(The genus Siphanthera Pohl ex DC. (Melastomataceae) in Minas Gerais state). The genus Siphanthera is represented in Brazil for thirteen species, occuring in highlands ("campos rupestres") and "campo úmido" associated with savannas ("cerrados"). Six species occur in the state of Minas Gerais: S. arenaria (DC.) Cogn., S. cordata Pohl ex DC., S. dawsonii Wurdack, S. foliosa (Naudin) Wurdack, S. gracillima (Naudin) Wurdack and S. paludosa (DC.) Cogn. The development of this investigation was based on observations of materials deposited in several herbaria and on observations in the field. A new record for Minas Gerais is presented, S. dawsonii, and two new citations in the literature, S. gracillima and S. foliosa. Key to the species, descriptions, illustrations, distribution and discussion of their taxonomic problems are given.
Siphanthera; Melastomataceae; Minas Gerais