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Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, Volume: 63, Número: 12, Publicado: 2017
  • Undergraduate research in medical education Editorial

    Amorim, Fábio Ferreira; Santana, Levy Aniceto; Toledo, Ingrid Lazo; Rocha, Edvar Ferreira da; Silva, Cláudia Cardoso Gomes da; Balieiro, Vanessa de Amorim Teixeira; Almeida, Karlo Jozefo Quadros de
  • Prostate cancer – Therapy with radium-223 Guidelines In Focus

    ,; Brito, Ana Emília; Amorim, Bárbara Juarez; Martello, Milena; Bernardo, Wanderley Marques; Etchebehere, Elba
  • Concomitant testicular infection by Zika virus and Schistosoma mansoni Letter To The Editor

    Joob, Beuy; Wiwanitkit, Viroj
  • Gaucher's disease in a patient presenting with hip and abdominal pain Imaging In Medicine

    Resorlu, Mustafa; Aylanc, Nilufer; Karatag, Ozan; Toprak, Canan Akgun

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Gaucher's disease is characterized by glucocerebroside accumulation in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system. There are three subtypes. The most common is type 1, known as the non-neuropathic form. Pancytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly and bone lesions occur as a result of glucocerebroside accumulation in the liver, lung, spleen and bone marrow in these patients. Findings associated with liver, spleen or bone involvement may be seen at radiological analysis. Improvement in extraskeletal system findings is seen with enzyme replacement therapy. Support therapy is added in patients developing infection, anemia or pain. We describe a case of hepatosplenomegaly, splenic infarction, splenic nodules and femur fracture determined at radiological imaging in a patient under monitoring due to Gaucher's disease.
  • Cogan's syndrome – A rare aortitis, difficult to diagnose but with therapeutic potential Imaging In Medicine

    Colodetti, Raiza; Spina, Guilherme; Leal, Tatiana; Oliveira, Mucio; Soeiro, Alexandre

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo A inflamação da parede da aorta, denominada aortite, é uma condição clínica rara, que pode ser causada por diversas patologias, principalmente as de fundo inflamatório e/ou infeccioso. Nesse contexto, a ocorrência de sintomas vestibulares e oftalmológicos associados ao quadro remete ao diagnóstico de síndrome de Cogan, tornando o caso raro, mas passível de tratamento imunossupressor adequado e controle satisfatório da doença.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary The inflammation of aortic wall, named aortitis, is a rare condition that can be caused by a number of pathologies, mainly inflammatory or infectious in nature. In this context, the occurrence of combined audiovestibular and/or ocular manifestations eventually led to the diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome, making it the rare case, but susceptible to adequate immunosuppressive treatment and satisfactory disease control.
  • Pelvic floor muscle training for overactive bladder symptoms – A prospective study Original Articles

    Fitz, Fátima; Sartori, Marair; Girão, Manoel João; Castro, Rodrigo

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Introdução: O treinamento dos músculos do assoalho pélvico (TMAP) envolve a contração dos músculos puborretal, esfíncteres anal e uretral externo, inibindo a contração do detrusor, o que justifica sua utilização no tratamento dos sintomas da bexiga hiperativa (BH). Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos do TMAP isolado sobre a sintomatologia da BH. Método: Ensaio clínico prospectivo com 27 mulheres com incontinência urinária mista (IUM), com predomínio de sintomas de BH e perda ≥ 2 g no pad test. Avaliaram-se: função dos músculos do assoalho pélvico (MAP) (palpação digital e manometria); sintomas urinários (noctúria, frequência e perda urinária); grau de incômodo dos sintomas de BH (Overactive Bladder Questionnaire [OAB-V8]); e qualidade de vida (Incontinence Quality-of-Life Questionnaire [I-QoL]). O programa de TMAP consistiu em 24 sessões ambulatoriais (2x/semana + TMAP domiciliar). Os testes de Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon (com nível de significância de 5%) foram utilizados para analisar os dados. Resultados: Observou-se melhora significativa dos sintomas urinários ao pad test (5,8±9,7; p<0,001); ao diário miccional (perda urinária [0,7±1,1; p=0,005] e noctúria [0,8±0,9; p=0,011]). Foram observados redução do grau de incômodo dos sintomas urinários conforme questionário OAB-V8 (10,0±7,7; p=0,001) e significativos resultados na função dos MAP: Oxford (3,6±0,9; p=0,001), Endurance (5,2±1,8; p<0,001), Fast (8,9±1,5; p<0,001) e manometria (26,6±15,8; p=0,003). No mais, a qualidade de vida teve significativa melhora nos três domínios avaliados pelo I-QoL. Conclusão: O TMAP sem quaisquer orientações adicionais melhora a sintomatologia, a função dos MAP e a qualidade de vida de mulheres com sintomas de BH.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Introduction: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) involves the contraction of the puborectal, anal sphincter and external urethral muscles, inhibiting the detrusor contraction, what justify its use in the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Objective: To verify the effects of isolated PFMT on the symptoms of OAB. Method: Prospective clinical trial with 27 women with mixed urinary incontinence (MUI), with predominance of OAB symptoms and loss ≥ 2 g in the pad test. It was evaluated: pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) function (digital palpation and manometry); urinary symptoms (nocturia, frequency and urinary loss); degree of discomfort of OAB symptoms; and quality of life (Incontinence Quality-of-Life Questionnaire [I-QoL]). The PFMT program consisted of 24 outpatient sessions (2x/week + home PFMT). The Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests (with a significance level of 5%) were used to analyse the data. Results: There was a significant improvement of the urinary symptoms to the pad test (5.8±9.7, p<0.001), urinary loss (0.7±1.1, p=0.005) and nocturia (0.8±0.9, p=0.011). Reduction in the degree of discomfort of urinary symptoms was observed according to OAB-V8 questionnaire (10.0±7.7, p=0.001). There were also significant results in PFMs function: Oxford (3.6±0.9, p=0.001), endurance (5.2±1.8, p<0.001), fast (8.9±1.5, p<0.001) and manometry (26.6±15.8, p=0.003). In addition, quality of life had a significant improvement in the three domains evaluated by I-QoL. Conclusion: The PFMT without any additional guidelines improves the symptomatology, the function of PFMs and the quality of life of women with OAB symptoms.
  • Practices and obstetric interventions in women from a state in the Northeast of Brazil Original Articles

    Prado, Daniela Siqueira; Mendes, Rosemar Barbosa; Gurgel, Rosana Queiroz; Barreto, Ikaro Daniel de Carvalho; Bezerra, Felipa Daiana; Cipolotti, Rosana; Gurgel, Ricardo Queiroz

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Objetivo: Descrever as práticas e intervenções utilizadas durante o trabalho de parto e o parto e fatores associados em puérperas do estado de Sergipe. Método: Estudo transversal com 768 puérperas das 11 maternidades do estado com entrevista após 6h do parto e dados do prontuário da puérpera e dos recém-nascidos. As associações entre as boas práticas e intervenções utilizadas durante o trabalho de parto e o parto com as variáveis de exposição foram descritas em frequências simples, percentuais, razões de chances brutas e ajustadas (ORa) com o intervalo de confiança. Resultados: Das mulheres estudadas, 10,6% receberam alimentos e 27,8% movimentaram-se durante o trabalho de parto; medidas não farmacológicas para alívio da dor foram realizadas em 26,1%; o partograma estava preenchido em 39,4% dos prontuários; o acompanhante esteve presente em 40,6% dos partos. O uso de ocitocina, amniotomia e analgesia ocorreram em 59,1%, 49,3% e 4,2% das mulheres, respectivamente. O parto ocorreu na posição de litotomia em 95,2% dos casos, houve episiotomia em 43,9% e manobra de Kristeller em 31,7%. Os fatores mais associados à cesariana foram ser usuárias do setor privado de saúde (ORa=4,27; 95CI 2,44-7,47), ter maior escolaridade (ORa=4,54; 95CI 2,56-8,3) e alto risco obstétrico (ORa=1,9; 95CI 1,31-2,74). Usuárias do setor privado tiveram maior presença do acompanhante (ORa=2,12; 95CI 1,18-3,79) e analgesia (ORa=4,96; 95CI 1,7-14,5). Conclusão: Boas práticas obstétricas são pouco utilizadas e intervenções desnecessárias são frequentes, e os fatores mais associados à cesariana foram ser usuária do setor privado de saúde, ter maior escolaridade e alto risco obstétrico.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Objective: To describe practices and interventions used during labor and childbirth and factors associated with such practices in puerperae in the state of Sergipe. Method: A cross-sectional study with 768 postpartum women from 11 maternity hospitals interviewed 6 hours after delivery, and hospital records review. The associations between best practices and interventions used during labor and delivery with exposure variables were described using simple frequencies, percentages, crude and adjusted odds ratio (ORa) with the confidence interval. Results: Of the women in the study, 10.6% received food and 27.8% moved during labor; non-pharmacological methods for pain relief were performed in 26.1%; a partogram was filled in 39.4% of the charts; and an accompanying person was present in 40.6% of deliveries. Oxytocin, amniotomy and labor analgesia were used in 59.1%, 49.3% and 4.2% of women, respectively. Lithotomy position during childbirth was used in 95.2% of the cases, episiotomy in 43.9% and Kristeller maneuver in 31.7%. The variables most associated with cesarean section were private financing (ORa=4.27, 95CI 2.44-7.47), higher levels of education (ORa=4.54, 95CI 2.56-8.3) and high obstetric risk (ORa=1.9, 95CI 1.31-2.74). Women whose delivery was funded privately were more likely to have an accompanying person present (ORa=2.12, 95CI 1.18-3.79) and to undergo labor analgesia (ORa=4.96, 95CI 1.7-14.5). Conclusion: Best practices are poorly performed and unnecessary interventions are frequent. The factors most associated with c-section were private funding, greater length of education and high obstetric risk.
  • Correlation between GDF-15 gene polymorphism and the formation of collateral circulation in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction Original Articles

    Chen, Xiao-ping; Shang, Xiao-sen; Wang, Yan-bin; Fu, Zhi-hua; Gao, Yu; Feng, Tao

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Objective: To explore the correlation between growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) -3148C/G polymorphism and the formation of collateral circulation in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in Han population of Taiyuan area. Method: The present study included 92 STEMI patients and 56 normal controls based on coronary angiography; STEMI group was divided into collateral group and non-collateral group according to Rentrop's grading method. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing methods were used to detect and analyze the GDF-15 -3148C/G polymorphism in all participants. Results: There was significant difference in GDF-15 -3148C/G CC and GC distribution between STEMI group and control group (p=0.009); the allele frequencies between these two groups were also significant different (p=0.016); and the risk genotype for STEMI was CC with increased OR=2.660. For STEMI group, GDF-15 -3148C/G CC and GC distribution was also significantly different between patients with and without collateral (p=0.048), and CC genotype significantly promote the formation of collateral circulation. However, there were no significant differences in allele frequencies between these two subgroups of STEMI. Conclusion: There was correlation between GDF-15-3148C/G polymorphism and the formation of collateral circulation in patients with acute STEMI.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and sleep quality in hypertensive patients Original Articles

    Bacci, Marcelo Rodrigues; Emboz, Jonathan Naim Mora; Alves, Beatriz da Costa Aguiar; Veiga, Glaucia Luciano da; Murad, Neif; Meneghini, Adriano; Chagas, Antonio Carlos P.; Fonseca, Fernando Luiz Affonso

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Introdução: A síndrome da apneia e a hipopneia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) estão inseridas entre os fatores de desenvolvimento da hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), um relevante problema de saúde pública mundial. A SAHOS é caracterizada pela redução ou cessação completa do fluxo aéreo respiratório, decorrente do colapso intermitente das vias respiratórias. Adicionalmente, observam-se nos pacientes importantes alterações no ritmo e padrão do sono. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre SAHOS e qualidade de sono em hipertensos essenciais e resistentes. Método: Estudo observacional, transversal avaliou 43 pacientes hipertensos provenientes dos ambulatórios da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC) medicados com dois ou mais anti-hipertensivos, divididos em não resistentes ou resistentes ao tratamento. Resultados: Grupo I (que utilizava até dois anti-hipertensivos – 60,47% da amostra) apresentou pressão arterial sistêmica (PAS) média de 127,5±6,4 mmHg, pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) média de 79,6±5,2 mmHg, índice de massa corpórea (IMC) médio de 27,2± 5,3 kg/m2 e idade média de 51,2±15,1 anos. Grupo II (que utilizava mais que dois anti-hipertensivos – 37,2% da amostra) apresentou PAS média de 132,1±9,3 mmHg, PAD média de 84,5±5,8 mmHg, IMC médio de 27,2±7,2 kg/m2 e idade média de 55,5±13,4 anos. Os pacientes apresentaram baixa qualidade de sono/distúrbio do sono avaliada pelo PSQI, o que representa um fator preponderante para SAHOS. Conclusão: Os pacientes com alto risco para SAHOS tiveram pior qualidade de sono e elevados níveis de PAD, sugerindo uma relação causal entre esses parâmetros. Contudo, não apresentaram maior prevalência de hipertensão arterial resistente.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is one of the developmental factors of high blood pressure (HBP), a relevant global public health problem. OSAHS is characterized by the reduction or complete cessation of respiratory airflow due to intermittent airway collapse. Additionally, significant changes in sleep rhythm and pattern are observed in these patients. Objective: To evaluate the association between OSAHS and sleep quality in essential and resistant hypertensives. Method: A cross-sectional, observational study evaluated 43 hypertensive patients treated at the outpatient clinics of the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC) who were medicated with two or more antihypertensive drugs and divided into nonresistant or resistant to treatment. Results: Group I (using up to two antihypertensive agents – 60.47% of the sample) presented mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 127.5±6.4 mmHg, mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 79.6±5.2 mmHg, mean body mass index (BMI) of 27.2±5.3 kg/m2 and mean age of 51.2±15.1 years. Group II (using more than two antihypertensive drugs – 37.2% of the sample) presented mean SBP of 132.1±9.3 mmHg, mean DBP of 84.5±5.8 mmHg, mean BMI of 27.2±7.2 kg/m2 and mean age of 55.5±13.4 years. The patients presented low quality of sleep/sleep disorder evaluated by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), which represents a preponderant factor for OSAHS. Conclusion: Patients at high risk for OSAHS had poor sleep quality and high levels of DBP, suggesting a causal relation between these parameters. However, they did not present a higher prevalence of resistant high blood pressure (RHBP).
  • The safety and clinical efficacy of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor injection for colon cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy Original Articles

    Chen, Jie; Pan, Yin

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Objective: The present study was designed to evaluate safety and efficacy of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) injection and whether this regimen could reduce the incidence of adverse events caused by chemotherapy. Method: A total of 100 patients with colon cancer who were treated with chemotherapy in our hospital from January 2011 to December 2014 were randomly divided into two groups, with 50 patients in each group. The patients in the treatment group received G-CSF 24 hours after chemotherapy for consecutive three days; the patients in the control group received the same dose of normal saline. Routine blood tests were performed 7 days and 14 days after chemotherapy. Results: Compared with the control group, the incidences of febrile neutropenia and leukocytopenia in the treatment group were significantly lower (p<0.05). In addition, the incidence of liver dysfunction in the treatment group was lower than that of the control group, without statistical significance. The incidence of myalgia in the treatment was higher than that of the control group without statistical significance. Conclusion: The present study indicated that G-CSF injection after chemotherapy is safe and effective for preventing adverse events in colon cancer patients with chemotherapy.
  • Elevated neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in the diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis Original Articles

    Aktas, Gulali; Sit, Mustafa; Dikbas, Oguz; Erkol, Hayri; Altinordu, Rabia; Erkus, Edip; Savli, Haluk

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Objective: Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder. The purpose of this study was to determine the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), a novel marker of inflammation, in patients with HT and to compare these values with those from healthy subjects. Method: A total of 154 participants were included in the study, 90 HT patients and 64 healthy volunteers. Retrospectively, demographic and laboratory data of the subjects were obtained from our institution's database. Patients with active infection, diabetes mellitus, malignancy, other chronic inflammatory diseases, hematologic disorders and patients on aspirin or steroid treatment were excluded from the study. Values for complete blood count (CBC) and serum laboratory parameters of HT patients were the baseline values obtained at the time of HT diagnosis. Control subjects consisted of healthy volunteers who visited our institution for a routine check-up. Results: Age, gender and CBC parameters were not different between the HT group and the control group; however, the NLR of HT group (2.1 [1.3-5.8]) was significantly higher than the control group (1.9 [0.6-3.3]), p=0.04. Conclusion: Increased NLR may be useful as an indicator of the presence of HT, especially in complicated cases. NLR is inexpensive and easy to determine. Larger, prospective studies are required to determine its usefulness in assessing diagnostic potential and treatment outcomes in HT patients.
  • The impact of HSF on endometrium Original Articles

