Open-access Composition, structure and floristic relations of the tree component of a seasonal forest in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Species composition of seasonal forests in Rio Grande do Sul is strongly influenced by two different floristic contingents, one coinciding with the eastern Atlantic forests and other with the western Paranean-Uruguayan forests. A phytosociological survey of a central South-Riograndean forest was carried out to describe the community structure of the tree component and the local participation of different floristic contingents. All trees with DBH > or = 5 cm were recorded in an area of 1 ha, subdivided into 100 square plots of 10 x 10 m. The sampled species were classified according to their geographic distribution into widespread and restricted to eastern or western floristic affinities. The total density per hectare were 1855 individuals, distributed into 23 families, 46 genera and 55 species. The families with highest species richness were Fabaceae and Myrtaceae. The most important species were Gymnanthes concolor Spreng., Euterpe edulis Mart., Sorocea bonplandii (Baill.) Burger, Lanj. & Boer, Pachystroma longifolium (Nees) I.M. Johnst. and Trichilia claussenii C.DC., performing 55.2% of the total of importance values. Species diversity (H') was estimated as 2.244 (nats). The western species form a more diversified contingent, generally occuring as canopy or emergent trees. The eastern species constitute a much less diversified contingent, however with a high quantitative participation as medium-tall trees of the forest understorey. General composition and structural features suggest the importance of canopy trees of interior seasonal forests as providing a suitable habitat for several understorey trees from coastal rain forests.

Floristics; seasonal forest; phytosociology; phytogeography; southern Brazil

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