BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Kinsbourne syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that primarily affects children previously healthy and aged between 6 and 36 months. It is characterized by opsoclonus (rapid, irregular, horizontal and vertical eye movements) and myoclonus that may affect trunk, limbs or face, and cerebellar ataxia. It may be considered a paraneoplastic syndrome by association with neuroblastomas, hepatoblastomas and, rarely, ganglioneuromas. The aim of this paper was to present the most relevant aspects of Kinsbourne syndrome, as well as the technique used for resection of mediastinal tumor in a child with this syndrome. CASE REPORT: Child, 1 year and 5 months, with a diagnosis of posterior mediastinal tumor and Kinsbourne syndrome. Premedicated with oral midazolam. Anesthesia induced with sevoflurane, nitrous oxide, fentanyl, and rocuronium. Maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane, nitrous oxide, fentanyl, and rocuronium. Neuromuscular block reversal with neostigmine combined with atropine. Postoperative analgesia with the use of dipyrone, morphine, and ketoprofen. Taken to the intensive care unit extubated, with stable hemodynamic and respiratory parameters. ICU discharge four days after surgery and hospital discharged on the seventh postoperative day without complications. Anatomopathological examination revealed ganglioneuroblastoma. CONCLUSIONS: Kinsbourne syndrome is a rare neurological disorder. The drugs used in our patient proved safe and allowed an uneventful anesthesia. Drugs that trigger or aggravate opsoclonus and myoclonus, such as ketamine and etomidate, should be avoided in these patients.
Anesthesia; Pediatrics; Neurology; Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome