concentration of sterols in sediment cores. The concentration of coprostanol increased towards the surface sediments, with the maximum of 5.65 µg g-1 at 0-2 cm sediment layer in Mundaú. Manguaba exhibited a lower level of contamination. The ratio cholestanol/cholesterol suggested degradation of coprostanol only before the burial of organic matter in the sediment. This feature, together with information of population growth in the watershed, allowed the estimation of a sedimentation rate of 0.90 cm year-1 to the Mundaú lagoon. |
Production of silica gel from residual rice husk ash Lima, Samantha Pinheiro Buás de Vasconcelos, Raimundo Pereira de Paiva, Otávio Augusto Cordeiro, Guilherme Chagas Chaves, Márcia Rodrigues de Morais Toledo Filho, Romildo Dias Fairbairn, Eduardo de Moraes Rego Abstract in English: This paper presents a study on the production of silica gel in hydrothermal process using residual rice husk ash. Measurements of the chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, particle size distribution, and pozzolanic activity were carried out in order to characterize the obtained material, and the optimal silica gel was selected for use as a mineral additive in cement pastes. The compressive strengths were determined for cement pastes containing silica gel (0.0, 2.5 or 5% by mass) in different times. The results indicate that the mixtures containing silica gel showed improved mechanical behavior over all time periods evaluated. |
Artigo Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of antinociceptive activity of novel isoxazolyl-aryl-hydrazones Reis, Sílvio Leandro Gonçalves Bomfim Almeida, Valderes Moraes de Almeida, Gleybson Correia de Boaviagem, Karinna Moura Mendes, Charles Christophe Du Barriere Faria, Antônio Rodolfo de Góes, Alexandre José da Silva Magalhães, Laudelina Rodrigues Silva, Teresinha Gonçalves da Abstract in English: New 2-isoxazoline aldehydes were synthesized, in good yields, from cycloadduct of the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between endocyclic enecarbamate and carboethoxyformonitrile oxide (CEFNO). Condensation of these 2-isoxazoline aldehydes with several phenyl-hydrazines produced new isoxazolyl-aryl-hydrazones, which showed low toxicity and excellent antinociceptive activity, when compared to dipyrone. The antinociceptive activity of isoxazolyl-aryl-hydrazones was performed using the acetic acid-induced mice abdominal constrictions test. |
Artigo Study of fermentation of the hydrolyzate sweet potato using different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pavlak, Marta Cristina de Menezes Abreu-Lima, Thiago Lucas de Carreiro, Solange Cristina Paulillo, Silene Cristina de Lima Abstract in English: Ethanol is the most suitable substitute for oil-based fuels. The performance of the fermentation is affected by several factors, therefore the aim of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the fermentation of a hydrolyzed must of sweet potato using three strains of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was also evaluated the effect of three forms of the processes conduction in the fermentation yield, efficiency and viability of yeast at the end process. Among the parameters evaluated, only the cell viability showed significant difference. The strain PE-2 would be the most suitable for the fermentation of the hydrolysed sweet potato. |
Activity and sulfur resistance of Rh(I) and Pd(II) complexes Rivas, Ivana Badano, Juan Lederhos, Cecilia Liprandi, Domingo Cagnola, Edgardo Vera, Carlos Quiroga, Mónica Abstract in English: Two complexes of Rh(I) and Pd(II) with chloride and tridecylamine ligands were obtained and characterized by Elementary Analysis and by XPS and FTIR spectroscopies. Complexes anchored on γ-Al2O3 were tested in the styrene semi-hydrogenation reaction carried out in the absence or presence of a sulfur poison. Although both low loaded catalysts were highly selective, the Pd(II) complex was three times more active than the Rh(I) complex. The rhodium complex was more sulfur resistant but less active than the palladium complex. Differences in conversion and sulfur resistance between both complexes could be related to electronic and/or geometric effects. |
Artigo Use of clays for purification of biodiesel Paula, Andréia Juliana Almeida de Krügel, Marlus Miranda, João Paulo Rossi, Luciano Fernando dos Santos Costa Neto, Pedro Ramos da Abstract in English: This work describes the results of the purification of methyl biodiesel, obtained by oxidized soybean oil, using different methods. After the ester separation from the glycerin by decanting, the ester was purified each time with distillation, washing with water and adsorption with bauxite, bentonite and attapulgite. The removal of total contamination, unsaponifiable material, concentrations of free glycerin and soap were analyzed in the purified ester phase. The best result of purification was observed with the use of bentonite and bauxite, in the removal of soap and free glycerin respectively. |
Artigo Development of a sieve printing process for the production of membrane electrode assembly for proton exchange membrane fuel cell Bonifácio, Rafael Nogueira Linardi, Marcelo Cuenca, Ricardo Abstract in English: Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) requires membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) to generate electrical energy from hydrogen and oxygen. In this study a MEA production process by sieve printing and an ink composition were developed to produce catalyst layers of MEAs. The deposition of the exact catalyst content was possible on cathodes and anodes with only one print step. The optimal ink developed shown viscosity of 2.75 Pa s, density 1.27 g cm-3, total solid content of 33.76 % and tack of 92 U.T. The electrodes prepared in only one printing step showed higher performance than those prepared in several steps. |
