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Química Nova, Volume: 37, Número: 2, Publicado: 2014
  • Efeito da ativação mecânica de uma formulação de talco/caulim/alumina sobre o mecanismo e a cinética de formação de cordierita Artigo

    Rodrigues Neto, João Batista; Hotza, Dachamir; Moreno, Rodrigo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study, the influence of mechanical activation by intensive ball milling of a stoichiometric mixture of talc, kaolin, and alumina on the mechanism and kinetics of cordierite (2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2) formation was evaluated. The raw materials were characterized by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), laser diffraction, and helium pycnometry. The kinetics and mechanism of cordierite formation were studied by XRD, differential thermal analysis, and dilatometry in order to describe the phase formation as a function of temperature (1000-1400 ºC), time of thermochemical treatment (0-4 h), and grinding time of the mixture (0-45 min). Finally, the optimal conditions of the thermochemical treatment that ensured the formation of cordierite were determined: milling time of 45 min and thermal treatment at 1280 ºC for 1 h.
  • Artigo

    Chávez, Gerson; Parra, Irán; Luzardo, Milangel; Bravo, Bélgica; Delgado, Nacarid; Márquez, Nelson

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Phase transition and viscosity behavior of emulsified systems were studied after modifying their physicochemical formulation. Effects of concentration and nature of salts and n-alcohols, and water/oil relation on the rheological properties of emulsions were also studied. Pre-equilibrated systems were emulsified according to an agitation procedure, and the viscosity (cP) was measured at different shear rates ranging from 1 to 300 s-1. The phase behavior, as well as the emulsion type based on electrolytic conductivity, was observed. Several interpretations of the flow and viscosity curves of emulsions were made through the estimation of rheological parameters such as consistency index "k" and behavior index "n".
  • Imobilização e caracterização de lacase e seu uso na biodegradação de efluentes de indústrias papeleiras Artigo

    Pacheco, Sabrina M. V.; Soares, Carlos Henrique L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Laccase from Aspergillus sp was immobilized on glutaraldehyde-activated chitosan beads. A comparative study between free and immobilized laccase was conducted and the potential of the resulting immobilized derivative in the biodegradation of pulp and paper mill effluent was evaluated. The immobilized laccase is more resistant to various denaturing conditions, which allows for the reduction of 65% of the phenols (total and low molecular weight) and loss of 60% of total color in the effluent. These results show the potential of the immobilized laccase in the biodegradation of phenols, the chemical agents responsible for the high toxicity of the effluent generated in cellulose pulp industries.
  • Imobilização de lacase de Aspergillus sp. em quitosana e sua aplicação na bioconversão de fenóis em reatores de leito fixo Artigo

    Skoronski, Everton; Fernandes, Mylena; Furigo Júnior, Agenor; Soares, Carlos Henrique Lemos; João, Jair Juarez

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The immobilization of laccase on chitosan by cross-linking and application of the immobilized laccase in the bioconversion of phenolic compounds in batch and fixed bed reactors were studied. The process for immobilization of enzyme was optimized using a rotational central composite design. The optimized conditions to generate immobilized laccase with maximal activity were determined to be a glutaraldehyde concentration of 1.0% (v/v), a pH of 6.0, an immobilization time of 5.0 hours and an enzyme concentration of 5.2 g L-1. In packed bed reactors, the activity of the immobilized enzyme is maintained for a longer time in the bioconversion of 2,6-dimethoxyphenol than in the bioconversion of syringaldazine.
  • Conversão química de no e co sobre catalisadores à base de óxidos de cobalto ou de ferro Artigo

    Longati, Andreza A.; Ferreira, Willian C.; Quintão, Cristiane M. Finzi; Maloncy, Maikel L.; Batista, Marcelo S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Cobalt or iron oxides supported or not on zeolite Hbeta were prepared and evaluated in the reduction reaction of NO by CO in presence of O2, SO2 or H2O. XRD results evidenced the Hbeta structure and the formation of Co3O4 and Fe2O3. TPR-H2 analysis showed complete reduction of cobalt oxide at lower temperatures than for iron oxide. The catalysts are quite active and the activity depends on the reaction temperature. The highest conversions rates were observed for pure iron oxide, which can be a relatively low cost catalyst for reduction of NO by CO, with high selectivity towards the N2 formation.
  • Celdas solares fotoelectroquímicas basadas en Bi2WO6

    Madriz, Lorean; Tatá, José; Cuartas, Verónica; Cuéllar, Alejandra; Vargas, Ronald