    Bao, Hongchu; Wang, Guichan; Huang, Xin; Wang, Meimei; Wang, Xinrong; Hao, Cuifang

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Objective: We conducted the research in order to explore the impact of hydrosalpinx fluid (HSF) on endometrium. Method: HSF group: 261 patients with HSF scheduled to undergo laparoscopic surgery 3 to 7 days after menstruation in our center. Hysteroscopy would also be performed in order to observe the endometrial morphology during the surgery. Sixty (60) patients would be randomly selected for endometrial biopsy in order to detect the inflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-2 mRNA. Non-HSF group: 210 patients with no evidence of HSF due to chronic salpingitis or pelvic adhesion. IVF-ET treatment was performed after eliminating the factor of male infertility and hysteroscopy was conducted before the treatment. Fifty (50) patients underwent endometrial biopsy in order to detect TNF-a and IL-2 mRNA. Results: Hysteroscopy was performed in 261 patients with HSF and 210 patients without HSF. The incidence rate of endometritis manifestation among these two groups of patients was 37.2% (97/261) and 20.5% (43/210), respectively. The incidence rate of endometritis in the patients with HSF is significantly higher than in the patients without HSF (p<0.05). Sixty (60) patients from the HSF group and 50 patients from the non-HSF group were regrouped according to inflammatory and normal manifestation after the endometrial biopsy. There were 49 patients in the inflammatory manifestation group and 61 patients in the normal manifestation group. RT-PCR technology was adopted to detect the expression of inflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-2 mRNA in endometrial tissue. The level of TNF-a mRNA expression in endometrial tissues with inflammatory manifestation was higher than in normal endometrium (76.75±11.95 vs. 23.45±9.75, p<0.01). There are significant differences between them. The level of IL-2 mRNA expression in endometrial tissues with inflammatory manifestation was higher than that found in normal endometrium (80.56±13.35 vs. 35.12±8.35, p<0.01). There are significant differences between them. Conclusion: Chronic endometritis is related to HSF and may therefore affect endometrial receptivity.
  • Implementation of a standardized out-of-hospital management method for Parkinson dysphagia Original Articles

    Wei, Hongying; Sun, Dongxiu; Liu, Meiping

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Objective: Our objective is to explore the effectiveness and feasibility of establishing a swallowing management clinic to implement out-of-hospital management for Parkinson disease (PD) patients with dysphagia. Method: Two-hundred seventeen (217) voluntary PD patients with dysphagia in a PD outpatient clinic were divided into a control group with 100 people, and an experimental group with 117 people. The control group was given dysphagia rehabilitation guidance. The experimental group was presented with the standardized out-of-hospital management method as overall management and information and education materials. Rehabilitation efficiency and incidence rate of dysphagia, as well as relevant complications of both groups were compared after a 6-month intervention. Results: Rehabilitation efficiency and the incidence rate of dysphagia including relevant complications of patients treated with the standardized out-of-hospital management were compared with those seen in the control group. The differences have distinct statistics meaning (p<0.01). Conclusion: Establishing a swallowing management protocol for outpatient setting can effectively help the recovery of the function of swallowing, reduce the incidence rate of dysphagia complications and improve the quality of life in patients with PD.
  • Resultado oncológico de tratamento cirúrgico versus protocolo de preservação de órgão em câncer de laringe e hipofaringe Original Articles

    Calvas, Oscar Israel Jaramillo; Ramos, Daniel Marin; Matos, Leandro Luongo; Kulcsar, Marco Aurélio Vamondes; Dedivitis, Rogério Aparecido; Brandão, Lenine Garcia; Cernea, Claudio Roberto