Artigo Cadmium, lead and silver adsorptio in hydrous niobium oxide prepared by homogeneous solution method Tagliaferro, Gerônimo V Pereira, Paulo Henrique F Rodrigues, Liana Álvares Silva, Maria Lucia Caetano Pinto da Abstract in English: This paper describes the adsorption of heavy metals ions from aqueous solution by hydrous niobium oxide. Three heavy metals were selected for this study: cadmium, lead and silver. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption capacity (Q0) for Pb2 +, Ag+ and Cd2 + was found to be 452.5, 188.68 and 8.85 mg g-1, respectively. |
Artigo Lead acid batteries tubular positive electrodes assembled with nanometric active material Impinnisi, Patrício R Andrade, Juliano de Palmer, Rodrigo V Abstract in English: Conventional stationary lead acid batteries positive tubular plates have a specific capacity of about 120 Ah/kg. This value represents an active material utilization coefficient of 50%. The production of these plates includes some initial processes to generate the active PbO2 from a precursor material. In the present work it will be presented a proper and novel methodology to assemble tubular plates directely with nanometric powder of PbO2 particles. The utilization coefficient of these plates was about 80%, and they were able to endure more than 130 severe duty cycles. This high utilization coefficient is a higly desirable feature for electric vehicles batteries. |
Revisão Coordination of metals to antibiotics as a strategy to combat bacterial resistance Rocha, Diego Pessoa Pinto, Gabriel Ferreira Ruggiero, Reinaldo Oliveira, Carlos Alberto de Guerra, Wendell Fontes, Ana Paula Soares Tavares, Tatiane Teixeira Marzano, Ivana Marques Pereira-Maia, Elene Cristina Abstract in English: Antibiotic resistance has been growing at an alarming rate and consequently the arsenal of effective antibiotics against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria has dropped dramatically. In this sense there is a strong need to produce new substances that not only have good spectrum of activity, but having new mechanisms of action. In this regard, this paper emphasizes the coordination of metals to antibiotics as a strategy for reversing antibiotic resistance and production of new drugs, with a special focus on quinolones, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides and tetracyclines. |
Revisão Giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus: an extraordinary supramolecular hemoprotein system Moreira, Leonardo Marmo Moraes, Pedro Claudio Guaranho de Mendonça, José Paulo Rodrigues Furtado de Guimarães, Luciana Lyon, Juliana Pereira Aimbire, Flávio Poli, Alessandra Lima Imasato, Hidetake Abstract in English: Giant extracellular hemoglobins are considered the summit of complexity in systems that carry oxygen, constituting an extraordinary model system to the study of hemoproteins. This class includes the hemoglobin of the annelid Glossoscolex paulistus that presents high cooperativity, great oligomeric and redox stabilities and ability of oligomeric reassociation. These properties have motivated evaluations about its utilization as prototype of artificial blood and biosensor. Kinetic studies involving autoxidation and detailed spectroscopic characterizations of its ferrous and ferric species have propitiated information about the structure-activity relationship of this macromolecule. The present review analyzes several biochemical issues, evaluating the state-of-art of this subject. |
Nota técnica Recycling of chromium in chemical waste from oxidizable carbon determination in organic fertilizer Machado, Jeane M. C Oliveira, Lenita M. C. P. E Kamogawa, Marcos Y Abstract in English: This work proposes a separation, recovery and reuse procedure of chemical residues with chromium. This residue was generated by the determination of oxidizable carbon in organic fertilizers samples. The Cr(VI) of the residue was reduced with ethanol and precipitated with NaOH. The Cr(OH)3 precipitate was separated and oxidized to dichromate ions with hydrogen peroxide. This solution was used another time in organic carbon determination. The uses of recycled dichromate solution were appropriated in four successive recycling. The accuracy was proven using potassium hydrogen phthalate and ten organic fertilizer samples. The organic carbon results, determined with recycled solutions, were similar the conventional solution. |
Nota técnica A microcontrolled system for monitoring of pH, conductivity and temperature of water at on-line, in situ and remote way Lima, Renato Sousa Santos, Vagner Bezerra dos Guerreiro, Thiago Brito Araújo, Mário César Ugulino de Gaião, Edvaldo da Nóbrega Abstract in English: A portable microcontrolled system is proposed to monitor conductivity, temperature and pH in on-line, in situ and remote way from a water reservoir faraway 200 m. The system comprises two modules: one for data reception (located in laboratory) and another for data acquisition/transmission (located near water reservoir). It uses a microcontroller and a transceiver to remote data transmission/reception by radio frequency. Variations of water parameters were simultaneously monitored without interruption during a period of ten hours with a relative error about 4.0 %. The developed system showed simple, stable, accurate, robust and low-cost to determine parameters of water in field. |