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study, photoelectrochemical solar cells based on bismuth tungstate electrodes were evaluated. Bi2WO6 was synthesized by a hydrothermal method and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, UV-Vis reflectance spectroscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction. For comparison, solar cells based on TiO2 semiconductor electrodes were evaluated. Photoelectrochemical response of Grätzel-type solar cells based on these semiconductors and their corresponding sensitization with two inexpensive phthalocyanines dyes were determined. Bi2WO6-based solar cells presented higher values of photocurrent and efficiency than those obtained with TiO2 electrodes, even without sensitization. These results portray solar cells based on Bi2WO6 as promising devices for solar energy conversion owing to lower cost of production and ease of acquisition.
  • Impregnação do ácido 12-tungstofosfórico em sílica - parte II: efeito de diferentes solventes na impregnação e atividade catalítica na esterificação metílica de ácido esteárico Artigo

    Scroccaro, Karine Isabel; Tanobe, Valcineide O. de A.; Oliveira, Alan Antonio de; Wypych, Fernando; Yamamoto, Carlos I.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Materials obtained by the immobilization of 12-tungstophosphoric acid (PTA) on silica using the method of impregnation with excess solution in distinct solvents (aqueous HCl, methanol:H2O, and acetonitrile) were evaluated for use as catalysts in the methyl esterification of stearic acid. Optimum conditions were established for the impregnation of 0.5 g (w/w) of PTA on amorphous silica, under stirring at 150 rpm for 24 h, using 20 mL of 0.1 mol L-1 HCl as the solvent. After calcination at 200 ºC, high conversions were obtained under mild reaction conditions, resulting in high turnover numbers. The catalyst was evaluated in ten catalytic cycles of use, where the activity was reduced only slightly, attesting its stability and the possibility to apply it to industrial production of methylesters.
  • Desenvolvimento do método de extração sólido-líquido com partição em baixa temperatura para determinação de inseticidas em grãos de milho ozonizados Artigo

    Freitas, Romenique da Silva de; Queiroz, Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de; Faroni, Lêda Rita D'Antonino; Heleno, Fernanda Fernandes; Moura, Vanessa Vaz de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of this study was to optimize and validate a solid-liquid extraction method with low-temperature partitioning (SLE/LTP) for the analysis of pesticides. This method was coupled with gas chromatography (GC/ECD) and used to evaluate the degradation of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize grains on exposure to ozone. The optimized SLE/LTP-GC/ECD method is simple, effective and consumes low quantities of the solvent. It can be routinely used for the determination of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize samples. The use of this method of analysis determined that the levels of the insecticides in maize grains were reduced on exposure of the grains to the ozone gas. The observed reduction in the levels of insecticide was directly proportional to the increase in the concentration of the ozone gas.
  • Estudo da cinética de oxidação de biodiesel b100 obtido de óleo de soja e gordura de porco: determinação da energia de ativação Artigo

    Galvan, Diego; Orives, Juliane R.; Coppo, Rodolfo L.; Rodrigues, Cezar Henrique F.; Spacino, Kelly Roberta; Pinto, Jurandir P.; Borsato, Dionísio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The quality of biodiesel is extremely important for its commercialization and use; oxidation of biodiesel is a critical factor because it decreases the fuel storage time. A commercial biodiesel was mixed with synthetic antioxidants, according to a simplex-centroid experimental mixture design, and its stability was evaluated through induction period and activation energy. In all trials, addition of antioxidants increased activation energy in the mixtures containing tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). When a mixture containing 50% TBHQ and 50% butylated hydroxyanisole was used, synergistic effect was observed, and the major activation energy obtained was 104.43 kJ mol-1.
  • Avaliação da combinação da nebulização discreta e processos de microextração aplicados à determinação de molibdênio por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS) Artigo

    Oviedo, Jenny A.; Jesus, Amanda M. D. de; Fialho, Lucimar L.; Pereira-Filho, Edenir R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Simple and sensitive procedures for the extraction/preconcentration of molybdenum based on vortex-assisted solidified floating organic drop microextraction (VA-SFODME) and cloud point combined with flame absorption atomic spectrometry (FAAS) and discrete nebulization were developed. The influence of the discrete nebulization on the sensitivity of the molybdenum preconcentration processes was studied. An injection volume of 200 µL resulted in a lower relative standard deviation with both preconcentration procedures. Enrichment factors of 31 and 67 and limits of detection of 25 and 5 µg L-1 were obtained for cloud point and VA-SFODME, respectively. The developed procedures were applied to the determination of Mo in mineral water and multivitamin samples.
  • Efeito da adição de TIO2 nas propriedades térmicas e na cristalinidade do copolímero de etileno/acetato de vinila Artigo

    Valentim, Ana Claudia S.; Tavares, Maria Inês Bruno; Silva, Emerson Oliveira da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We investigated the effect of adding titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2) to ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer, containing 28% vinyl acetate groups, on the crystallinity and miscibility of the copolymer. Films of EVA/TiO2 containing 0.25%-1% TiO2, relative to the total weight of EVA, were prepared from their solution. The obtained films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, low-field nuclear magnetic resonance, and differential scanning calorimetry. The addition of TiO2 to the EVA copolymer was proved to cause changes in the crystallinity and mobility of the polymer chains of EVA, due to new intermolecular interactions and nanostructure organization.
  • Biomolecules produced in liquid-state fermentation by a marine-derived fungus, Penicillium roqueforti

    Mioso, Roberto; Marante, Francisco J. T.; Laguna, Irma H. Bravo de; González, Juan E. G.; Rodríguez, Juan J. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Screening of biomass of a new marine-derived strain of Penicillium roqueforti, as produced by liquid-state fermentation, led to the identification of several volatile organic compounds active in the fatty acid pathway as well as fragments produced by their catabolism, terpenoids, and metabolites from the shikimic acid pathway. In addition, five non-volatile organic compounds, triolein, ergosterol peroxide, 9(11)-dehydroergosterol peroxide, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and d-mannitol, were isolated and identified by spectroscopy. The results showed that this fungal strain did not produce any mycotoxin in the culture conditions applied, and thus is useful for industrial applications, where high value-added biomolecules are generated.
  • Composição elementar do aerossol atmosférico na região central da Bacia Amazônica Artigo

    Arana, Andréa; Artaxo, Paulo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The processes and sources that regulate the elemental composition of aerosol particles were investigated in both fine and coarse modes during the dry and wet seasons. One hundred and nine samples were collected from the biological reserve Cuieiras - Manaus from February to October 2008, and analyzed together with 668 samples that were previously collected at Balbina from 1998 to 2002. Particle induced X-ray emission technique was used to determine the elemental composition, while the concentration of black carbon was obtained from the measurement of optical reflectance. Absolute principal factor analysis and positive matrix factorization were performed for source apportionment, which was complemented with back trajectory analysis. A regional identity for the natural biogenic aerosol was found for the Central Amazon Basin and can be used in dynamical chemical region models.
  • Validation of an hplc method for the determination of 1,7-dihydroxy-2,3-methylenedioxyxanthone in extracts obtained from Polygala cyparissias A. St. Hil. & Moq. (Polygalaceae) and evaluation of the influence of its content on the gastroprotective activity

    Klein-Júnior, Luiz Carlos; Andrade, Sérgio Faloni de; Cechinel-Filho, Valdir; Bresolin, Tania Mari Bellé

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Polygala cyparissias is a plant widespread in Southern Latin America. Recently, we demonstrated the gastroprotective activity of the extract, as well as for one of the isolated metabolites-1,7-dihydroxy-2,3-methylenedioxyxanthone (MDX). In this study, a HPLC method for the quantification of MDX was validated. The HPLC method was linear (0.5-24 µg mL-1 of MDX) with good accuracy, precision and robustness. The content of MDX in the extracts from whole and different parts of the plant ranged from 0 to 5.4 mg g-1 and the gastroprotective index ranged from 72.1 to 99.1%. Thus, the method might be used for the standardization of the extracts based on the MDX marker.
  • Intraspecific variability of Holostylis reniformis: concentration of lignans, as determined by maceration and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE-CO2), as a function of plant provenance and plant parts

    Martins, Gislaine F.; Pereira, Marcos D. P.; Lopes, Lucia M. X.; Silva, Tito da; Rosa, Paulo de T. Vieira e; Barbosa, Fernanda P.; Messiano, Gisele B.; Krettli, Antoniana U.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Maceration and supercritical fluid extraction were used to prepare extracts from parts of plants (Holostylis reniformis) collected in two different regions of Brazil. ¹H NMR, HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, HPLC-DAD, GC-MS, and chemometric techniques were used to analyse lignans in the extracts and showed that yields of SFE-CO2 were less than or equal to those of hexane maceration extracts. These analyses, in conjunction with the concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids and their methyl and ethyl derivatives in the extracts, also allowed the chemical composition of parts and provenance of the plant to be differentiated.
  • Constituintes químicos das cascas do caule de Vochysia thyrsoidea Pohl. (Vochysiaceae) e avaliação das atividades citotóxica e inibitória frente as catepsinas B e K Artigo

    Sousa, Lorena Ramos Freitas de; Silva, Jame's A. da; Vieira, Paulo Cezar; Costa, Maísa Borges; Santos, Mirley Luciene dos; Sbardelotto, Aline Borba; Pessoa, Cláudia do Ó; Moraes, Manoel Odorico de; Menezes, Antônio Carlos Severo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A new flavonoid, catechin-3-O-(3"-O-trans-cinnamoyl)-α-rhamnopyranoside, along with known compounds, catechin-3-O-α-rhamnopyranoside, 3-oxo-urs-12-en-28-oic acid, 2,4,6-trimethoxybenzoic acid, 2-butyl-D-fructofuranoside and 1-butyl-D-fructofuranoside, has been isolated from the stem bark of V. thyrsoidea. These compounds were assayed for inhibition of protease activity (cathepsins B and K) and against cancer cell lines. Catechin-3-O-(3"-O-trans-cinnamoyl)-α-rhamnopyranoside showed moderate inhibitory activity (IC50 = 62.02 µM) against cathepsin B while 2-butyl-D-fructofuranoside was the most potent against a strain of CNS (SF-295) and human leukemia (HL-60) with IC50 = 36.80 µM and IC50 = 25.37 µM, respectively.
  • Semioquímicos de moscas das frutas do gênero Anastrepha Revisão

    Lima-Mendonça, Alana; Mendonça, Adriana de Lima; Sant'Ana, Antônio Euzébio Goulart; Do Nascimento, Ruth R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Volatile compounds involved in the chemical communication of fruit flies have been studied for some years; however, their complete elucidation has not yet been reported. Tephritids, which belong to the Anastrepha genus, exhibit inter- and intraspecific changes regarding the chemical composition of their sex pheromones, as well as an evident relationship with the volatiles produced by their hosts. This paper reports advances in the elucidation of the chemical communication of Anastrepha species that involve sex pheromones, cuticular hydrocarbons, and the interaction between the fruit host volatiles and compounds released by the male flies.
  • Membranas de condução mista iônica e eletrônica (miec): composições, preparação e desempenho Revisão

    Garcia, Giulliani Sachinelli; Rachadel, Priscila Lemes; Machado, Ricardo Antonio Francisco; Hotza, Dachamir; Costa, João Carlos Diniz da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents a review of different chemical compositions that are used in the production of mixed ionic-electronic conducting membranes with the perovskite structure. In these dense membranes, oxygen from the air is permeated through ionic and electronic processes, and high oxygen permeation fluxes are observed at high temperatures (800-900 ºC). Various membranes were compared for their performance and properties after being synthesized by different methods.
  • Proteases virais: importantes alvos terapêuticos de compostos peptideomiméticos Revisão

    Muri, Estela Maris Freitas

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Proteases catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide bonds of proteins and peptides to produce smaller peptides and free amino acids. These enzymes are involved in physiologic processes such as blood coagulation and cellular death, and are related to life cycle of several viruses, such as hepatitis C, dengue, and AIDS. These features make most of proteases very important therapeutic targets for new pharmaceutical compounds. The development of peptidemimetics with improved pharmacokinetic properties is driving extensive research in the field of viral protease inhibitors. The present paper aims to highlight the design and synthesis of peptidemimetics that are able to inhibit viral proteases related to hepatitis C, dengue, and AIDS.
  • A Importância da determinação analítica de intermediários reativos e de seus produtos de reações com biomacromoléculas: uma mini revisão Revisão

    Gonçalves, Eline S.; Silva, Juliana M. Bastos da; Pavesi, Thelma; Moreira, Josino C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Metabolic reactive intermediates can react with biomolecules such as DNA and proteins to produce adducts. Recently, research has shown that such adducts can act as precursors of some chronic diseases (cancer, Parkinson's, immunologic system diseases, etc.), and their determination is important because they are biomarkers of undesirable health effects. These compounds are produced at very low concentrations, but the development and dissemination of sensitive new analytical tools, especially those based on chromatography coupled to other analytical instruments, make such determinations possible. This mini review is focused on the formation of reactive intermediates, their reaction with biomolecules, and the importance of their determination.
  • Biocatálise heterogênea em fase sólido/gás: princípios e aplicações Revisão