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Introdução: A partir de estudos do início dos anos 1990, popularizou-se o tratamento não cirúrgico com radioquimioterapia, com a perspectiva de manutenção do resultado oncológico e preservação do órgão em pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular avançado de laringe e hipofaringe. Entretanto, estudos posteriores demonstraram aumento da recorrência e da mortalidade com a difusão do tratamento não cirúrgico. Objetivo: Comparar o resultado oncológico dos tratamentos cirúrgico e não cirúrgico de pacientes com câncer de laringe e hipofaringe e avaliar as variáveis associadas à recidiva de doença. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva de pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico (laringectomia total ou parcial) e não cirúrgico (radioterapia isolada, radioterapia concomitante a quimioterapia ou quimioterapia de indução seguida de radioterapia e quimioterapia) de 134 pacientes, sendo 62 no grupo cirúrgico e 72 no não cirúrgico. Resultados: As taxas de sobrevivência livre de doença foram maiores no grupo cirúrgico (81,7% vs. 62,2%; p=0,028), principalmente em estádios III/IV (p=0,018), tumores localmente avançados T3 e T4a (p=0,021) e casos N0/N1 (p=0,005). A presença de linfonodos cervicais, principalmente N2/N3, foi considerada fator de risco para recidiva de doença nos dois grupos (HR=11,82; IC95% 3,42-40,88; p<0,0001). Pacientes não submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico apresentaram 3,8 vezes mais chance de desenvolvimento de recidiva (HR=3,76; IC95% 1,27-11,14; p=0,017). Conclusão: Pacientes com câncer de laringe ou hipofaringe tratados de forma não cirúrgica tiveram menor sobrevivência livre de doença, especialmente nos tumores localmente avançados (T3 e T4a) e com pescoço pouco comprometido (N0/N1).

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Introduction: Since the beginning of the 1990s, non-surgical radiochemotherapy treatment has become popular with the prospect of maintaining oncological results and preserving the organ in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx. However, subsequent studies demonstrated increased recurrence and mortality after the non-surgical treatment became popular. Objective: To compare the oncological results of surgical and non-surgical treatments of patients with larynx and hypopharynx cancer and to evaluate the variables associated with disease recurrence. Method: This is a retrospective cohort study of 134 patients undergoing surgical (total or partial laryngectomy) or non-surgical (isolated radiotherapy, chemotherapy or induction chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy) treatment, with 62 patients in the surgical group and 72 in the non-surgical group. Results: Disease-free survival rates were higher in the surgical group (81.7% vs. 62.2%; p=0.028), especially in III/IV stages (p=0.018), locally advanced tumors T3 and T4a (p=0.021) and N0/N1 cases (p=0.005). The presence of cervical lymph nodes, especially N2/N3, was considered a risk factor for disease recurrence in both groups (HR=11.82; 95CI 3.42-40.88; p<0.0001). Patients not undergoing surgical treatment were 3.8 times more likely to develop recurrence (HR=3.76; 95CI 1.27-11.14; p=0.039). Conclusion: Patients with larynx or hypopharynx cancer non-surgically treated had a poorer disease-free survival, especially in cases with locally advanced tumors (T3 and T4a) and in which the neck was only slightly affected (N0/N1).
  • O papel de células T regulatórias, da interleucina 10 e da cintilografica in vivo em doenças autoimunes e idiopáticas – Perspectivas terapêuticas e prognóstico Review Articles

    Falcão, Patrícia Lima; Campos, Tarcisio Passos Ribeiro de

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Estudos anteriores já haviam demonstrado a expressão do marcador CD25 na superfície de células T de ocorrência natural (Tregs) de camundongos, que apresentam perfil celular autorreativo. Recentemente, foi detectada, em subtipos de linfócitos de indivíduos acometidos por doenças autoimunes e de causa idiopática, a expressão de outros marcadores, que auxiliam na identificação dessas células, entre os quais: CD25, CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4), HLA-DR (human leucocyte antigen) e Interleucina 10 (IL-10), abrindo novas perspectivas para a melhor compreensão de uma associação entre esses receptores presentes na superfície celular e o prognóstico de doenças autoimunes. O papel dessas moléculas já havia sido descrito na literatura na modulação da resposta inflamatória em doenças infectoparasitárias. Dessa forma, foram investigados a função, o fenótipo e a frequência de expressão, do receptor de cadeia a da IL-2 (CD25) e de IL-10 em subtipos de linfócitos. O modelo murino tem sido utilizado para demonstrar uma possível correlação entre a expressão do marcador CD25 (na superfície de linfócitos CD4) e o controle dos mecanismos de autotolerância. Essas pesquisas forneceram suporte para apresentação de uma revisão sobre o papel das células que expressam os receptores de IL-2, IL-10, HLA-DR e CTLA-4 no monitoramento da imunossupressão, em doenças de classificação autoimune, abrindo perspectivas para o entendimento dos mecanismos de regulação periférica e sobre a fisiopatologia dessas doenças no ser humano. Além disso, é discutida como perspectiva uma abordagem terapêutica fundamentada na manipulação do fenótipo dessas células, bem como de modos de monitoramento cintilográfico das manifestações dessas doenças, por meio da marcação de seus receptores. Nestes, foram incluídas descrições das experiências em regulação ex-vivo de IL-10; de síntese de tioaçúcares e de poliaçúcares para produção de radiofármacos para monitoramento de inflamações. Essas experiências podem trazer benefícios na terapia e no prognóstico de doenças autoimunes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Previous studies have demonstrated the expression of the CD25 marker on the surface of naturally occurring T cells (Tregs) of mice, which have a self-reactive cellular profile. Recently, expression of other markers that aid in the identification of these cells has been detected in lymphocyte subtypes of individuals suffering of autoimmune and idiopathic diseases, including: CD25, CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4), HLA-DR (human leukocyte antigen) and Interleukin 10 (IL-10), opening new perspectives for a better understanding of an association between such receptors present on the cell surface and the prognosis of autoimmune diseases. The role of these molecules has already been described in the literature for the modulation of the inflammatory response in infectious and parasitic diseases. Thus, the function, phenotype and frequency of expression of the a-chain receptor of IL-2 (CD25) and IL-10 in lymphocyte subtypes were investigated. Murine models have been used to demonstrate a possible correlation between the expression of the CD25 marker (on the surface of CD4 lymphocytes) and the control of self-tolerance mechanisms. These studies provided support for the presentation of a review of the role of cells expressing IL-2, IL-10, HLA-DR and CTLA-4 receptors in the monitoring of immunosuppression in diseases classified as autoimmune, providing perspectives for understanding peripheral regulation mechanisms and the pathophysiology of these diseases in humans. In addition, a therapeutic approach based on the manipulation of the phenotype of these cells and ways of scintigraphically monitoring the manifestations of these diseases by labeling their receptors is discussed as a perspective. In this paper, we have included the description of experiments in ex vivo regulation of IL-10 and synthesis of thio-sugars and poly-sugars to produce radiopharmaceuticals for monitoring inflammation. These experiments may yield benefits for the treatment and prognosis of autoimmune diseases.
  • Sickle cell retinopathy: A literature review Review Articles

    Ribeiro, Marina Viegas Moura Rezende; Jucá, João Vitor de Omena; Alves, Anna Luyza Correia dos Santos; Ferreira, Caio Victor Oliveira; Barbosa, Fabiano Timbó; Ribeiro, Êurica Adélia Nogueira

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo As hemoglobinopatias são um grupo de doenças hereditárias que causam alterações quantitativas ou qualitativas no formato, na função ou na síntese de hemoglobinas. Uma das mais comuns é a anemia falciforme, cuja patogenia é a foicização das hemácias, causando fenômenos vaso-oclusivos. Dentre as manifestações oculares possíveis, a mais representativa é a retinopatia, que pode levar à cegueira caso não seja tratada. Por isso, é importante que haja o acompanhamento oftalmológico periódico desses pacientes, a fim de obter diagnóstico precoce e abordagem terapêutica adequada. Esta última pode ser de maneira direta, com tratamento das lesões oculares, ou de forma sistêmica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Summary Hemoglobinopathies are a group of hereditary diseases that cause quantitative or qualitative changes in the shape, function or synthesis of hemoglobin. One of the most common is sickle cell anemia, which, due to sickling of erythrocytes, causes vaso-occlusive phenomena. Among the possible ocular manifestations, the most representative is retinopathy, which can lead to blindness if left untreated. Therefore, periodic ophthalmologic monitoring of these patients is important for early diagnosis and adequate therapeutic management, which can be done localy by treating the lesions in the eyes, or systemically.
  • ERRATUM Erratum

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