Development and validation of a high performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of cyclosporine-A from biodegradable intraocular implants Saliba, Juliana Barbosa Cunha Junior, Armando da Silva Gomes, Elionai Cassiana de Lima Mansur, Herman Sander Silva, Gisele Rodrigues da Abstract in English: An HPLC method was developed and validated aiming to quantify the cyclosporine-A incorporated into intraocular implants, released from them; and in direct contact with the degradation products of PLGA. The separation was carried out in isocratic mode using acetonitrile/water (70:30) as mobile phase, a C18 column at 80 ºC and UV detection at 210 nm. The method provided selectivity based on resolution among peaks. It was linear over the range of 2.5-40.0 µg/mL. The quantitation and detection limits were 0.8 and 1.2 µg/mL, respectively. The recovery was 101.8% and intra-day and inter-day precision was close to 2%. |
The importance of pre-treatment of spent hydrotreating catalysts on metals recovery Pereira, Alexandre Luiz de Souza Silva, Cristiano Nunes da Afonso, Júlio Carlos Mantovano, José Luiz Abstract in English: This work describes a three-step pre-treatment route for processing spent commercial NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts. Extraction of soluble coke with n-hexane and/or leaching of foulant elements with oxalic acid were performed before burning insoluble coke under air. Oxidized catalysts were leached with 9 mol L-1 sulfuric acid. Iron was the only foulant element partially leached by oxalic acid. The amount of insoluble matter in sulfuric acid was drastically reduced when iron and/or soluble coke were previously removed. Losses of active phase metals (Ni, Mo) during leaching with oxalic acid were compensated by the increase of their recovery in the sulfuric acid leachate. |
Nota técnica Determination of 2,5-hexanedione in urine by high performance liquid chromatography after derivatization with 2,4-dinitrophenilhidrazine Antunes, Marina Venzon Feltraco, Lilian de Lima Morisso, Fernando Dal Pont Linden, Rafael Abstract in English: A method for quantifying urinary 2,5-hexanedione was optimized and validated. Urine samples were hydrolyzed and derivatized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The analyte was separated in a high performance liquid chromatography system with a diode array detector, using a C18 column (150 x 4.6 mm, p.d. 5 µm) and a mobile phase composed of phosphate buffer pH 2.3:acetonitrile (40:60, v/v), at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The chromatograms were monitored at 334 nm. Retention time was 7.3 minutes. Main validation parameters were: coefficient of determination: 0.9994, accuracy: 96 to 107%; intra-assay precision (RSD): 3.08 to 6.72%; inter-assay precision (RSD): 2.54 to 8.17% and limit of quantitation of 0.19 µg/mL. |
Nota técnica Method validation for the determination of volatile fatty acids in wastewaters from anaerobic reactors employing liquid chromatography Cerqueira, Maristela Barnes Rodrigues Dias, Adriana Neves Caldas, Sergiane Souza Santana, Fabrício Butierres D'Oca, Marcelo Gonçalves Montes Primel, Ednei Gilberto Abstract in English: This work deals with the method validation for the determination of acetic, propionic and butyric acids (VFAs) in wastewaters from anaerobic reactors by HPLC-DAD. Separation was performed using a C18 column and the mobile phase composition were water pH 3.0 and methanol 90:10 (v/v). The detection and quantification was carried out at 220 nm. The method shows good linearity (r²>0.996), with adequate accuracy (89-102%) and relative standard deviations lower than 18%. The matrix effect was considered low (-4.1, -3.9 and 1.4%). The developed method is fast, simple and cheap; and it was applied in wastewater samples from anaerobic reactor. |
Educação Conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium: the function availability Nery, Alessandro Ranulfo Lima Bassi, Adalberto Bono Maurizio Sacchi Abstract in English: The thermodynamic equilibrium is a state defined by conditions which depend upon some characteristics of the system. It requires thermal, mechanical, chemical and phase equilibrium. Continuum thermodynamics, its radical restriction usually called homogeneous processes thermodynamics, as well as the classical thermodynamic science of reversible processes, each of them defines equilibrium in a differing way. But these definitions lead to the same physical contents. |
Assuntos gerais Historical aspects of chemistry courses in teachers formation in Brazil in the 1930's to 1980 Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa Abstract in English: This article describes some historical moments in the establishment and development of chemistry teacher's training courses since 1930, with the creation of universities in Brazil, until 1980. Correlations between educational and political questions that influenced the directions taken for the formation of chemistry teachers in Brazil are discussed. From a review of the bibliographical sources available, we revisited stances of discussions on public policies related to science teacher's formation in general and in chemistry, particularly, in order to provoke a reflection on what challenges and prospects exist in the current scenario of undergraduate chemistry education in Brazilian universities and colleges. |