    Perez, Victor H.; Boeno, Samyra I. S.; Ferreira, Patrícia R.; Miranda, Everson A.; Valença, Gustavo P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Enzymatic conversion of gaseous substrates into products in aquo-restricted media, using enzymes or whole cells (free and immobilized) as biocatalysts, constitutes a promising technology for the development of clearer processes. Solid-gas systems offer high production rates for minimal plant sizes, allow important reduction of treated volumes, and permit simplified downstream processes. In this review article, principles and applications of solid-gas biocatalysis are discussed. Comparisons of its advantages and disadvantages with those of the organic- and aqueous-phase reactions are also presented herein.
  • Nanopartículas de poli-hidroxibutirato-co-valerato como suporte para a imobilização da lipase de Candida antarctica fração B Nota Técnica

    Fernandes, Ilizandra A.; Nyari, Nádia L. D.; Oliveira, José Vladimir de; Rigo, Elisandra; Souza, Maria Cristiane M. de; Gonçalves, Luciana R. B.; Pergher, Sibele Berenice C.; Oliveira, Débora de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work evaluates the immobilization of Candida antarctica lipase (Fraction B) using poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) nanoparticles as support. The effects of immobilization time (30-150 min) and pH (5-10) on lipase loading were evaluated. The stability of the immobilized enzyme towards temperature (40, 60, and 80 ºC), reuse and storage (at 4 ºC) were also determined. Furthermore, to assess its potential application in a system of interest, the immobilized lipase was used as a catalyst in the esterification of geraniol with oleic acid. The results indicated a time of 120 minutes and pH of 7 as optimal for immobilization. A 21 hour exposure of the PHBV-lipase derivative to 60 ºC showed a 33% reduction of the initial activity while storage at 4 ºC led to a residual activity (5% of the original activity). The derivative was used without significant loss of activity for 4 successive cycles. The use of the immobilized lipase as a catalyst in the production of geranyl oleate led to about 88% conversion of the initial reactants to products.
  • Aplicação da radiação ultravioleta como forma de contribuição para a química verde e construção de um reator fotoquímico alternativo e de baixo custo, para pré-tratamento de amostras Nota Técnica

    Gouvêa, Marcos M.; Lima, Glayce S.; Silva Neto, Adalberto A.; Pereira Netto, Annibal D.; Marques, Flávia F. de C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Ultraviolet radiation corresponds to a fraction of electromagnetic radiation, covering wavelengths between 1 and 400 nm. Methods based on UV irradiation have become popular because it is possible to treat samples simply by applying energy, avoiding procedures that require the use of toxic substances, thus contributing to the development of Green Chemistry. This study aimed to assess the main applications of UV radiation reported in the literature and thoroughly described the construction of an alternative and low-cost photochemical reactor to be used for the pretreatment of samples in the laboratory. The use of this new photochemical reactor in the clean-up of milk samples for spectrofluorimetric measurements was also reported.
  • Isolamento do verbacosídeo e validação de método analítico para padronização do extrato bruto das partes aéreas de Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. (Scrophulariaceae) Nota Técnica

    Oliveira, Daniella M. S. de; Miguel, Marilis D.; Kalegari, Milena; Miguel, Obdúlio G.; Moreira, Thais F.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Phenylpropanoid glycoside verbascoside was isolated and identified from the ethyl acetate fraction of the aerial parts of Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. by 1H-NMR. A method using high-performance liquid chromatography has been developed and validated for determination of verbascoside in alcoholic crude extract of the aerial parts of B. stachyoides. Analysis was performed on a Phenomenex® Gemini-NX C18 analytical column (250 mm × 4.6 mm; 5 µm) using a mobile phase (pump A - aqueous solution containing H2SO4 (0.01 M), H3PO4 (0.4%), and (C2H5)2NH (0.4%); pump B - methanol:aqueous (95:5) solution containing H2SO4 (0.05 M), H3PO4 (2%), and (C2H5)2NH (0.2%); pump C - acetonitrile:aqueous (90:10) solution containing H2SO4 (0.05 M) and H3PO4 (2%)) and a diode array detector at 325 nm. The method was validated in accordance with ANVISA guidelines and may be applied to quality control of herbal medicine with aerial parts of B. stachyoides.
  • Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of gatifloxacin and flurbiprofen in binary combination

    Khan, Islam Ullah; Razzaq, Syed Naeem; Mariam, Irfana; Ashfaq, Muhammad; Razzaq, Syed Saleem

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A stability-indicating RP-HPLC method is presented for determination of gatifloxacin and flurbiprofen in binary combination. Gatifloxacin, flurbiprofen and their degradation products were detected at 254 nm using a BDS Hypersil C8 (250 X 4.6 mm, 5 µm) column and mixture of 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 3.0) and methanol 30:70 v/v as mobile phase. Response was linear over the range of 15-105 mg mL-1 for gatifloxacin (r² > 0.998) and of 1.5-10.5 mg mL-1 for flurbiprofen (r² > 0.999). The developed method efficiently separated the analytical peaks from degradation products (peak purity index > 0.9999). The method developed can be applied successfully for determination of gatifloxacin and flurbiprofen in human serum, urine, pharmaceutical formulations, and their stability studies.
  • Mapas conceptuales como herramienta pedagógica en la enseñanza de la química orgánica

    Cañas Urrutia, Francisco Javier; Cárcamo Díaz, Carlos Manuel; Lazo Santibáñez, Leontina del Carmen

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Organic Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry involving the study of the carbon atom, its compounds and reactions. Numerous investigations carried out in the field of teaching and learning processes indicate that knowledge of a conceptual and explanatory type is not conveyed in a conventional manner, but rather each individual is constructed. Therefore, the proposal for this study was devised to help students achieve significant sustainable learning in the area of reactivity in organic chemistry, using the Concept Maps described by Novak (1998) as a teaching tool.
  • Software para simulação de mecanismo de supressão da luminescência: modelo cinético de Stern-Volmer Educação

    Dias Júnior, Lauro Camargo; Novo, João Batista Marques

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A software that includes both Stochastic and Molecular Dynamics procedures has been developed with the aim of visualizing the Stern-Volmer kinetic mechanism of dynamic luminescence quenching. The software allows the student to easily simulate and graphically visualize the molecular collisions, the molecular speed distributions, the luminescence decay curves, and the Stern-Volmer graphs. The software named "SternVolmer" is written for the FreeBASIC compiler and can be applied to dynamic systems where luminescent molecules, during their excited state lifetimes, are able to collide with quenching molecules (collisional quenching). The good agreement found between the simulations and the expected results shows that this software can be used as an effective teaching aid for the study of luminescence and kinetic decay of excited states.
  • Eletrodo compósito à base de grafite-Araldite®: aplicações didáticas - parte II Educação

    Calixto, Carolina Maria Fioramonti; Santos, Sidney Xavier dos; Cavalheiro, Éder Tadeu Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work proposes the use of a graphite-Araldite® 70% (graphite, m/m) composite electrode in didactic experiments, specifically in the quantitative determination of the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) in a sample of pharmaceutical formulation. The goal is to demonstrate the possibility of using voltammetric techniques in quality control of medicines, besides covering some concepts such as the influence of pH on the redox process, the differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique, the optimization of experiments and comparison with an official method described in the United States Pharmacopoeia.
  • Ressonância: desenvolvimento, utilização e avaliação de um software educacional Educação

    Silva Júnior, José Nunes da; Barbosa, Francisco Geraldo; Leite Junior, Antonio José Melo; Eduardo, Valeska Mesquita

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Resonance is a useful concept that shows how electrons are shared between two or more atoms and allows a prediction of the chemical reactivity and relative stability of reagents, intermediates, and products. An educational software that enables interactive exploration of the concepts related to resonance and thereby facilitates its understanding was developed. The software was field-tested, and an evaluation questionnaire concerning the software as an educational tool was answered by the students and professors involved in the test. The results led to the conclusion that the developed computer application can be characterized as an auxiliary tool that assists teachers in their lectures and students in their learning process.
  • Perfil dos bolsistas PQ da área de Química baseado na Plataforma Lattes Assuntos Gerais

    Alves, Alexandre Donizeti; Yanasse, Horacio Hideki; Soma, Nei Yoshihiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Lattes Platform, an information system maintained by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), is the main source of information on Brazilian researchers. This paper presents a scientific output profile of the CNPq Productivity Research Fellows in the Chemistry area based on the information extracted automatically from Lattes curricula in the 2002-2011 period using the language "LattesMiner". This paper also provides a comparison with the results of Santos et al. (2010). The findings confirmed that the majority of the researchers are male (67.9%), classified as category 2 (63.2%) and working in the Southeast region (60.7%).
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil