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As well as being a year of many joys and achievements, it is also an important moment of reflection for our latest edition of 2016.

For the management journal RAUSP, 2016 has been a year of great change and expected uncertainty. We started the first volume reaching for greater internationalization, with all articles being published in English. It was also with this objective that we started to publish with Elsevier, which enables greater exposure of the journal and of our collaborators. Besides this, Elsevier began to advise us on the quality and impact of our publication. The last five years of RAUSP's history will also be placed on Elsevier's website, thus bringing greater visibility to our authors.

For the better implementation of the analysis of our articles, we have composed a team of the following editors: Danny Pimentel Claro, Filipe Quevedo-Silva, Flavio Hourneaux Junior, Luiz F. Mesquita, Paula Sarita Bigio Schnaider, Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva and Wilson Toshiro Nakamura. Moreover, as always, we relied on the valuable help of our secretary Celeste Pádua Lima.

We created a new ThinkBox section, where we invite renowned professors to explore the main theoretical trends of the area they work in. We opened the first number with Nicolai Foss from the Copenhagen Business School and his theme "Reflections on a decade of microfoundations research." In the second, we invite Sanjeev Goyal from the University of Cambridge, who, along with Julien Gagnon, addressed the topic of "Social networks and the firm." At number three, the theme "Why entrepreneurs need firms, and the theory of the firm needs entrepreneurship theory" was tackled by Peter G. Klein from Baylor University and the Norwegian School of Economics. Closing the year, Luis Gomez-Mejia and Matthias Kalm from Texas A&M University addressed the important subject of "Socioemotional wealth in family firms." All articles are illustrated by Bertrand Costilhes, with images that provide an idea of what readers can expect from the texts.

All these changes generate uncertainties; however, they were well received by our scientific community, since we now have a greater flow of articles and have earned readers with the increased quality of our publication. Naturally, we still have the challenge of attracting a larger number of international authors, as well as increasing our impact factor.

In the current issue, beside the Thinkbox, we have seven articles.

Two of them deal with the importance of social connection in the results of organizations: "Connection in social organizations: The effects of local ties on job engagement and performance" by Cristiano de Oliveira Maciel and Camila Camargo and "An analysis of the relationship between embedded ties and supplier innovation in the cooperative sector" by Valter Afonso Vieira and Winsley Bonifácio-da-Silva.

Exploring public policies from various angles, we have four articles.

Clara Luisa Oliveira Silva and Luiz Alex Silva Silveira, in "Alienation, segregation and resocialization: meanings of prison labor," address the legitimacy of work activities as reintegrators of the subject to society.

In "The influence of civic mindedness, trustworthiness, usefulness, and ease of use on the use of government websites," Flávio Perazzo Barbosa Mota, Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini, Juliana Matthews Souza and Paige Nambiar evaluate the use of government websites and propose actions for greater effectiveness.

Serje Schmidt, Alsones Balestrin, Raquel Engelman and Maria Cristina Bohnenberger have addressed "The influence of innovation environments in R&D results," in order to evaluate the influence of resources applied in scientific-technological parks and incubators in Brazil.

In "Evidence of co-production in public service provision: The case of the Administrative Arbitration Center in Portugal," Hugo Conscience Silvestre, João Ricardo Catarino and Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves de Araújo take an example from the Administrative Arbitration Center created in Portugal, showing how co-production with citizens who voluntarily provide services to public agencies enables increased efficiency and effectiveness in public administration.

Finally, in "The relationship between equity ownership concentration and earnings quality: Evidence from Brazil," Erivelto Fioresi de Sousa and Erivelto Fioresi de Sousa investigate the influence of shareholder concentration on Brazilian companies’ profits.

Our sincere thanks to those who contributed to RAUSP this year, including our new collaborators.

We would also like to give you all our best wishes for 2017.

Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct/Dec 2016
Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 908, sala F184, 05508-900 São Paulo / SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 3818-4002 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil