This paper address the influence of water submersion on mechanical strength parameters of soil-grits specimens. Two residual soils, predominantly clayey and sandy soils from the city of Viçosa, located in the State of Minas Gerais, "Zona da Mata Norte", Brazil, and waste from cellulose industry were used in the study. The laboratory testing program consisted of CBR (California Bearing Ratio) and UCS (Unconfined Compression Strength) of specimens prepared with waste contents ranging from 4 to 28 %, compacted at the intermediate and modified compaction efforts, and cured during 0, 7 and 28 days. Laboratory tests were performed as follow: (i) CBR: tests were performed following the standard procedure, i.e. after 4 days water submersion before specimen penetration, and without submersion; and (ii) UCS: tests were performed following the Brazilian standard procedure, i.e. after 4 hours specimen submersion before testing, and without water submersion. The laboratory testing program data support that water submersion significantly influenced the tested mechanical strength parameters, which were dependent of the type of assay and soil, percentage of grits waste, compaction effort and cure.
Soil stabilization; forest roads; grits waste